本文小编为大家详细介绍“如何使用python AI快速比对两张人脸图像”,内容详细,步骤清晰,细节处理妥当,希望这篇“如何使用python AI快速比对两张人脸图像”文章能帮助大家解决疑惑,下面跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来学习新知识吧。
python版本:3.6.8 dlib版本:19.7.0 face-recognition版本:0.1.10
pip install cmake pip install dlib==19.7.0 pip install face-recognition==0.1.10 pip install opencv-python
# OpenCV is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision. import cv2 # It's loading a pre-trained model that can detect faces in images. import face_recognition
def get_face_encodings(image_path): """ It takes an image path, loads the image, finds the faces in the image, and returns the 128-d face encodings for each face :param image_path: The path to the image to be processed """ # It's loading a pre-trained model that can detect faces in images. image = cv2.imread(image_path) # It's converting the image from BGR to RGB. image_RGB = image[:, :, ::-1] image_face = face_recognition.face_locations(image_RGB) # It's taking the image and the face locations and returning the face encodings. face_env = face_recognition.face_encodings(image_RGB, image_face) # It's returning the first face encoding in the list. return face_env[0]
# It's taking the image and the face locations and returning the face encodings. ima1 = get_face_encodings('03.jpg') # It's taking the image and the face locations and returning the face encodings. ima2 = get_face_encodings('05.jpg') # It's taking the image and the face locations and returning the face encodings. ima1 = get_face_encodings('03.jpg') # It's taking the image and the face locations and returning the face encodings. ima2 = get_face_encodings('05.jpg')
# It's comparing the two face encodings and returning True if they match. is_same = face_recognition.compare_faces([ima1], ima2, tolerance=0.3)[0] print('人脸比对结果:{}'.format(is_same))
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