知识点:wx:for、bindtap、生命周期函数–监听页面加载、.filter、取余( %
data: { frontPage: false,//上一页 存在true,不存在false nextPage: false,//下一页 存在true,不存在false pages: 0,//所有页 thisPages: 0,//当前页 rows: 6,//每页条数 total: 0,//总条数 pageData: [],//本页显示的列表数据 prizeListItem:[ {name: "张三", pic: "../../images/1.png", gift:"小蛋糕"}, {name: "李四", pic: "../../images/2.png", gift:"冰淇淋"}, {name: "陈工", pic: "../../images/3.png", gift:"按摩椅"}, {name: "孙悟空", pic: "../../images/3.png", gift:"桃子"}, {name: "猪八戒", pic: "../../images/2.png", gift:"红烧肉"}, {name: "萨赫尚", pic: "../../images/1.png", gift:"新衣服"}, {name: "程序员", pic: "../../images/2.png", gift:"电脑"}, {name: "甄姬", pic: "../../images/3.png", gift:"口红"}, {name: "孙悟空", pic: "../../images/3.png", gift:"桃子"}, {name: "猪八戒", pic: "../../images/2.png", gift:"红烧肉"}, {name: "萨赫尚", pic: "../../images/1.png", gift:"新衣服"}, {name: "程序员", pic: "../../images/1.png", gift:"电脑"}, {name: "甄姬", pic: "../../images/2.png", gift:"口红"} ], myPrize: false, tab1: '', tab2: 'selected', },
/** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function () { this.setList(); }, // 初始化列表分页 setList() { let that = this; let thisPages = that.data.thisPages; let rows = that.data.rows; let prizeListItem = that.data.prizeListItem; let pageData = that.data.pageData; let pages = that.data.pages; if (pageData !== []){ pageData = prizeListItem.filter(function (item, index, prizeListItem) { //元素值,元素的索引,原数组。 return index >= rows*thisPages && index <= rows*(thisPages+1)-1; //初始为0,0 < index < 6-1 }); let x = 0; let y = prizeListItem.length; if ( y%rows !== 0){ x = 1 }; pages = parseInt(y/rows) + x; //所有页 thisPages = thisPages +1; //当前页 if ( pages > 1){ that.setData({ nextPage: true, }) } that.setData({ thisPages: thisPages, pageData: pageData, pages: pages, rows: rows, }) } },
//点击下一页 clickNext() { let that = this; let thisPages = that.data.thisPages; let prizeListItem = that.data.prizeListItem; let pageData = that.data.pageData; let pages = that.data.pages; let rows = that.data.rows; pageData = prizeListItem.filter(function (item, index, prizeListItem) { //元素值,元素的索引,原数组。 return index >= rows*thisPages && index <= rows*(thisPages+1)-1; }); thisPages = thisPages + 1; if ( pages === thisPages){ that.setData({ nextPage: false, }) } that.setData({ thisPages: thisPages, pageData: pageData, frontPage: true, }) },
//点击上一页 clickFront() { let that = this; let thisPages = that.data.thisPages; let prizeListItem = that.data.prizeListItem; let pageData = that.data.pageData; let rows = that.data.rows; pageData = prizeListItem.filter(function (item, index, prizeListItem) { //元素值,元素的索引,原数组。 return index >= rows*(thisPages-2) && index <= rows*(thisPages-1)-1; }); thisPages = thisPages - 1; if ( thisPages === 1){ that.setData({ frontPage: false, }) } that.setData({ thisPages: thisPages, pageData: pageData, nextPage: true, }) },
<view class="prizelist"> <view class="info_con"> <view class="list" wx:for="{{pageData}}"> <image class="list_bg" src="../../images/wi_listbg.png"></image> <view class="list_head"> <image class="list_headpic" src="{{item.pic}}"></image> <view class="list_name">{{item.name}}</view> </view> <view class="list_prize">{{item.gift}}</view> </view> </view> <view class="paging"> <view class="page_btn"> <view wx:if="{{frontPage}}" bindtap="clickFront">上一页</view> </view> <view class="page_num">第{{thisPages}}页 共{{pages}}页</view> <view class="page_btn"> <view wx:if="{{nextPage}}" bindtap="clickNext">下一页</view> </view> </view> </view>
.con .prizelist{ width: 100%; height: max-content; margin-top: 38rpx; } .con .prizelist .info_con{ width: 639rpx; height: 787rpx; display: inline-block; }
.con .prizelist .info_con .list{ width: 639rpx; height: 108rpx; position: relative; margin: 20rpx 0; } .list .wi_prize{ width: 186rpx; height: 69rpx; margin: 20rpx 0 0 60rpx; } .list .prizeinfo{ width: 350rpx; height: 108rpx; float: right; } .list .prizeinfo .prize_name{ font-size: 28rpx; color: #87562e; line-height: 42rpx; margin-top: 20rpx; } .list .prizeinfo .prize_state{ font-size: 20rpx; color: #ff2d2d; line-height: 25rpx; } .list .list_bg{ width: 639rpx; height: 108rpx; position: absolute; left: 56rpx; z-index: -1; } .list .list_head{ height: 100%; width: max-content; margin-left: 100rpx; float: left; } .list .list_head .list_headpic{ border-radius: 50%; background-color: rgb(43, 93, 216); width: 46rpx; height: 46rpx; margin: 31rpx 0rpx; float: left; } .list .list_head .list_name{ color: #000; line-height: 108rpx; font-size: 28rpx; float: left; margin-left: 31rpx; } .list .list_prize{ height: 100%; line-height: 108rpx; font-size: 28rpx; color: #87562e; float: right; }
.con .prizelist .paging{ width: 580rpx; height: 108rpx; margin: 30rpx auto; } .con .prizelist .paging .page_btn{ width: 96rpx; height: 32rpx; font-size: 32rpx; font-family: "PingFangSC"; color: #ffffff; line-height: 36rpx; float: left; margin: auto 23rpx; } .con .prizelist .page_num{ font-size: 24rpx; font-family: "PingFangSC"; color: #ffffff; line-height: 36rpx; float: left; margin: auto 75rpx; }
Now you can provide attr wx:key
for a wx:for
to improve performance.
①使用循环的 array 中 item 的某个property
,比如 wx:key=“item.id”
{id: "1", name: "张三", pic: "../../images/1.png", gift:"小蛋糕"},
②使用数组的下标,即 wx:key=“index”
③ wx:key="*this" 我没太看懂,是
onLoad: function () { setList(); },
onLoad: function () { this.setList(); },
1.被指出 “第 X 页 共 X 页”的margin固定,当页数增加到双位数后,下一页被挤到下一行了。
.con .prizelist .page_num{ margin: auto 75rpx; }
.con .prizelist .page_num{ margin: auto 10%; }
方法2(我自己的老办法):给“上一页”“共 页”“下一个”分别定义class:
<view class="paging"> <view class="up_page" bindtap="up_page" >{{current_page > 1 ? '上一页' : ''}}</view> <view class="down_page" bindtap="next_page">{{current_page < last_page ? '下一页' : ''}}</view> <view class="page_num">第{{current_page}}页 共{{last_page}}页</view> </view>
.con .prizelist .paging{ width: 100%; height: 108rpx; font-size: 32rpx; font-family: "PingFangSC"; color: #ffffff; line-height: 36rpx; text-align: center; } .con .prizelist .paging .up_page{ width: 96rpx; height: 32rpx; float: left; margin-left: 72rpx; } .con .prizelist .paging .down_page{ width: 96rpx; height: 32rpx; float: right; margin-right: 72rpx; } .con .prizelist .page_num{ width: 500rpx; font-size: 24rpx; font-family: "PingFangSC"; color: #ffffff; line-height: 36rpx; margin: auto; }
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