public class SelectIgnoreLogicDeleteByMap extends AbstractMethod { @Override public MappedStatement injectMappedStatement(Class<?> mapperClass, Class<?> modelClass, TableInfo tableInfo) { String sqlBase= "<script>SELECT %s FROM %s %s\n</script>"; String sqlScript = this.sqlWhereByMap(tableInfo); String sql = String.format(sqlBase, this.sqlSelectColumns(tableInfo, false), tableInfo.getTableName(), sqlScript); SqlSource sqlSource = this.languageDriver.createSqlSource(this.configuration, sql, Map.class); return this.addSelectMappedStatementForTable(mapperClass, "selectIgnoreLogicDeleteByMap", sqlSource, tableInfo); } /** * 拼接where条件根据map参数 * * @param table 表 * @return sql */ protected String sqlWhereByMap(TableInfo table) { String sqlScript; sqlScript = SqlScriptUtils.convertChoose("v == null", " ${k} IS NULL ", " ${k} = #{v} "); sqlScript = SqlScriptUtils.convertForeach(sqlScript, "cm", "k", "v", "AND"); sqlScript = SqlScriptUtils.convertWhere(sqlScript); sqlScript = SqlScriptUtils.convertIf(sqlScript, String.format("%s != null and !%s", "cm", "cm.isEmpty"), true); return sqlScript; } }
public class SelectIgnoreLogicDelete extends AbstractMethod { @Override public MappedStatement injectMappedStatement(Class<?> mapperClass, Class<?> modelClass, TableInfo tableInfo) { String sqlBase = "<script>%s SELECT %s FROM %s %s %s %s\n</script>"; String sql = String.format(sqlBase, this.sqlFirst(), this.sqlSelectColumns(tableInfo, true), tableInfo.getTableName(), this.sqlWhereEntityWrapper(true, tableInfo), this.sqlOrderBy(tableInfo), this.sqlComment()); SqlSource sqlSource = this.languageDriver.createSqlSource(this.configuration, sql, modelClass); return this.addSelectMappedStatementForTable(mapperClass, "selectIgnoreLogicDelete", sqlSource, tableInfo); } /** * 拼接where条件 * * @param newLine 新行 * @param table 表 * @return sql */ protected String sqlWhereEntityWrapper(boolean newLine, TableInfo table) { String sqlScript = table.getAllSqlWhere(false, true, "ew.entity."); sqlScript = SqlScriptUtils.convertIf(sqlScript, String.format("%s != null", "ew.entity"), true); sqlScript = sqlScript + "\n"; sqlScript = sqlScript + SqlScriptUtils.convertIf(String.format(SqlScriptUtils.convertIf(" AND", String.format("%s and %s", "ew.nonEmptyOfEntity", "ew.nonEmptyOfNormal"), false) + " ${%s}", "ew.sqlSegment"), String.format("%s != null and %s != '' and %s", "ew.sqlSegment", "ew.sqlSegment", "ew.nonEmptyOfWhere"), true); sqlScript = SqlScriptUtils.convertWhere(sqlScript) + "\n"; sqlScript = sqlScript + SqlScriptUtils.convertIf(String.format(" ${%s}", "ew.sqlSegment"), String.format("%s != null and %s != '' and %s", "ew.sqlSegment", "ew.sqlSegment", "ew.emptyOfWhere"), true); sqlScript = SqlScriptUtils.convertIf(sqlScript, String.format("%s != null", "ew"), true); return newLine ? "\n" + sqlScript : sqlScript; }
public class CustomSqlInjector extends DefaultSqlInjector { @Override public List<AbstractMethod> getMethodList(Class<?> mapperClass, TableInfo tableInfo) { List<AbstractMethod> methodList = super.getMethodList(mapperClass, tableInfo); methodList.add(new SelectIgnoreLogicDeleteByMap()); methodList.add(new SelectIgnoreLogicDelete()); return methodList; } }
public interface CustomBaseMapper<T> extends BaseMapper<T> { /** * 根据map条件查询数据,并忽略逻辑删除 * * @param columnMap 查询条件 * @return 结果信息 */ List<T> selectIgnoreLogicDeleteByMap(@Param("cm") Map<String, Object> columnMap); /** * 根据条件查询数据,并忽略逻辑删除 * * @param queryWrapper 查询条件 * @return 结果信息 */ List<T> selectIgnoreLogicDelete(@Param("ew") Wrapper<T> queryWrapper); }
@Mapper public interface UserMapper extends CustomBaseMapper<User> { }
@Override public List<User> getIgnoreDeleteById(Long userId) { LambdaQueryWrapper<User> queryWrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<>(); queryWrapper.eq(User::getId,userId); return this.baseMapper.selectIgnoreLogicDelete(queryWrapper); }
@Override public List<User> getIgnoreDeleteById(Long userId) { Map<String, Object> columnMap = new HashMap<>(2); columnMap.put("id", userId); return this.baseMapper.selectIgnoreLogicDeleteByMap(columnMap); }
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