Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies.Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.
组合模式(Composite Pattern):将对象组合成树形结构以表示“部分-整体”的层次结构, 使得用户对单个对象和组合对象的使用具有一致性。
①、Component 抽象构件角色
②、Leaf 叶子节点
③、Composite 树枝构件
/** * 个体和整体的抽象 */ public abstract class Component { // 个体和整体都有的共享 public void doSomething(){ // 通用业务逻辑 System.out.println("通用业务逻辑"); }
/** * 树枝节点 */ public class Composite extends Component{ // 构件容器 private ArrayList<Component> componentArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); // 增加一个叶子节点或者树枝节点 public void add(Component component){ this.componentArrayList.add(component); } // 删除一个叶子节点或者树枝节点 public void remove(Component component){ this.componentArrayList.remove(component); } // 获取分支下所有叶子节点和树枝节点 public List<Component> getChildren(){ return this.componentArrayList; } }
/** * 叶子节点 */ public class Leaf extends Component { // 覆写父类方法 @Override public void doSomething() { // 叶子节点逻辑 System.out.println("叶子节点逻辑"); } }
public class ClientTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // 创建一个根节点 Composite root = new Composite(); root.doSomething(); // 创建一个树枝构件 Composite branch = new Composite(); // 创建一个叶子节点 Leaf leaf = new Leaf(); // 串联起来 root.add(branch); branch.add(leaf); display(root); } // 通过递归遍历数 public static void display(Composite root){ for(Component c : root.getChildren()){ if(c instanceof Leaf){ // 叶子节点 c.doSomething(); }else{ display((Composite) c); } } } }
假设我们在开发一个 OA 系统(办公自动化系统)。公司的组织结构包含部门和员工两种数据类型。其中,部门又可以包含子部门和员工。
/** * 部门类和员工类的抽象类 */ public abstract class HumanResource { protected long id; protected double salary; public HumanResource(long id){ this.id = id; } public long getId(){ return id; } public abstract double calculateSalary(); }
public class Department extends HumanResource{ private List<HumanResource> subNodes = new ArrayList<>(); public Department(long id){ super(id); } @Override public double calculateSalary() { double totalSalary = 0d; for (HumanResource hr : subNodes){ totalSalary += hr.calculateSalary(); } this.salary = totalSalary; return totalSalary; } public void addSubNode(HumanResource humanResource){ subNodes.add(humanResource); } }
public class Employee extends HumanResource{ public Employee(long id,double salary){ super(id); this.salary = salary; } @Override public double calculateSalary() { return salary; } }
public class PersonClientTest { private static final long ORGANIZATION_ROOT_ID = 1; public static void main(String[] args) { // 创建总部门 Department root = new Department(ORGANIZATION_ROOT_ID); // 创建子部门 Department branch = new Department(2L); // 创建员工 Employee employee1 = new Employee(21L,2000); Employee employee2 = new Employee(22L,4000); root.addSubNode(branch); branch.addSubNode(employee1); branch.addSubNode(employee2); double v = root.calculateSalary(); System.out.println(v); } private void buildOrganization(Department department){ // 根据 部门id 查询数据库 所有下属部门 id // List<Long> subDepartmentIds = departmentRepo.getSubDepartmentIds(department.getId()); List<Long> subDepartmentIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (Long subDepartmentId : subDepartmentIds){ Department subDepartment = new Department(subDepartmentId); department.addSubNode(subDepartment); buildOrganization(subDepartment); } // 根据部门id 查询数据库 其关联员工所有 id // List<Long> employeeIds = employeeRepo.getDepartmentEmployeeIds(department.getId()); List<Long> employeeIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (Long employeeId : employeeIds){ // 根据 employeeId 查询数据库得到 salary // 假设为 1000 double salary = 1000d; department.addSubNode(new Employee(employeeId,salary)); } } }
一棵树形机构中的所有节点都是Component, 局部和整体对调用者来说没有任何区别,也就是说, 高层模块不必关心自己处理的是单个对象还是整个组合结构, 简化了高层模块的代码。
使用了组合模式后, 如果想增加一个树枝节点、 叶子节点都很容易, 只要找到它的父节点就成, 非常容易扩展, 符合开闭原则, 对以后的维护非常有利。
①、维护和展示部分-整体关系的场景, 如树形菜单、 文件和文件夹管理。
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