Session session = request.getSession(false);或者Session session = request.getSession();如果不在乎服务器压力可能多那么一点点的话。
public HttpSession getSession(boolean create) { if (request == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( sm.getString("requestFacade.nullRequest")); } if (SecurityUtil.isPackageProtectionEnabled()){ return (HttpSession)AccessController. doPrivileged(new GetSessionPrivilegedAction(create)); } else { return request.getSession(create); } }
public HttpSession getSession() { if (request == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( sm.getString("requestFacade.nullRequest")); } return getSession(true); }
public HttpSession getSession(boolean create) { Session session = doGetSession(create); if (session != null) { return session.getSession(); } else { return null; } }
protected Session doGetSession(boolean create) { // 没有Context的话直接返回null if (context == null) return (null); // 判断Session是否有效 if ((session != null) && !session.isValid()) session = null; if (session != null) return (session); // 返回Manager对象,这里是StandardManager类的对象 Manager manager = null; if (context != null) manager = context.getManager(); if (manager == null) return (null); // Sessions are not supported // 判断是否有SessionID if (requestedSessionId != null) { try { // 在Manager中根据SessionID查找Session session = manager.findSession(requestedSessionId); } catch (IOException e) { session = null; } if ((session != null) && !session.isValid()) session = null; if (session != null) { // 更新访问时间 session.access(); return (session); } } // 创建新的Session if (!create) return (null); if ((context != null) && (response != null) && context.getCookies() && response.getResponse().isCommitted()) { throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString("coyoteRequest.sessionCreateCommitted")); } // 判断是否使用 "/" 作为Session Cookie的存储路径 并且 是否SessionID来自Cookie if (connector.getEmptySessionPath() && isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()) { // 创建Session session = manager.createSession(getRequestedSessionId()); } else { session = manager.createSession(null); } // 创建一个新的Session Cookies if ((session != null) && (getContext() != null) && getContext().getCookies()) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, session.getIdInternal()); // 配置Session Cookie configureSessionCookie(cookie); // 在响应中加入Session Cookie response.addCookieInternal(cookie); } if (session != null) { // 更新访问时间 session.access(); return (session); } else { return (null); } }
这个方法说明了Session创建的大致过程,首先判断requestedSessionId是否存在,如果存在,那么根据这个ID去查找Session对象。如果requestedSessionId不存在或者没有取到Session,并且传递给#getSession(boolean)的参数为真,那么要创建一个新的Session,并且给客户端写回去一个Session Cookie。
还要向回看Tomcat的请求处理过程,请求曾到过这一步,org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter的#service()方法。里边有这样一句方法调用:postParseRequest(req, request, res, response)。就是这一步处理了SessionID的获取,这个方法调用了#parseSessionId()和parseSessionCookiesId()这两个方法,就是它对Session ID进行了提取,源代码分别如下:
protected void parseSessionId(org.apache.coyote.Request req, Request request) { ByteChunk uriBC = req.requestURI().getByteChunk(); // 判断URL中是不是有";jsessionid="这个字符串 int semicolon = uriBC.indexOf(match, 0, match.length(), 0); if (semicolon > 0) { // Parse session ID, and extract it from the decoded request URI // 在URL中提取Session ID int start = uriBC.getStart(); int end = uriBC.getEnd(); int sessionIdStart = semicolon + match.length(); int semicolon2 = uriBC.indexOf(';', sessionIdStart); if (semicolon2 >= 0) { request.setRequestedSessionId(new String(uriBC.getBuffer(), start + sessionIdStart, semicolon2 - sessionIdStart)); byte[] buf = uriBC.getBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < end - start - semicolon2; i++) { buf[start + semicolon + i] = buf[start + i + semicolon2]; } uriBC.setBytes(buf, start, end - start - semicolon2 + semicolon); } else { request.setRequestedSessionId(new String(uriBC.getBuffer(), start + sessionIdStart, (end - start) - sessionIdStart)); uriBC.setEnd(start + semicolon); } // 设定Session ID来自于URL request.setRequestedSessionURL(true); } else { request.setRequestedSessionId(null); request.setRequestedSessionURL(false); } }
protected void parseSessionCookiesId(org.apache.coyote.Request req, Request request) { Context context = (Context) request.getMappingData().context; if (context != null && !context.getCookies()) return; // 返回Cookie Cookies serverCookies = req.getCookies(); int count = serverCookies.getCookieCount(); if (count <= 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ServerCookie scookie = serverCookies.getCookie(i); // 判断是否有JSESSIONID这个名字的Cookie if (scookie.getName().equals(Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME)) { // Override anything requested in the URL if (!request.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()) { // 设定Session ID convertMB(scookie.getValue()); request.setRequestedSessionId(scookie.getValue().toString()); // 如果之前在URL中读到了SessionID,那么会覆盖它 request.setRequestedSessionCookie(true); request.setRequestedSessionURL(false); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(" Requested cookie session id is " + request.getRequestedSessionId()); } else { if (!request.isRequestedSessionIdValid()) { convertMB(scookie.getValue()); request.setRequestedSessionId(scookie.getValue().toString()); } } } } }
Tomcat就是通过上边的两个方法读到URL或者Cookie中存放的Session ID的。
了解了Session ID的获取,下面要看一下Session的查找过程,就是org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager的#findSession()方法。这个方法是在它的基类中定义的,源代码如下:
public Session findSession(String id) throws IOException { if (id == null) return (null); return (Session) sessions.get(id); }
代码很短,其中sessions是一个ConcurrentHashMap<String, Session>对象。那么这个sessions的对象是什么时候载入的Session呢?
public void load() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { if (SecurityUtil.isPackageProtectionEnabled()) { try { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedDoLoad()); } catch (PrivilegedActionException ex) { Exception exception = ex.getException(); if (exception instanceof ClassNotFoundException) { throw (ClassNotFoundException) exception; } else if (exception instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) exception; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Unreported exception in load() " + exception); } } else { doLoad(); } }
protected void doLoad() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Start: Loading persisted sessions"); // 清空Map sessions.clear(); // 对应work/Catalina/localhost/%app name%/SESSIONS.ser文件 File file = file(); if (file == null) return; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(sm.getString("standardManager.loading", pathname)); FileInputStream fis = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; Loader loader = null; ClassLoader classLoader = null; try { // 载入Session缓存文件 fis = new FileInputStream(file.getAbsolutePath()); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); if (container != null) loader = container.getLoader(); if (loader != null) classLoader = loader.getClassLoader(); if (classLoader != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Creating custom object input stream for class loader "); ois = new CustomObjectInputStream(bis, classLoader); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Creating standard object input stream"); ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("No persisted data file found"); return; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(sm.getString("standardManager.loading.ioe", e), e); if (ois != null) { try { ois.close(); } catch (IOException f) { ; } ois = null; } throw e; } synchronized (sessions) { try { // 读出Session个数 Integer count = (Integer) ois.readObject(); int n = count.intValue(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Loading " + n + " persisted sessions"); // 读入Session for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { StandardSession session = getNewSession(); session.readObjectData(ois); session.setManager(this); sessions.put(session.getIdInternal(), session); session.activate(); sessionCounter++; } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(sm.getString("standardManager.loading.cnfe", e), e); if (ois != null) { try { ois.close(); } catch (IOException f) { ; } ois = null; } throw e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(sm.getString("standardManager.loading.ioe", e), e); if (ois != null) { try { ois.close(); } catch (IOException f) { ; } ois = null; } throw e; } finally { try { if (ois != null) ois.close(); } catch (IOException f) { } // 删除Session缓存文件 if (file != null && file.exists()) file.delete(); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Finish: Loading persisted sessions"); }
public Session createSession(String sessionId) { if ((maxActiveSessions >= 0) && (sessions.size() >= maxActiveSessions)) { rejectedSessions++; throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString("standardManager.createSession.ise")); } return (super.createSession(sessionId)); }
public Session createSession(String sessionId) { // 创建一个新的Session Session session = createEmptySession(); // 初始化Session的属性 session.setNew(true); session.setValid(true); session.setCreationTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); session.setMaxInactiveInterval(this.maxInactiveInterval); // 如果Session ID为null,那么就生成一个 if (sessionId == null) { sessionId = generateSessionId(); } session.setId(sessionId); sessionCounter++; return (session); }
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