tkinter库:Python的标准Tk GUI工具包的接口
from tkinter import * root = Tk() #你的ui代码 Label(root,text = 'hello world!').pack() root.mainloop()
from tkinter import * import tkinter.messagebox # 弹窗库 import numpy as np root = Tk() #创建窗口 root.title("五子棋游戏") #窗口名字 w1 = Canvas(root, width=600,height=600,background='chocolate') w1.pack() for i in range(0, 15): w1.create_line(i * 40 + 20, 20, i * 40 + 20, 580) w1.create_line(20, i * 40 + 20, 580, i * 40 + 20) w1.create_oval(135, 135, 145, 145,fill='black') w1.create_oval(135, 455, 145, 465,fill='black') w1.create_oval(465, 135, 455, 145,fill='black') w1.create_oval(455, 455, 465, 465,fill='black') w1.create_oval(295, 295, 305, 305,fill='black') num=0 A=np.full((15,15),0) B=np.full((15,15),'') def callback(event): global num ,A for j in range (0,15): for i in range (0,15): if (event.x - 20 - 40 * i) ** 2 + (event.y - 20 - 40 * j) ** 2 <= 2 * 20 ** 2: break if (event.x - 20 - 40 * i) ** 2 + (event.y - 20 - 40 * j) ** 2 <= 2*20 ** 2: break if num % 2 == 0 and A[i][j] != 1: w1.create_oval(40*i+5, 40*j+5, 40*i+35, 40*j+35,fill='black') A[i][j] = 1 B[i][j] = 'b' num += 1 if num % 2 != 0 and A[i][j] != 1 : w1.create_oval(40*i+5, 40*j+5, 40*i+35, 40*j+35,fill='white') A[i][j] = 1. B[i][j] = 'w' num += 1 f = [[-1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1]] for z in range(0, 4): a, b = f[z][0], f[z][1] count1, count2 = 0, 0 x, y = i, j while B[x][y] == B[i][j]: count1 += 1 if x + a >= 0 and y + b >= 0 and x + a < 15 and y + b < 15 and B[x + a][y + b] == B[i][j]: [x, y] = np.array([x, y]) + np.array([a, b]) else: x, y = i, j break while B[x][y] == B[i][j]: count2 += 1 if x - a < 15 and y - b < 15 and x - a >= 0 and y - b >= 0 and B[x - a][y - b] == B[i][j]: [x, y] = np.array([x, y]) - np.array([a, b]) else: break if count1 + count2 == 6: if B[i][j] == 'b': tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('提示', '黑棋获胜') else: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('提示', '白棋获胜') w1.bind("<Button -1>",callback) w1.pack() def quit(): root.quit() u=Button(root,text="退出",width=10,height=1,command=quit,font=('楷体',15)) u.pack() mainloop()
w1 = Canvas(root, width=600,height=600,background='chocolate')可根据参数background改变棋盘颜色
#调用pygame库 import pygame import sys #调用常用关键字常量 from pygame.locals import QUIT,KEYDOWN import numpy as np #初始化pygame pygame.init() #获取对显示系统的访问,并创建一个窗口screen #窗口大小为670x670 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((670,670)) screen_color=[238,154,73]#设置画布颜色,[238,154,73]对应为棕黄色 line_color = [0,0,0]#设置线条颜色,[0,0,0]对应黑色 def check_win(over_pos):#判断五子连心 mp=np.zeros([15,15],dtype=int) for val in over_pos: x=int((val[0][0]-27)/44) y=int((val[0][1]-27)/44) if val[1]==white_color: mp[x][y]=2#表示白子 else: mp[x][y]=1#表示黑子 for i in range(15): pos1=[] pos2=[] for j in range(15): if mp[i][j]==1: pos1.append([i,j]) else: pos1=[] if mp[i][j]==2: pos2.append([i,j]) else: pos2=[] if len(pos1)>=5:#五子连心 return [1,pos1] if len(pos2)>=5: return [2,pos2] for j in range(15): pos1=[] pos2=[] for i in range(15): if mp[i][j]==1: pos1.append([i,j]) else: pos1=[] if mp[i][j]==2: pos2.append([i,j]) else: pos2=[] if len(pos1)>=5: return [1,pos1] if len(pos2)>=5: return [2,pos2] for i in range(15): for j in range(15): pos1=[] pos2=[] for k in range(15): if i+k>=15 or j+k>=15: break if mp[i+k][j+k]==1: pos1.append([i+k,j+k]) else: pos1=[] if mp[i+k][j+k]==2: pos2.append([i+k,j+k]) else: pos2=[] if len(pos1)>=5: return [1,pos1] if len(pos2)>=5: return [2,pos2] for i in range(15): for j in range(15): pos1=[] pos2=[] for k in range(15): if i+k>=15 or j-k<0: break if mp[i+k][j-k]==1: pos1.append([i+k,j-k]) else: pos1=[] if mp[i+k][j-k]==2: pos2.append([i+k,j-k]) else: pos2=[] if len(pos1)>=5: return [1,pos1] if len(pos2)>=5: return [2,pos2] return [0,[]] def find_pos(x,y):#找到显示的可以落子的位置 for i in range(27,670,44): for j in range(27,670,44): L1=i-22 L2=i+22 R1=j-22 R2=j+22 if x>=L1 and x<=L2 and y>=R1 and y<=R2: return i,j return x,y def check_over_pos(x,y,over_pos):#检查当前的位置是否已经落子 for val in over_pos: if val[0][0]==x and val[0][1]==y: return False return True#表示没有落子 flag=False tim=0 over_pos=[]#表示已经落子的位置 white_color=[255,255,255]#白棋颜色 black_color=[0,0,0]#黑棋颜色 while True:#不断训练刷新画布 for event in pygame.event.get():#获取事件,如果鼠标点击右上角关闭按钮,关闭 if event.type in (QUIT,KEYDOWN): sys.exit() screen.fill(screen_color)#清屏 for i in range(27,670,44): #先画竖线 if i==27 or i==670-27:#边缘线稍微粗一些 pygame.draw.line(screen,line_color,[i,27],[i,670-27],4) else: pygame.draw.line(screen,line_color,[i,27],[i,670-27],2) #再画横线 if i==27 or i==670-27:#边缘线稍微粗一些 pygame.draw.line(screen,line_color,[27,i],[670-27,i],4) else: pygame.draw.line(screen,line_color,[27,i],[670-27,i],2) #在棋盘中心画个小圆表示正中心位置 pygame.draw.circle(screen, line_color,[27+44*7,27+44*7], 8,0) for val in over_pos:#显示所有落下的棋子 pygame.draw.circle(screen, val[1],val[0], 20,0) #判断是否存在五子连心 res=check_win(over_pos) if res[0]!=0: for pos in res[1]: pygame.draw.rect(screen,[238,48,167],[pos[0]*44+27-22,pos[1]*44+27-22,44,44],2,1) pygame.display.update()#刷新显示 continue#游戏结束,停止下面的操作 #获取鼠标坐标信息 x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() x,y=find_pos(x,y) if check_over_pos(x,y,over_pos):#判断是否可以落子,再显示 pygame.draw.rect(screen,[0 ,229 ,238 ],[x-22,y-22,44,44],2,1) keys_pressed = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()#获取鼠标按键信息 #鼠标左键表示落子,tim用来延时的,因为每次循环时间间隔很断,容易导致明明只按了一次左键,却被多次获取,认为我按了多次 if keys_pressed[0] and tim==0: flag=True if check_over_pos(x,y,over_pos):#判断是否可以落子,再落子 if len(over_pos)%2==0:#黑子 over_pos.append([[x,y],black_color]) else: over_pos.append([[x,y],white_color]) #鼠标左键延时作用 if flag: tim+=1 if tim%50==0:#延时200ms flag=False tim=0 pygame.display.update()#刷新显示
#coding:utf-8 import sys import pygame import random def do(): def black(x, y): a = 20 b = 20 c = 20 d = 0 for i in range(50): pygame.draw.circle(screen, (a, b, c), [19.5 + 32 * x, 19.5 + 32 * y], (10/(d-5)+10)*1.6) a += 1 b += 1 c += 1 d += 0.08 pygame.display.update() def white(x, y): a = 170 b = 170 c = 170 d = 0 for i in range(50): pygame.draw.circle(screen, (a, b, c), [19.5 + 32 * x, 19.5 + 32 * y], (10/(d-5)+10)*1.6) a += 1 b += 1 c += 1 d += 0.08 pygame.display.update() pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((615, 615)) pygame.display.set_caption('五子棋') screen.fill("#DD954F") a = pygame.Surface((603, 603), flags=pygame.HWSURFACE) a.fill(color='#121010') b = pygame.Surface((585, 585), flags=pygame.HWSURFACE) b.fill(color="#DD954F") c = pygame.Surface((579, 579), flags=pygame.HWSURFACE) c.fill(color='#121010') d = pygame.Surface((576, 576), flags=pygame.HWSURFACE) d.fill(color="#DD954F") e = pygame.Surface((31, 31), flags=pygame.HWSURFACE) e.fill(color="#DD954F") screen.blit(a, (6.5, 6.5)) screen.blit(b, (15, 15)) screen.blit(c, (18, 18)) for j in range(18): for i in range(18): screen.blit(e, (20 + 32 * i, 20 + 32 * j)) alist = [] for j in range(19): alistone = [] for i in range(19): alistone.append(0) alist.append(alistone) pygame.draw.circle(screen, '#121010', [307.5, 307.5], 5) pygame.draw.circle(screen, '#121010', [115.5, 307.5], 5) pygame.draw.circle(screen, '#121010', [499.5, 307.5], 5) pygame.draw.circle(screen, '#121010', [115.5, 499.5], 5) pygame.draw.circle(screen, '#121010', [499.5, 499.5], 5) pygame.draw.circle(screen, '#121010', [115.5, 115.5], 5) pygame.draw.circle(screen, '#121010', [499.5, 115.5], 5) pygame.draw.circle(screen, '#121010', [307.5, 499.5], 5) pygame.draw.circle(screen, '#121010', [307.5, 115.5], 5) pygame.display.flip() wb = "black" font1 = pygame.font.SysFont('stxingkai', 70) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() x = round((x - 19.5) / 32) y = round((y - 19.5) / 32) if x < 0: x = 0 if x > 18: x = 18 if y < 0: y = 0 if y > 18: y = 18 z = False if alist[x][y] == 0: eval(wb + "({},{})".format(x, y)) if wb == "black": alist[x][y] = 1 wb1 = "黑棋" wb = "white" elif wb == "white": alist[x][y] = 2 wb1 = "白棋" wb = "black" xx = x yy = y while True: if xx == 0: break elif alist[xx][yy] != alist[x][y]: xx += 1 break else: xx -= 1 num = 0 while True: if xx == 18: break elif alist[xx][yy] != alist[x][y]: break else: xx += 1 num += 1 if num >= 5: pygame.font.init() text = font1.render("{}赢了".format(wb1), True, (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.center = (307.5, 307.5) screen.blit(text, textRect) pygame.display.flip() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: do() xx = x yy = y while True: if yy == 0: break elif alist[xx][yy] != alist[x][y]: yy += 1 break else: yy -= 1 num = 0 while True: if yy == 18: break elif alist[xx][yy] != alist[x][y]: break else: yy += 1 num += 1 if num >= 5: pygame.font.init() text = font1.render("{}赢了".format(wb1), True, (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.center = (307.5, 307.5) screen.blit(text, textRect) pygame.display.flip() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: do() xx = x yy = y while True: if xx == 0: break elif yy == 0: break elif alist[xx][yy] != alist[x][y]: xx += 1 yy += 1 break else: xx -= 1 yy -= 1 num = 0 while True: if xx == 18: break elif yy == 18: break elif alist[xx][yy] != alist[x][y]: break else: xx += 1 yy += 1 num += 1 if num >= 5: pygame.font.init() text = font1.render("{}赢了".format(wb1), True, (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.center = (307.5, 307.5) screen.blit(text, textRect) pygame.display.flip() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: do() xx = x yy = y while True: if xx == 0: break elif yy == 18: break elif alist[xx][yy] != alist[x][y]: xx += 1 yy -= 1 break else: xx -= 1 yy += 1 num = 0 while True: if xx == 18: break elif yy == 0: break elif alist[xx][yy] != alist[x][y]: break else: xx += 1 yy -= 1 num += 1 if num >= 5: pygame.font.init() text = font1.render("{}赢了".format(wb1), True, (0, 0, 0)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.center = (307.5, 307.5) screen.blit(text, textRect) pygame.display.flip() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: do() do()