这篇“Vue keep-alive的实现原理是什么”文章的知识点大部分人都不太理解,所以小编给大家总结了以下内容,内容详细,步骤清晰,具有一定的借鉴价值,希望大家阅读完这篇文章能有所收获,下面我们一起来看看这篇“Vue keep-alive的实现原理是什么”文章吧。
const KeepAliveImpl = { name: `KeepAlive`, // Marker for special handling inside the renderer. We are not using a === // check directly on KeepAlive in the renderer, because importing it directly // would prevent it from being tree-shaken. __isKeepAlive: true, props: { include: [String, RegExp, Array], exclude: [String, RegExp, Array], max: [String, Number] }, setup(props: KeepAliveProps, { slots }: SetupContext) { const cache: Cache = new Map() const keys: Keys = new Set() let current: VNode | null = null const instance = getCurrentInstance()! // console.log('instance',instance) // KeepAlive communicates with the instantiated renderer via the "sink" // where the renderer passes in platform-specific functions, and the // KeepAlive instance exposes activate/deactivate implementations. // The whole point of this is to avoid importing KeepAlive directly in the // renderer to facilitate tree-shaking. const sink = instance.sink as KeepAliveSink const { renderer: { move, unmount: _unmount, options: { createElement } }, parentSuspense } = sink const storageContainer = createElement('div') // console.log('sink',sink) sink.activate = (vnode, container, anchor) => { move(vnode, container, anchor, MoveType.ENTER, parentSuspense) queuePostRenderEffect(() => { const component = vnode.component! component.isDeactivated = false if (component.a !== null) { invokeHooks(component.a) } }, parentSuspense) } sink.deactivate = (vnode: VNode) => { move(vnode, storageContainer, null, MoveType.LEAVE, parentSuspense) queuePostRenderEffect(() => { const component = vnode.component! if (component.da !== null) { invokeHooks(component.da) } component.isDeactivated = true }, parentSuspense) } function unmount(vnode: VNode) { // reset the shapeFlag so it can be properly unmounted vnode.shapeFlag = ShapeFlags.STATEFUL_COMPONENT _unmount(vnode, instance, parentSuspense) } function pruneCache(filter?: (name: string) => boolean) { cache.forEach((vnode, key) => { const name = getName(vnode.type as Component) if (name && (!filter || !filter(name))) { pruneCacheEntry(key) } }) } function pruneCacheEntry(key: CacheKey) { const cached = cache.get(key) as VNode if (!current || cached.type !== current.type) { unmount(cached) } else if (current) { // current active instance should no longer be kept-alive. // we can't unmount it now but it might be later, so reset its flag now. current.shapeFlag = ShapeFlags.STATEFUL_COMPONENT } cache.delete(key) keys.delete(key) } watch( () => [props.include, props.exclude], ([include, exclude]) => { include && pruneCache(name => matches(include, name)) exclude && pruneCache(name => matches(exclude, name)) }, { lazy: true } ) onBeforeUnmount(() => { cache.forEach(unmount) }) return () => { if (!slots.default) { return null } const children = slots.default() let vnode = children[0] if (children.length > 1) { if (__DEV__) { warn(`KeepAlive should contain exactly one component child.`) } current = null return children } else if ( !isVNode(vnode) || !(vnode.shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.STATEFUL_COMPONENT) ) { current = null return vnode } const comp = vnode.type as Component const name = getName(comp) const { include, exclude, max } = props if ( (include && (!name || !matches(include, name))) || (exclude && name && matches(exclude, name)) ) { return vnode } const key = vnode.key == null ? comp : vnode.key const cached = cache.get(key) // clone vnode if it's reused because we are going to mutate it if (vnode.el) { vnode = cloneVNode(vnode) } cache.set(key, vnode) if (cached) { // copy over mounted state vnode.el = cached.el vnode.anchor = cached.anchor vnode.component = cached.component if (vnode.transition) { // recursively update transition hooks on subTree setTransitionHooks(vnode, vnode.transition!) } // avoid vnode being mounted as fresh vnode.shapeFlag |= ShapeFlags.COMPONENT_KEPT_ALIVE // make this key the freshest keys.delete(key) keys.add(key) } else { keys.add(key) // prune oldest entry if (max && keys.size > parseInt(max as string, 10)) { pruneCacheEntry(Array.from(keys)[0]) } } // avoid vnode being unmounted vnode.shapeFlag |= ShapeFlags.COMPONENT_SHOULD_KEEP_ALIVE current = vnode return vnode } } }
return () => { const children = slots.default() let vnode = children[0] cache.set(key, vnode) if (cached) { vnode.el = cached.el vnode.anchor = cached.anchor vnode.component = cached.component vnode.shapeFlag |= ShapeFlags.COMPONENT_KEPT_ALIVE keys.delete(key) keys.add(key) } else { keys.add(key) } return vnode }
const storageContainer = createElement('div') sink.activate = (vnode, container, anchor) => { move(vnode, container, anchor, MoveType.ENTER, parentSuspense) queuePostRenderEffect(() => { const component = vnode.component! component.isDeactivated = false if (component.a !== null) { invokeHooks(component.a) } }, parentSuspense) } sink.deactivate = (vnode: VNode) => { move(vnode, storageContainer, null, MoveType.LEAVE, parentSuspense) queuePostRenderEffect(() => { const component = vnode.component! if (component.da !== null) { invokeHooks(component.da) } component.isDeactivated = true }, parentSuspense) }
<template> <div id="app"> <keep-alive :include="whiteList" :exclude="blackList"> <router-view v-if="isRouterAlive" ></router-view> </keep-alive> </div> </template>
<script> export default { name: 'App', data(){ return{ isRouterAlive:true, whiteList:['styleLibrary','OrderList','SalesData'], blackList:['Footer'], personShow:false, } }, } </script>
<template> <div id="app"> <keep-alive> <router-view v-if="$route.meta.keepAlive"></router-view> <!--缓存组件--> </keep-alive> <router-view v-if="!$route.meta.keepAlive"></router-view> <!--非缓存组件--> </div> </template>
{ path:'/login', name:'login', component:resolve=>require(['@/pages/login'],resolve), meta:{ keepAlive:true, title:'登录', savedPosition:true, } },
以上就是关于“Vue keep-alive的实现原理是什么”这篇文章的内容,相信大家都有了一定的了解,希望小编分享的内容对大家有帮助,若想了解更多相关的知识内容,请关注亿速云行业资讯频道。
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