开发环境 VS2012+C#(32位) Halcon12
首先,要引入的命名空间:using HalconDotNet; using MvCamCtrl.NET;
private MyCamera m_pMyCamera; MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST m_pDeviceList;//设备列表 private MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE stParam;//用于接收特定的参数 //为读取、保存图像创建的数组 UInt32 m_nBufSizeForDriver = 3072 * 2048 * 3; byte[] m_pBufForDriver = new byte[3072 * 2048 * 3]; UInt32 m_nBufSizeForSaveImage = 3072 * 2048 * 3 * 3 + 2048; byte[] m_pBufForSaveImage = new byte[3072 * 2048 * 3 * 3 + 2048]; //要转成的Halcon图像 HImage image = new HImage();
//查找设备 public void DeviceListAcq() { int nRet; // ch:创建设备列表 en:Create Device List System.GC.Collect(); cbDeviceList.Items.Clear(); nRet = MyCamera.MV_CC_EnumDevices_NET(MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE | MyCamera.MV_USB_DEVICE, ref m_pDeviceList); if (0 != nRet) { MessageBox.Show("查找设备失败!"); return; } // ch:在窗体列表中显示设备名 | en:Display device name in the form list for (int i = 0; i < m_pDeviceList.nDeviceNum; i++) { MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO device = (MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m_pDeviceList.pDeviceInfo[i], typeof(MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO)); if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE) { IntPtr buffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(device.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo, 0); MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO gigeInfo = (MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO)); if (gigeInfo.chUserDefinedName != "") { cbDeviceList.Items.Add("GigE: " + gigeInfo.chUserDefinedName + " (" + gigeInfo.chSerialNumber + ")"); } else { cbDeviceList.Items.Add("GigE: " + gigeInfo.chManufacturerName + " " + gigeInfo.chModelName + " (" + gigeInfo.chSerialNumber + ")"); } } else if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_USB_DEVICE) { IntPtr buffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(device.SpecialInfo.stUsb3VInfo, 0); MyCamera.MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO usbInfo = (MyCamera.MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(MyCamera.MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO)); if (usbInfo.chUserDefinedName != "") { cbDeviceList.Items.Add("USB: " + usbInfo.chUserDefinedName + " (" + usbInfo.chSerialNumber + ")"); } else { cbDeviceList.Items.Add("USB: " + usbInfo.chManufacturerName + " " + usbInfo.chModelName + " (" + usbInfo.chSerialNumber + ")"); } } } // ch:选择第一项 | en:Select the first item if (m_pDeviceList.nDeviceNum != 0) { cbDeviceList.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
//打开设备 public void OpenDevice() { if (m_pDeviceList.nDeviceNum == 0 || cbDeviceList.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("未发现设备,请选择"); return; } int nRet = -1; // ch:获取选择的设备信息 | en:Get selected device information MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO device = (MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m_pDeviceList.pDeviceInfo[cbDeviceList.SelectedIndex], typeof(MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO)); // ch:打开设备 | en:Open device if (null == m_pMyCamera) { m_pMyCamera = new MyCamera(); if (null == m_pMyCamera) { return; } } nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_CreateDevice_NET(ref device); if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet) { return; } nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_OpenDevice_NET(); if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet) { m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_DestroyDevice_NET(); MessageBox.Show("设备打开失败"); //ShowErrorMsg("Device open fail!", nRet); return; } // ch:探测网络最佳包大小(只对GigE相机有效) | en:Detection network optimal package size(It only works for the GigE camera) if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE) { int nPacketSize = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize_NET(); if (nPacketSize > 0) { nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetIntValue_NET("GevSCPSPacketSize", (uint)nPacketSize); if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Set Packet Size failed {0:x8}", nRet); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Get Packet Size failed {0:x8}", nPacketSize); } } // ch:设置采集连续模式 | en:Set Continues Aquisition Mode m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("AcquisitionMode", 2);// ch:工作在连续模式 | en:Acquisition On Continuous Mode m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerMode", 0); // ch:连续模式 | en:Continuous }
//连续采集(也就是实时显示) public void ContinuesGrab(PictureBox picBox) { int nRet; // ch:开始采集 | en:Start Grabbing nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_StartGrabbing_NET(); if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet) { MessageBox.Show("采集失败!"); //ShowErrorMsg("Trigger Fail!", nRet); return; } //实时采集 m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerMode", 0); // ch:显示 | en:Display 在PictureBox控件中显示 nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_Display_NET(picBox.Handle); if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet) { MessageBox.Show("显示失败!"); } }
//停止采集 public void StopGrab() { int nRet = -1; // ch:停止采集 | en:Stop Grabbing nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_StopGrabbing_NET(); if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK) { MessageBox.Show("停止采集失败!"); } }
//关闭设备 public void CloseDevice() { // ch:关闭设备 | en:Close Device int nRet; nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_CloseDevice_NET(); if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet) { return; } nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_DestroyDevice_NET(); if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet) { return; } }
//读取图片转换成Halcon图像 public HImage ReadImage() { int nRet; //MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE stParam = new MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE(); UInt32 nPayloadSize = 0; nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_GetIntValue_NET("PayloadSize", ref stParam); if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet) { return null; } nPayloadSize = stParam.nCurValue; if (nPayloadSize > m_nBufSizeForDriver) { m_nBufSizeForDriver = nPayloadSize; m_pBufForDriver = new byte[m_nBufSizeForDriver]; m_nBufSizeForSaveImage = m_nBufSizeForDriver * 3 + 2048; m_pBufForSaveImage = new byte[m_nBufSizeForSaveImage]; } IntPtr pData = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_pBufForDriver, 0); MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX stFrameInfo = new MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX(); nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout_NET(pData, m_nBufSizeForDriver, ref stFrameInfo, 1000);//获取一帧图像,超时时间设置为1000 if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet) { return null; } HImage image = new HImage(); //采集的是黑白图像,利用Halcon图像库中的GenImage1算子来构建图像 image.GenImage1("byte", (int)stFrameInfo.nWidth, (int)stFrameInfo.nHeight, pData); return image; }
//查找设备 private void btnEnum_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ucDeviceList1.DeviceListAcq(); } //打开设备 private void btnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ucDeviceList1.OpenDevice(); btnOpen.Enabled = false; btnClose.Enabled = true; btnContinuesGrab.Enabled = true; //btnSingleStep.Enabled = true; btnStopGrab.Enabled = true; } //关闭设备 private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ucDeviceList1.CloseDevice(); btnOpen.Enabled = true; btnClose.Enabled = false; btnContinuesGrab.Enabled = false; btnSingleStep.Enabled = false; btnStopGrab.Enabled = false; } //实时显示 private void btnContinuesGrab_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ucDeviceList1.ContinuesGrab(picboxShowImg); btnContinuesGrab.Enabled = false; btnSingleStep.Enabled = true; btnStopGrab.Enabled = true; } //单步采集 private void btnSingleStep_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // 将采集到的图像在Halcon窗口中显示 HTuple hWind = hWindowControl1.HalconWindow; HTuple width, height; HObject hv_image; HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out hv_image); hv_image.Dispose(); hv_image = ucDeviceList1.ReadImage(); HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(hv_image, out width, out height); HOperatorSet.SetPart(hWind, 0, 0, height - 1, width - 1); HOperatorSet.DispObj(img, hWind); btnStopGrab.Enabled = true; } //停止采集 private void btnStopGrab_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ucDeviceList1.StopGrab(); btnContinuesGrab.Enabled = true; btnStopGrab.Enabled = false; } //关闭设备 private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ucDeviceList1.CloseDevice(); btnOpen.Enabled = true; btnClose.Enabled = false; btnContinuesGrab.Enabled = false; btnSingleStep.Enabled = false; btnStopGrab.Enabled = false; }
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