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这篇“SQL Server如何使用PIVOT与unPIVOT实现行列转换”文章的知识点大部分人都不太理解,所以小编给大家总结了以下内容,内容详细,步骤清晰,具有一定的借鉴价值,希望大家阅读完这篇文章能有所收获,下面我们一起来看看这篇“SQL Server如何使用PIVOT与unPIVOT实现行列转换”文章吧。
create table #table1 ( id int ,code varchar(10) , name varchar(20) ); go insert into #table1 ( id,code, name ) values ( 1, 'm1','a' ), ( 2, 'm2',null ), ( 3, 'm3', 'c' ), ( 4, 'm2','d' ), ( 5, 'm1','c' ); go select * from #table1; --方法一(推荐) select PVT.code, PVT.a, PVT.b, PVT.c from #table1 pivot(count(id) for name in(a, b, c)) as PVT; --方法二 with P as (select * from #table1) select PVT.code, PVT.a, PVT.b, PVT.c from P pivot(count(id) for name in(a, b, c)) as PVT; drop table #table1;
create table #table1 ( id int ,code varchar(10) , name varchar(20) ); go insert into #table1 ( id,code, name ) values ( 1, 'm1','a' ), ( 2, 'm2',null ), ( 3, 'm3', 'c' ), ( 4, 'm2','d' ), ( 5, 'm1','c' ); go select * from #table1; declare @strCN nvarchar(100); select @strCN = isnull(@strCN + ',', '') + quotename(name) from #table1 group by name ; print @strCN --‘[a],[c],[d]' declare @SqlStr nvarchar(1000); set @SqlStr = N' select * from #table1 pivot ( count(ID) for name in (' + @strCN + N') ) as PVT'; exec ( @SqlStr ); drop table #table1;
create table #table1 (id int, code varchar(10), name1 varchar(20), name2 varchar(20), name3 varchar(20)); go insert into #table1(id, name1, name2, code, name3) values(1, 'm1', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'), (2, 'm2', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3'), (4, 'm1', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'); go select * from #table1; --方法一 select PVT.id, PVT.code, PVT.name, PVT.val from #table1 unpivot(val for name in(name1, name2, name3)) as PVT; --方法二 with P as (select * from #table1) select PVT.id, PVT.code, PVT.name, PVT.val from P unpivot(val for name in(name1, name2, name3)) as PVT; drop table #table1;
以上就是关于“SQL Server如何使用PIVOT与unPIVOT实现行列转换”这篇文章的内容,相信大家都有了一定的了解,希望小编分享的内容对大家有帮助,若想了解更多相关的知识内容,请关注亿速云行业资讯频道。
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