今天小编给大家分享一下Spring cache源码分析的相关知识点,内容详细,逻辑清晰,相信大部分人都还太了解这方面的知识,所以分享这篇文章给大家参考一下,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后有所收获,下面我们一起来了解一下吧。
静态代码阅读:查找关键类、方法的usage之处,熟练使用find usages功能,找到所有相关的类、方法,静态分析核心逻辑的执行过程,一步步追根问底,直至建立全貌
运行时debug:在关键方法上加上断点,并且写一个单元测试调用类库/框架,熟练使用step into/step over/resume来动态分析代码的执行过程
下面对Spring cache源码做分析,带注释解释,只摘录核心代码片段。
public class SpringCacheAnnotationParser implements CacheAnnotationParser, Serializable { // 解析类级别的缓存注解 @Override public Collection<CacheOperation> parseCacheAnnotations(Class<?> type) { DefaultCacheConfig defaultConfig = getDefaultCacheConfig(type); return parseCacheAnnotations(defaultConfig, type); } // 解析方法级别的缓存注解 @Override public Collection<CacheOperation> parseCacheAnnotations(Method method) { DefaultCacheConfig defaultConfig = getDefaultCacheConfig(method.getDeclaringClass()); return parseCacheAnnotations(defaultConfig, method); } // 解析缓存注解 private Collection<CacheOperation> parseCacheAnnotations(DefaultCacheConfig cachingConfig, AnnotatedElement ae) { Collection<CacheOperation> ops = null; // 解析@Cacheable注解 Collection<Cacheable> cacheables = AnnotatedElementUtils.getAllMergedAnnotations(ae, Cacheable.class); if (!cacheables.isEmpty()) { ops = lazyInit(ops); for (Cacheable cacheable : cacheables) { ops.add(parseCacheableAnnotation(ae, cachingConfig, cacheable)); } } // 解析@CacheEvict注解 Collection<CacheEvict> evicts = AnnotatedElementUtils.getAllMergedAnnotations(ae, CacheEvict.class); if (!evicts.isEmpty()) { ops = lazyInit(ops); for (CacheEvict evict : evicts) { ops.add(parseEvictAnnotation(ae, cachingConfig, evict)); } } // 解析@CachePut注解 Collection<CachePut> puts = AnnotatedElementUtils.getAllMergedAnnotations(ae, CachePut.class); if (!puts.isEmpty()) { ops = lazyInit(ops); for (CachePut put : puts) { ops.add(parsePutAnnotation(ae, cachingConfig, put)); } } // 解析@Caching注解 Collection<Caching> cachings = AnnotatedElementUtils.getAllMergedAnnotations(ae, Caching.class); if (!cachings.isEmpty()) { ops = lazyInit(ops); for (Caching caching : cachings) { Collection<CacheOperation> cachingOps = parseCachingAnnotation(ae, cachingConfig, caching); if (cachingOps != null) { ops.addAll(cachingOps); } } } return ops; }
public class AnnotationCacheOperationSource extends AbstractFallbackCacheOperationSource implements Serializable { // 查找类级别的CacheOperation列表 @Override protected Collection<CacheOperation> findCacheOperations(final Class<?> clazz) { return determineCacheOperations(new CacheOperationProvider() { @Override public Collection<CacheOperation> getCacheOperations(CacheAnnotationParser parser) { return parser.parseCacheAnnotations(clazz); } }); } // 查找方法级别的CacheOperation列表 @Override protected Collection<CacheOperation> findCacheOperations(final Method method) { return determineCacheOperations(new CacheOperationProvider() { @Override public Collection<CacheOperation> getCacheOperations(CacheAnnotationParser parser) { return parser.parseCacheAnnotations(method); } }); } }
public abstract class AbstractFallbackCacheOperationSource implements CacheOperationSource { /** * Cache of CacheOperations, keyed by method on a specific target class. * <p>As this base class is not marked Serializable, the cache will be recreated * after serialization - provided that the concrete subclass is Serializable. */ private final Map<Object, Collection<CacheOperation>> attributeCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Collection<CacheOperation>>(1024); // 根据Method、Class反射信息,获取对应的CacheOperation列表 @Override public Collection<CacheOperation> getCacheOperations(Method method, Class<?> targetClass) { if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) { return null; } Object cacheKey = getCacheKey(method, targetClass); Collection<CacheOperation> cached = this.attributeCache.get(cacheKey); // 因解析反射信息较耗时,所以用map缓存,避免重复计算 // 如在map里已记录,直接返回 if (cached != null) { return (cached != NULL_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE ? cached : null); } // 否则做一次计算,然后写入map else { Collection<CacheOperation> cacheOps = computeCacheOperations(method, targetClass); if (cacheOps != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Adding cacheable method '" + method.getName() + "' with attribute: " + cacheOps); } this.attributeCache.put(cacheKey, cacheOps); } else { this.attributeCache.put(cacheKey, NULL_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE); } return cacheOps; } } // 计算缓存操作列表,优先用target代理类的方法上的注解,如果不存在则其次用target代理类,再次用原始类的方法,最后用原始类 private Collection<CacheOperation> computeCacheOperations(Method method, Class<?> targetClass) { // Don't allow no-public methods as required. if (allowPublicMethodsOnly() && !Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { return null; } // The method may be on an interface, but we need attributes from the target class. // If the target class is null, the method will be unchanged. Method specificMethod = ClassUtils.getMostSpecificMethod(method, targetClass); // If we are dealing with method with generic parameters, find the original method. specificMethod = BridgeMethodResolver.findBridgedMethod(specificMethod); // 调用findCacheOperations(由子类AnnotationCacheOperationSource实现),最终通过SpringCacheAnnotationParser来解析 // First try is the method in the target class. Collection<CacheOperation> opDef = findCacheOperations(specificMethod); if (opDef != null) { return opDef; } // Second try is the caching operation on the target class. opDef = findCacheOperations(specificMethod.getDeclaringClass()); if (opDef != null && ClassUtils.isUserLevelMethod(method)) { return opDef; } if (specificMethod != method) { // Fallback is to look at the original method. opDef = findCacheOperations(method); if (opDef != null) { return opDef; } // Last fallback is the class of the original method. opDef = findCacheOperations(method.getDeclaringClass()); if (opDef != null && ClassUtils.isUserLevelMethod(method)) { return opDef; } } return null; }
// 核心类,缓存拦截器 public class CacheInterceptor extends CacheAspectSupport implements MethodInterceptor, Serializable { // 拦截原始方法的执行,在之前、之后增加逻辑 @Override public Object invoke(final MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { Method method = invocation.getMethod(); // 封装原始方法的执行到一个回调接口,便于后续调用 CacheOperationInvoker aopAllianceInvoker = new CacheOperationInvoker() { @Override public Object invoke() { try { // 原始方法的执行 return invocation.proceed(); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new ThrowableWrapper(ex); } } }; try { // 调用父类CacheAspectSupport的方法 return execute(aopAllianceInvoker, invocation.getThis(), method, invocation.getArguments()); } catch (CacheOperationInvoker.ThrowableWrapper th) { throw th.getOriginal(); } } }
// 核心类,缓存切面支持类,封装了所有的缓存操作的主体逻辑 public abstract class CacheAspectSupport extends AbstractCacheInvoker implements BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean, SmartInitializingSingleton { // CacheInterceptor调父类的该方法 protected Object execute(CacheOperationInvoker invoker, Object target, Method method, Object[] args) { // Check whether aspect is enabled (to cope with cases where the AJ is pulled in automatically) if (this.initialized) { Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass(target); // 通过CacheOperationSource,获取所有的CacheOperation列表 Collection<CacheOperation> operations = getCacheOperationSource().getCacheOperations(method, targetClass); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(operations)) { // 继续调一个private的execute方法执行 return execute(invoker, method, new CacheOperationContexts(operations, method, args, target, targetClass)); } } // 如果spring bean未初始化完成,则直接调用原始方法。相当于原始方法没有缓存功能。 return invoker.invoke(); } private的execute方法 private Object execute(final CacheOperationInvoker invoker, Method method, CacheOperationContexts contexts) { // Special handling of synchronized invocation if (contexts.isSynchronized()) { CacheOperationContext context = contexts.get(CacheableOperation.class).iterator().next(); if (isConditionPassing(context, CacheOperationExpressionEvaluator.NO_RESULT)) { Object key = generateKey(context, CacheOperationExpressionEvaluator.NO_RESULT); Cache cache = context.getCaches().iterator().next(); try { return wrapCacheValue(method, cache.get(key, new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return unwrapReturnValue(invokeOperation(invoker)); } })); } catch (Cache.ValueRetrievalException ex) { // The invoker wraps any Throwable in a ThrowableWrapper instance so we // can just make sure that one bubbles up the stack. throw (CacheOperationInvoker.ThrowableWrapper) ex.getCause(); } } else { // No caching required, only call the underlying method return invokeOperation(invoker); } } // 如果有@CacheEvict注解、并且标记为在调用前执行,则做删除/清空缓存的操作 // Process any early evictions processCacheEvicts(contexts.get(CacheEvictOperation.class), true, CacheOperationExpressionEvaluator.NO_RESULT); // 如果有@Cacheable注解,查询缓存 // Check if we have a cached item matching the conditions Cache.ValueWrapper cacheHit = findCachedItem(contexts.get(CacheableOperation.class)); // 如果缓存未命中(查询结果为null),则新增到cachePutRequests,后续执行原始方法后会写入缓存 // Collect puts from any @Cacheable miss, if no cached item is found List<CachePutRequest> cachePutRequests = new LinkedList<CachePutRequest>(); if (cacheHit == null) { collectPutRequests(contexts.get(CacheableOperation.class), CacheOperationExpressionEvaluator.NO_RESULT, cachePutRequests); } Object cacheValue; Object returnValue; if (cacheHit != null && cachePutRequests.isEmpty() && !hasCachePut(contexts)) { // 缓存命中的情况,使用缓存值作为结果 // If there are no put requests, just use the cache hit cacheValue = cacheHit.get(); returnValue = wrapCacheValue(method, cacheValue); } else { // 缓存未命中、或有@CachePut注解的情况,需要调用原始方法 // Invoke the method if we don't have a cache hit // 调用原始方法,得到结果值 returnValue = invokeOperation(invoker); cacheValue = unwrapReturnValue(returnValue); } // 如果有@CachePut注解,则新增到cachePutRequests // Collect any explicit @CachePuts collectPutRequests(contexts.get(CachePutOperation.class), cacheValue, cachePutRequests); // 如果缓存未命中,则把查询结果值写入缓存;如果有@CachePut注解,也把方法执行结果写入缓存 // Process any collected put requests, either from @CachePut or a @Cacheable miss for (CachePutRequest cachePutRequest : cachePutRequests) { cachePutRequest.apply(cacheValue); } // 如果有@CacheEvict注解、并且标记为在调用后执行,则做删除/清空缓存的操作 // Process any late evictions processCacheEvicts(contexts.get(CacheEvictOperation.class), false, cacheValue); return returnValue; } private Cache.ValueWrapper findCachedItem(Collection<CacheOperationContext> contexts) { Object result = CacheOperationExpressionEvaluator.NO_RESULT; for (CacheOperationContext context : contexts) { // 如果满足condition条件,才查询缓存 if (isConditionPassing(context, result)) { // 生成缓存key,如果注解中指定了key,则按照Spring表达式解析,否则使用KeyGenerator类生成 Object key = generateKey(context, result); // 根据缓存key,查询缓存值 Cache.ValueWrapper cached = findInCaches(context, key); if (cached != null) { return cached; } else { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("No cache entry for key '" + key + "' in cache(s) " + context.getCacheNames()); } } } } return null; } private Cache.ValueWrapper findInCaches(CacheOperationContext context, Object key) { for (Cache cache : context.getCaches()) { // 调用父类AbstractCacheInvoker的doGet方法,查询缓存 Cache.ValueWrapper wrapper = doGet(cache, key); if (wrapper != null) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Cache entry for key '" + key + "' found in cache '" + cache.getName() + "'"); } return wrapper; } } return null; }
public abstract class AbstractCacheInvoker { // 最终查询缓存的方法 protected Cache.ValueWrapper doGet(Cache cache, Object key) { try { // 调用Spring Cache接口的查询方法 return cache.get(key); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { getErrorHandler().handleCacheGetError(ex, cache, key); return null; // If the exception is handled, return a cache miss } } }
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