devServer: { port: port, open: true, overlay: { warnings: false, errors: true } // before: require('./mock/mock-server.js') // 注释掉这一行 }
// if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { // const { mockXHR } = require('../mock') // mockXHR() // }
import { login, reg } from '@/api/user'
handleLogin() { this.$refs.loginForm.validate(valid => { if (valid) { this.loading = true login(this.loginForm).then((res) => { if (res && res.code === 0 && res.data && res.data.token) { setToken(res.data.token) this.$router.push({ path: this.redirect || '/', query: this.otherQuery }) this.loading = false } }).catch(() => { this.loading = false }) // this.$store.dispatch('user/login', this.loginForm) // .then(() => { // this.$router.push({ path: this.redirect || '/', query: this.otherQuery }) // this.loading = false // }) // .catch(() => { // this.loading = false // }) } else { console.log('error submit!!') return false } }) },
<sidebar-item v-for="route in getRouterList" :key="route.path" :item="route" :base-path="route.path" /> import routesArr from '@/router/index' export default { components: { SidebarItem, Logo, routesArr }, computed: { getRouterList() { return routesArr.options.routes }, ...mapGetters([ // 'permission_routes', // 注释掉 'sidebar' ]),
<template> <div class="app-container"> <el-button type="primary" @click="handleAddRole">New Role</el-button> <el-table :data="rolesList" border> <el-table-column align="center" label="Role Key" width="220"> <template slot-scope="scope"> {{ scope.row.key }} </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column align="center" label="Role Name" width="220"> <template slot-scope="scope"> {{ scope.row.name }} </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column align="header-center" label="Description"> <template slot-scope="scope"> {{ scope.row.description }} </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column align="center" label="Operations"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <el-button type="primary" size="small" @click="handleEdit(scope)">Edit</el-button> <el-button type="danger" size="small" @click="handleDelete(scope)">Delete</el-button> </template> </el-table-column> </el-table> <el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogVisible" :title="dialogType==='edit'?'Edit Role':'New Role'"> <el-form :model="role" label-width="80px" label-position="left"> <el-form-item label="Name"> <el-input v-model="role.name" placeholder="Role Name" /> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="Desc"> <el-input v-model="role.description" :autosize="{ minRows: 2, maxRows: 4}" type="textarea" placeholder="Role Description" /> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="Menus"> <el-tree ref="tree" :check-strictly="checkStrictly" :data="routesData" :props="defaultProps" show-checkbox node-key="path" class="permission-tree" /> </el-form-item> </el-form> <div > <el-button type="danger" @click="dialogVisible=false">Cancel</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="confirmRole">Confirm</el-button> </div> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> import path from 'path' import { deepClone } from '@/utils' import { getRoutes, getRoles, addRole, deleteRole, updateRole } from '@/api/role' const defaultRole = { key: '', name: '', description: '', routes: [] } export default { data() { return { role: Object.assign({}, defaultRole), routes: [], // 路由列表 rolesList: [], // 角色列表以及对应的路由信息 dialogVisible: false, dialogType: 'new', checkStrictly: false, defaultProps: { children: 'children', label: 'title' } } }, computed: { routesData() { return this.routes } }, created() { // Mock: get all routes and roles list from server this.getRoutes() // 获取全部的路由列表 this.getRoles() // 获取全部角色加里面的权限路由 }, methods: { async getRoutes() { const res = await getRoutes() // res是全部路由列表,由constantRoutes静态路由和asyncRoutes动态路由拼接组成 this.serviceRoutes = res.data // 将全部路由列表赋值给serviceRoutes this.routes = this.generateRoutes(res.data) // 生成树的数据 }, async getRoles() { const res = await getRoles() // 获取全部的角色信息,以及角色对应的路由信息 this.rolesList = res.data // 拿到表格数据 }, // Reshape the routes structure so that it looks the same as the sidebar // 产生最终路由的方法,参数是全部路由信息和‘/' generateRoutes(routes, basePath = '/') { const res = [] for (let route of routes) { // 遍历所有路由信息 // skip some route if (route.hidden) { continue } // hidden属性为true,则继续 const onlyOneShowingChild = this.onlyOneShowingChild(route.children, route) // 得到子路由的完整信息 // console.log('onlyOneShowingChild', onlyOneShowingChild) // 有二级菜单的路由返回的false,进行递归 // 你可以设置 alwaysShow: true,这样它就会忽略之前定义的规则,一直显示根路由 // 如果有chilren和生成的信息且不是跟路由 if (route.children && onlyOneShowingChild && !route.alwaysShow) { route = onlyOneShowingChild } const data = { path: path.resolve(basePath, route.path), title: route.meta && route.meta.title } // recursive child routes if (route.children) { // 递归路由的子路由 data.children = this.generateRoutes(route.children, data.path) } res.push(data) // 放进res中生成路由 } return res }, // 把树的数据routes放进数组里 generateArr(routes) { let data = [] routes.forEach(route => { data.push(route) if (route.children) { const temp = this.generateArr(route.children) if (temp.length > 0) { data = [...data, ...temp] } } }) return data }, handleAddRole() { this.role = Object.assign({}, defaultRole) if (this.$refs.tree) { this.$refs.tree.setCheckedNodes([]) } this.dialogType = 'new' this.dialogVisible = true }, // 显示该角色的菜单信息 handleEdit(scope) { this.dialogType = 'edit' // 修改角色权限菜单 this.dialogVisible = true this.checkStrictly = true this.role = deepClone(scope.row) // 深度克隆该行的信息,包括路由信息 console.log('role',this.role) this.$nextTick(() => { const routes = this.generateRoutes(this.role.routes) // 产生该角色所能查看到的路由信息 // 设置点开该角色能看到的菜单已被选中,this.generateArr(routes)接收勾选节点数据的数组, this.$refs.tree.setCheckedNodes(this.generateArr(routes)) // set checked state of a node not affects its father and child nodes this.checkStrictly = false // 在显示复选框的情况下,是否严格的遵循父子不互相关联的做法 }) }, handleDelete({ $index, row }) { this.$confirm('Confirm to remove the role?', 'Warning', { confirmButtonText: 'Confirm', cancelButtonText: 'Cancel', type: 'warning' }) .then(async() => { await deleteRole(row.key) this.rolesList.splice($index, 1) this.$message({ type: 'success', message: 'Delete succed!' }) }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) }) }, // 生成勾选完的路由结构 generateTree(routes, basePath = '/', checkedKeys) { const res = [] for (const route of routes) { // 生成每个路由的绝对路径 const routePath = path.resolve(basePath, route.path) // recursive child routes if (route.children) { // 递归children route.children = this.generateTree(route.children, routePath, checkedKeys) } // 如果勾选结果的路径包含有遍历全部路由的当前路由,或该路由没有子路由,把该路由放置 if (checkedKeys.includes(routePath) || (route.children && route.children.length >= 1)) { res.push(route) } } return res }, async confirmRole() { const isEdit = this.dialogType === 'edit' const checkedKeys = this.$refs.tree.getCheckedKeys() // 选中的所有节点的keys生成数组 console.log('checkedKeys', checkedKeys) // 深度克隆全部路由列表,将勾选完的路由和全部路由对比,生成勾选完的完整路由结构 this.role.routes = this.generateTree(deepClone(this.serviceRoutes), '/', checkedKeys) // 如果是修改角色权限菜单 if (isEdit) { await updateRole(this.role.key, this.role) // 调接口更新该角色菜单权限 for (let index = 0; index < this.rolesList.length; index++) { if (this.rolesList[index].key === this.role.key) { this.rolesList.splice(index, 1, Object.assign({}, this.role)) break } } } else { // 如果不是编辑状态,就是新增角色信息,调接口新增角色 const { data } = await addRole(this.role) this.role.key = data.key this.rolesList.push(this.role) } const { description, key, name } = this.role this.dialogVisible = false this.$notify({ // 提示信息 title: 'Success', dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true, message: ` <div>Role Key: ${key}</div> <div>Role Name: ${name}</div> <div>Description: ${description}</div> `, type: 'success' }) }, // reference: src/view/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue onlyOneShowingChild(children = [], parent) { // 参数是子路由。父路由 let onlyOneChild = null const showingChildren = children.filter(item => !item.hidden) // 拿到子路由中children中不是hidden的路由展示 // 当只有一条子路由时,该子路由就是自己 // When there is only one child route, the child route is displayed by default if (showingChildren.length === 1) { // path.resolve()方法可以将多个路径解析为一个规范化的绝对路径,parent.path为根路径,onlyOneChild.path为拼接路径 onlyOneChild = showingChildren[0] onlyOneChild.path = path.resolve(parent.path, onlyOneChild.path) // 返回子路由的完整路由信息 return onlyOneChild } // 如果没有要显示的子路由,则显示父路由 // Show parent if there are no child route to display if (showingChildren.length === 0) { onlyOneChild = { ... parent, path: '', noShowingChildren: true } return onlyOneChild } return false } } }
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