如果我们代码实现上使用多进程, 主进程1来更新配置并发送指令,任务的调用是进程2,如何实现配置热加载呢?
当主进程收到配置更新的消息之后(配置读取是如何收到配置更新的消息的? 这里我们暂不讨论), 主进程就向进子程1发送kill信号,子进程1收到kill的信号就退出,之后由信号处理函数来启动一个新的进程,使用最新的配置文件来继续执行任务。
main 函数
def main(): # 启动一个进程执行任务 p1 = Process(target=run, args=("p1",)) p1.start() monitor(p1, run) # 注册信号 processes["case100"] = p1 #将进程pid保存 num = 0 while True: # 模拟获取配置更新 print( f"{multiprocessing.active_children()=}, count={len(multiprocessing.active_children())}\n") print(f"{processes=}\n") sleep(2) if num == 4: kill_process(processes["case100"]) # kill 当前进程 if num == 8: kill_process(processes["case100"]) # kill 当前进程 if num == 12: kill_process(processes["case100"]) # kill 当前进程 num += 1
signal_handler 函数
def signal_handler(process: Process, func, signum, frame): # print(f"{signum=}") global counts if signum == 17: # 17 is SIGCHILD # 这个循环是为了忽略SIGTERM发出的信号,避免抢占了主进程发出的SIGCHILD for signame in [SIGTERM, SIGCHLD, SIGQUIT]: signal.signal(signame, SIG_DFL) print("Launch a new process") p = multiprocessing.Process(target=func, args=(f"p{counts}",)) p.start() monitor(p, run) processes["case100"] = p counts += 1 if signum == 2: if process.is_alive(): print(f"Kill {process} process") process.terminate() signal.signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN) sys.exit("kill parent process")
#! /usr/local/bin/python3.8 from multiprocessing import Process from typing import Dict import signal from signal import SIGCHLD, SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN import multiprocessing from multiprocessing import Process from typing import Callable from data import processes import sys from functools import partial import time processes: Dict[str, Process] = {} counts = 2 def run(process: Process): while True: print(f"{process} running...") time.sleep(1) def kill_process(process: Process): print(f"kill {process}") process.terminate() def monitor(process: Process, func: Callable): for signame in [SIGTERM, SIGCHLD, SIGINT, SIGQUIT]: # SIGTERM is kill signal. # No SIGCHILD is not trigger singnal_handler, # No SIGINT is not handler ctrl+c, # No SIGQUIT is RuntimeError: reentrant call inside <_io.BufferedWriter name='<stdout>'> signal.signal(signame, partial(signal_handler, process, func)) def signal_handler(process: Process, func, signum, frame): print(f"{signum=}") global counts if signum == 17: # 17 is SIGTERM for signame in [SIGTERM, SIGCHLD, SIGQUIT]: signal.signal(signame, SIG_DFL) print("Launch a new process") p = multiprocessing.Process(target=func, args=(f"p{counts}",)) p.start() monitor(p, run) processes["case100"] = p counts += 1 if signum == 2: if process.is_alive(): print(f"Kill {process} process") process.terminate() signal.signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN) sys.exit("kill parent process") def main(): p1 = Process(target=run, args=("p1",)) p1.start() monitor(p1, run) processes["case100"] = p1 num = 0 while True: print( f"{multiprocessing.active_children()=}, count={len(multiprocessing.active_children())}\n") print(f"{processes=}\n") time.sleep(2) if num == 4: kill_process(processes["case100"]) if num == 8: kill_process(processes["case100"]) if num == 12: kill_process(processes["case100"]) num += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': main()
multiprocessing.active_children()=[<Process name='Process-1' pid=2533 parent=2532 started>], count=1 processes={'case100': <Process name='Process-1' pid=2533 parent=2532 started>} p1 running... p1 running... kill <Process name='Process-1' pid=2533 parent=2532 started> multiprocessing.active_children()=[<Process name='Process-1' pid=2533 parent=2532 started>], count=1 processes={'case100': <Process name='Process-1' pid=2533 parent=2532 started>} signum=17 Launch a new process p2 running... p2 running... multiprocessing.active_children()=[<Process name='Process-2' pid=2577 parent=2532 started>], count=1 processes={'case100': <Process name='Process-2' pid=2577 parent=2532 started>} p2 running... p2 running... multiprocessing.active_children()=[<Process name='Process-2' pid=2577 parent=2532 started>], count=1 processes={'case100': <Process name='Process-2' pid=2577 parent=2532 started>} p2 running... p2 running... multiprocessing.active_children()=[<Process name='Process-2' pid=2577 parent=2532 started>], count=1 processes={'case100': <Process name='Process-2' pid=2577 parent=2532 started>} p2 running... p2 running... kill <Process name='Process-2' pid=2577 parent=2532 started> signum=17 Launch a new process multiprocessing.active_children()=[<Process name='Process-2' pid=2577 parent=2532 stopped exitcode=-SIGTERM>], count=1 processes={'case100': <Process name='Process-3' pid=2675 parent=2532 started>} p3 running... p3 running... multiprocessing.active_children()=[<Process name='Process-3' pid=2675 parent=2532 started>], count=1
实现逻辑是主进程1 更新配置并发送指令。进程2启动调度任务。
scheduler 函数
def scheduler(): while True: print('wait message...') case_configurations = scheduler_notify_queue.get() print(f"Got case configurations {case_configurations=}...") task_schedule_event.set() # 设置set之后, is_set 为True print(f"Schedule will start ...") while task_schedule_event.is_set(): # is_set 为True的话,那么任务就会一直执行 run(case_configurations) print("Clearing all scheduling job ...")
event_scheduler 函数
def event_scheduler(case_config): scheduler_notify_queue.put(case_config) print(f"Put cases config to the Queue ...") task_schedule_event.clear() # clear之后,is_set 为False print(f"Clear scheduler jobs ...") print(f"Schedule job ...")
import multiprocessing import time scheduler_notify_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() task_schedule_event = multiprocessing.Event() def run(case_configurations: str): print(f'{case_configurations} running...') time.sleep(3) def scheduler(): while True: print('wait message...') case_configurations = scheduler_notify_queue.get() print(f"Got case configurations {case_configurations=}...") task_schedule_event.set() print(f"Schedule will start ...") while task_schedule_event.is_set(): run(case_configurations) print("Clearing all scheduling job ...") def event_scheduler(case_config: str): scheduler_notify_queue.put(case_config) print(f"Put cases config to the Queue ...") task_schedule_event.clear() print(f"Clear scheduler jobs ...") print(f"Schedule job ...") def main(): scheduler_notify_queue.put('1') p = multiprocessing.Process(target=scheduler) p.start() count = 1 print(f'{count=}') while True: if count == 5: event_scheduler('100') if count == 10: event_scheduler('200') count += 1 time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
wait message... Got case configurations case_configurations='1'... Schedule will start ... 1 running... 1 running... Put cases config to the Queue ... Clear scheduler jobs ... Schedule job ... Clearing all scheduling job ... wait message... Got case configurations case_configurations='100'... Schedule will start ... 100 running... Put cases config to the Queue ... Clear scheduler jobs ... Schedule job ... Clearing all scheduling job ... wait message... Got case configurations case_configurations='200'... Schedule will start ... 200 running... 200 running...
和 event
# threading scheduler_notify_queue = queue.Queue() task_schedule_event = threading.Event() # async scheduler_notify_queue = asyncio.Queue() task_schedule_event = asyncio.Event()
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