需要的工具:vscode, draw.io扩展,draw.io桌面版 、python
网上检索发现drawio的桌面版可以在命令行操作。在drawio安装目录下运行cmd,然后通过draw.io -help 命令可以查看全部命令。
写了一个命令, 发现可用。但是每次都要计算宽度、高度、调用cmd命令窗口,太麻烦。功能强大的python加上插件齐全的vscode能不能全部实现呢?
3、python转换 宽度
dpivalue=600#dpi realwidth=89.4#mm realheight=81.2#mm width=round(dpivalue*realwidth/25.4) height=round(dpivalue*realheight/25.4)
4、 构造命令行,不嫌麻烦可以自己写完整目录
inputfilepath=r'F:\BaiduNetdiskWorkspace\00typora\大论文\drawio\算法流程图.drawio' outputfilepath=r'F:\BaiduNetdiskWorkspace\00typora\大论文\drawio\test.png' starttext=r'draw.io -x ' midletext=r" -f png -t --width "+str(width)+r" --height " +str(height)+r" -o " commandtext1=starttext+inputfilepath+midletext+outputfilepath
5、 改变python文件工作目录并执行命令
path="D:/draw.io/"#安装文件夹 os.chdir( path )# 修改当前工作目录 v2=os.system(commandtext1)
''' Author: zzx Date: 2022-07-27 10:12:38 LastEditors: zdl LastEditTime: 2022-07-30 16:10:22 FilePath: \matlabcodef:\BaiduNetdiskWorkspace\00typora\大论文\drawio\output.py Description: Copyright (c) 2022 by zdl, All Rights Reserved. ''' import os dpivalue=600#dpi realwidth=89.4#mm realheight=81.2#mm width=round(dpivalue*realwidth/25.4) height=round(dpivalue*realheight/25.4) inputfilepath=r'F:\BaiduNetdiskWorkspace\00typora\大论文\drawio\算法流程图.drawio' outputfilepath=r'F:\BaiduNetdiskWorkspace\00typora\大论文\drawio\test.png' starttext=r'draw.io -x ' midletext=r" -f png -t --width "+str(width)+r" --height " +str(height)+r" -o " commandtext1=starttext+inputfilepath+midletext+outputfilepath path="D:/draw.io/"#安装文件夹 os.chdir( path )# 修改当前工作目录 v2=os.system(commandtext1) # 快速运行F5 # print(v2) #关于python权限的问题 # https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33731081/article/details/103812749 # 如何在python中运行命令行命令 # https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34769162/article/details/119037908 #报错为空值的问题 # https://blog.csdn.net/xiaoxiaogh/article/details/88320102 #关于drawio导出命令,灵感来源https://j2r2b.github.io/2019/08/06/drawio-cli.html ''' Options: -V, --version output the version number -c, --create creates a new empty file if no file is passed -k, --check does not overwrite existing files -x, --export export the input file/folder based on the given options -r, --recursive for a folder input, recursively convert all files in sub-folders also -o, --output <output file/folder> specify the output file/folder. If omitted, the input file name is used for output with the specified format as extension -f, --format <format> if output file name extension is specified, this option is ignored (file type is determined from output extension, possible export formats are pdf, png, jpg, svg, vsdx, and xml) (default: "pdf") -q, --quality <quality> output image quality for JPEG (default: 90) -t, --transparent set transparent background for PNG -e, --embed-diagram includes a copy of the diagram (for PNG, SVG and PDF formats only) --embed-svg-images Embed Images in SVG file (for SVG format only) -b, --border <border> sets the border width around the diagram (default: 0) -s, --scale <scale> scales the diagram size --width <width> fits the generated image/pdf into the specified width, preserves aspect ratio. --height <height> fits the generated image/pdf into the specified height, preserves aspect ratio. --crop crops PDF to diagram size -a, --all-pages export all pages (for PDF format only) -p, --page-index <pageIndex> selects a specific page, if not specified and the format is an image, the first page is selected -g, --page-range <from>..<to> selects a page range (for PDF format only) -u, --uncompressed Uncompressed XML output (for XML format only) --enable-plugins Enable Plugins -h, --help display help for command '''
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