实现:typedf basic_string<char> string
(1)成员函数number functions
constructor(构造函数) | 创建string对象 (公有成员函数) |
destructor (析构函数) | 销毁string对象(公有成员函数) |
operator= (赋值运算符重载) | 将一个string对象赋给另一个string对象 (公有成员函数) |
begin | iterator begin(); const_iterator begin() const; | 返回一个迭代器指向string对象的第一个字符 |
end | iterator end() noexcept; const_iterator end() const noexcept; (noexcept是c11对异常的处理方式) | 返回一个迭代器指向string对象的结束字符的位置(‘\0’处),不可引用 如果是空串end=begin |
rbegin | reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept; const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept; | 返回一个反向迭代器指向string对象的结束字符的位置 反向迭代器向后遍历-->向begin走 |
rend | reverse_iterator rend() noexcept; const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept; | 返回一个反向迭代器指向string对象的第一个字符的位置 |
cbegin | const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept; | 返回一个const迭代器指向string对象的第一个字符的位置 |
cend | const_iterator cend() const noexcept; | 返回一个const迭代器指向string对象的结束字符的位置 |
crbegin | const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept; | 返回一个const反向迭代器指向string对象的结束字符的位置 |
crend | const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept; | 返回一个const反向迭代器指向string对象的第一个字符的位置 |
// string::begin/end #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std: void test1() { string str ("Test string"); for(string::iterator it=str.begin(); it!=str.end(); ++it) { cout << *it; } cout <<endl; } // string::rbegin/rend void test2() { string str ("now step live..."); for(string::reverse_iterator rit=str.rbegin(); rit!=str.rend(); ++rit) cout << *rit; } // string::cbegin/cend void test3() { string str ("Lorem ipsum"); for(autoit=str.cbegin(); it!=str.cend(); ++it) cout << *it; cout <<endl; } // string::crbegin/crend void test4() { string str ("lorem ipsum"); for(auto rit=str.crbegin(); rit!=str.crend(); ++rit) cout << *rit; cout <<endl; } int main() { test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); return 0; }
size | size_t size() const noexcept; | 返回string的字节个数(size_t类型) size!=capacity |
length | size_t length() const noexcept; | 返回string的字节个数(size_t类型) length!=capacity |
max_size | size_t max_size() const noexcept; | 返回string可以达到的最大长度 (极限范围,可能按max_size内存分配失败) max_size!=capacity |
resize | void resize (size_t n); void resize (size_t n, char c); | 重置string的长度,设置为n 重置string的长度,设置为n,内容用c填充 如果n<string的原length,超过n部分舍弃 如果n>string的原length,先拷贝原先的在加上 c的部分(没有c,就是空字符) |
capacity | size_t capacity() const noexcept; | 返回已分配给string的内存的字节个数 |
reverse | void reserve (size_t n = 0); | 改变string的capacity为n 不改变length和内容 |
clear | void clear() noexcept; | 清除string的内容,让string变成一个空串 length=0 |
empty | bool empty() const noexcept; | 返回string是否为空,为空返回true,非空返回 false |
shrink_to_fit | void shrink_to_fit(); | 减小string的capacity到size大小 |
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // comparing size, length, capacity and max_size void test1 () { string str ("Test string"); cout <<"size: "<< str.size() <<endl; cout <<"length: "<< str.length() <<endl; cout <<"capacity: "<< str.capacity() <<endl; cout <<"max_size: "<< str.max_size() <<endl; } //string::shrink_to_fit void test2() { string str ("I like to code in C"); cout << str <<endl; unsigned sz = str.size(); str.resize (sz+2,'+'); cout << str <<endl; str.resize (14); cout << str <<endl; } // string::shrink_to_fit void test3() { string str (100,'x'); cout <<"1. capacity of str: "<< str.capacity() << endl; str.resize(10); cout <<"2. capacity of str: "<< str.capacity() <<endl; str.shrink_to_fit(); cout <<"3. capacity of str: "<< str.capacity() <<endl; }
(4)Element access
operator[] | char& operator[] (size_t pos); const char& operator[] (size_t pos) const; | 返回string[pos]的字符 |
at | char& at (size_t pos); const char& at (size_t pos) const; | 返回string[pop]的字符前会检查pos是不是字符范围内,超出范围会抛异常 |
back | char& back(); const char& back() const; | 返回最后一个字符的引用 |
front | char& front(); const char& front() const; | 返回第一个字符的引用 |
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; //string::operator[] void test1() { string str ("Test string"); for(int i=0; i<str.length(); ++i) { cout << str[i]; } } //string::at void test2() { string str("Test string"); for(int i=0;i<str.size();i++) { cout<<str.at(i); } } //string::back void test3() { string str ("hello world."); str.back() ='!'; cout << str <<endl; } //string::front void test4() { string str ("test string"); str.front() ='T'; cout << str <<endl; }
operator+= | string& operator+= (const string& str); string& operator+= (const char* s); string& operator+= (char n); string& operator+= (initializer_list<char> il); | 在现有的string后面添加字符串/字符 |
append | string& append (const string& str); string& append (const string& str, size_t subpos, size_t sublen); string& append (const char* s); string& append (const char* s, size_t n); string& append (size_t n, char c); template <class InputIterator> string& append (initializer_list<char> il); | 在现有的string后面添加字符串/字符 |
push_back | void push_back(char c); | 将字符c添加在string末尾,length++ |
assign | string& assign(const string& str); string& assign(const string& str, size_t subpos, size_t sublen); string& assign(const char * s); string& assign(const char *s,size_t n); string &assign(size_t n,char c); template<class InputIterator> string& assign(InputIterator first,InputIterator last); string& assign(initializer_list<char> il); | 将现有的字符串string替换成新的字符串 |
insert | string & insert (size_t pos,const string & str ); string & insert (size_t pos,const string & str,size_t subpos,size_t sublen); string & insert(size_t pos,const char *s); string & insert(size_t pos,const char *s,size_t n); string & insert(size_t pos,size_t n,char c); void insert (iterator p, size_t n, char c); iterator insert (iterator p, char c); template <class InputIterator> | 将现有字符串string的pos位置后面插入字符串或者字符 |
erase | string & erase(size_t pos=o,size_t len=pos); iterator erase(iterator p); iterator erase(iterator first,iterator last); | 将现有字符串删除一部分,length也有减少 |
replace | string & repalce(size_t pos,size_t len,const string& str); string & repalce(iterator i1,iterator i2,const string &str); string & repalce (size_t pos,size_t len,const string & str,size_t subpos,size_t sublen); string & replace(size_t pos,size_t len,const char *s); string & replace(iterator i1,iterator i2,const char *s); string & repalce(size_t pos,size_t len,const char*s,size_t n); string & repalce(iterator i1,iterator i2,const char*s,size_t n); string & raplace(size_t pos,size_t len,size_t n,char c); string & repalce(iterator i1,iterator i2,size_t n,chr c); template <class InputIterator> string & repalce(iterator i1, iterator i2,InputIterator first,InputIterator last); | 将现有字符串的一部分用新的字符串或者字符序列,字符去替换 |
swap | void swap(string & str); | 两个字符串的内容进行交换 |
pop_back | void pop_back(); | 将字符串末尾的字符删除 |
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // string::operator+= void test1() { string name ("John"); string family ("Smith"); name +=" K. "; // c-string name += family; // string name +='\n'; // character cout << name; } //string::append void test2() { string str; string str2="Writing "; string str3="print 10 and then 5 more"; //string& append(const string &str); str.append(str2); //Writing //string& append(const string &str,size_t pos,size_t length); str.append(str3,6,3);//Writing 10 //string& append(const char* s,size_t n); str.append("dots are cool",5);//Writing 10 dots //string& append(const char *s); str.append("here: ");//Writing 10 dots here: //string& append(size_t n,char c); str.append(10u,'.');//Writing 10 dots here: .......... //strin& append(inputIterator first,inputIterator last); str.append(str3.begin()+8,str3.end()); //Writing 10 dots here:......... and then 5 more //string& append(size_t n,) str.append<int>(5,0x2E); //Writing 10 dots here:......... and then 5 more..... cout << str <<endl; } //string::assign void test3() { string str; string str1 = “hello world”; str.assign(str1); cout << str << endl; str.assign(str1,7,5); cout << str << endl; str.assign("abcedf"); cout << str << endl; str.assign("abcdrf",5); cout << str <<endl; str.assign(5u,'.'); cout <<str <<endl; cout << assign(str1.begin()+6,str1.end()); cout << str << endl; str.assign<int>(10,0x2D); cout << str <<endl; } //string::insert void test4() { string str="to be question"; string str2="the "; string str3="or not to be"; string::iterator it;// used in the same order as described above: str.insert(6,str2);// to be (the )question str.insert(6,str3,3,4);// to be (not )the question str.insert(10,"that is cool",8);// to be not (that is )the question str.insert(10,"to be ");// to be not (to be )that is the question str.insert(15,1,':');// to be not to be(:) that is the question it = str.insert(str.begin()+5,','); // to be(,) not to be: that is the question str.insert (str.end(),3,'.'); // to be, not to be: that is the question(...) str.insert (it+2,str3.begin(),str3.begin()+3);// (or ) cout << str <<endl; } //string::erase void test5() { string str ("This is an example sentence."); cout << str <<endl;// "This is an example sentence." str.erase (10,8); cout << str <<endl;;// "This is an sentence." str.erase (str.begin()+9); cout << str <<endl;;// "This is a sentence." str.erase (str.begin()+5, str.end()-9); std::cout << str <<endl;;// "This sentence." } //string::repalce void test6() { string base="this is a test string."; string str2="n example"; string str3="sample phrase"; string str4="useful."; // replace signatures used in the same order as described above: // Using positions: string str=base;// "this is a test string." str.replace(9,5,str2); // "this is an example string." (1) str.replace(19,6,str3,7,6); // "this is an example phrase." (2) str.replace(8,10,"just a"); // "this is just a phrase." (3) str.replace(8,6,"a shorty",7); // "this is a short phrase." (4) str.replace(22,1,3,'!'); // "this is a short phrase!!!" (5) // Using iterators: str.replace(str.begin(),str.end()-3,str3); // "sample phrase!!!" (1) str.replace(str.begin(),str.begin()+6,"replace"); // "replace phrase!!!" (3) str.replace(str.begin()+8,str.begin()+14,"is coolness",7); // "replace is cool!!!" (4) str.replace(str.begin()+12,str.end()-4,4,'o'); // "replace is cooool!!!" (5) str.replace(str.begin()+11,str.end(),str4.begin(),str4.end()); // "replace is useful." (6) std::cout << str <<endl; } //string::swap void test7() { string buyer ("money"); string seller ("goods"); cout <<"Before the swap, buyer has "<< buyer; cout <<" and seller has "<< seller <<endl; seller.swap (buyer); cout <<" After the swap, buyer has "<< buyer; cout <<" and seller has "<< seller <<endl; } //string::pop_back void test8() { string str ("hello world!"); str.pop_back(); cout << str <<endl; }
(6)String operations
c_str | const char * c_str()const; | 返回一个const char *型的指针,内容是string的内容+‘\0’ |
data | const char * data()const; | 返回一个const char *型的指针,即得到string对象的c_string形式 |
get_allocator | allocator_type get_allocator()const; | 返回一个allocator——type型的string的拷贝 |
copy | size_t copy(char*s,size_t len,size_t pos=0)const; | 拷贝一个string中的子串到s所指的数组 (拷贝版不会自己添加'\0') |
find | size_t find(cosnt string &str,size_t pos=0)const; size_t find(const char *s,size_t pos=0)const; size_t find(const char *s,size_t pos,size_t n)const; size_t find(char c,size_t pos=0)const; | 查找所找字符串序列第一次出现的位置 |
substr | string substr(size_t pos=0,size_t len=npos)const; | 返回子串 |
compare | int compare(const string& str)const; int compare(size_t pos,size_t len,const string &str)const; int compare(size_t pos,size_t len,const string &str,size_t subpos,size_t sublen)const; int compare(const char* s)const; int compare(size_t pos,size_t len,const char *s)const; int compare(size_t pos,size_tlen,const char *s,size_t n)const; | 比较两个字符串 |
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; //string::c_str() void test1() { string str ("Please split this sentence into tokens"); char* cstr =newchar[str.length()+1]; strcpy (cstr, str.c_str()); // cstr now contains a c-string copy of str char* p = strtok (cstr," "); //线程不安全的字符串分割函数 while(p!=0) { cout << p <<endl; //依次输出Please split 直到NULL p = strtok(NULL," "); } delete[] cstr; } //string::data() void test2() { int length; string str ="Test string"; char* cstr ="Test string"; if( str.length() == std::strlen(cstr) ) { cout <<"str and cstr have the same length."<<endl; if( memcmp (cstr, str.data(), str.length() ) == 0 ) cout <<"str and cstr have the same content."<<endl; } } //string::copy void test3 () { charbuffer[20]; string str ("Test string..."); size_t length = str.copy(buffer,6,5); buffer[length]='\0'; cout <<"buffer contains: "<< buffer <<endl; } //string::compare void test4() { string str1 ("green apple"); string str2 ("red apple");if(str1.compare(str2) != 0) cout << str1 <<" is not "<< str2 <<endl; if(str1.compare(6,5,"apple") == 0) cout <<"still, "<< str1 <<" is an apple"<<endl; if(str2.compare(str2.size()-5,5,"apple") == 0) cout <<"and "<< str2 <<" is also an apple"<<endl; if(str1.compare(6,5,str2,4,5) == 0) cout <<"therefore, both are apples"<<endl; }
npos | size_t的最大范围 static const int npos=-1; (定义时就初始化) |
operator+ | 串联字符串 |
relational operator | 各种运算符的重载 |
swap | 交换两个字符串,std所属函数,非string所属 |
operator>> | 输入一个字符串 |
operator<< | 输出一个字符串 |
getline | 将输入的数据is传入到str字符串中,遇到定界符delim时停止 将输入的数据is传入到str字符串中,到文件结束 |
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