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在 PHP 中,RPC(远程过程调用)框架通常用于在不同服务之间进行通信。为了实现调用链跟踪,我们可以使用分布式追踪系统,如 Zipkin、Jaeger 或 OpenTracing。这里以 Jaeger 为例,展示如何在 PHP RPC 框架中实现调用链跟踪。
composer require jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php
use Jaeger\Config;
$config = Config::getInstance();
$tracer = $config->initTracer('your_service_name', 'localhost:6831');
use Jaeger\Span\Span;
use Jaeger\Tag\StringTag;
class ClientTraceMiddleware
private $tracer;
public function __construct($tracer)
$this->tracer = $tracer;
public function handle($request, $next)
$spanContext = $this->tracer->extract(Formats\TEXT_MAP, $request->headers);
$span = $this->tracer->startSpan('rpc_client', ['child_of' => $spanContext]);
// Inject the Span context into the headers
$this->tracer->inject($span->getContext(), Formats\TEXT_MAP, $request->headers);
// Send the request and get the response
$response = $next($request);
// Set the response status code as a tag on the Span
$span->addTag(new StringTag('http.status_code', $response->statusCode));
// Finish the Span
return $response;
use Jaeger\Span\Span;
use Jaeger\Tag\StringTag;
class ServerTraceMiddleware
private $tracer;
public function __construct($tracer)
$this->tracer = $tracer;
public function handle($request, $next)
$spanContext = $this->tracer->extract(Formats\TEXT_MAP, $request->headers);
$span = $this->tracer->startSpan('rpc_server', ['child_of' => $spanContext]);
// Add tags to the Span
$span->addTag(new StringTag('http.method', $request->method));
$span->addTag(new StringTag('http.url', $request->url));
// Process the request and get the response
$response = $next($request);
// Set the response status code as a tag on the Span
$span->addTag(new StringTag('http.status_code', $response->statusCode));
// Finish the Span
return $response;
将中间件添加到 RPC 客户端和服务端的处理流程中。
运行你的应用程序,并在 Jaeger UI 中查看调用链跟踪数据。
这样,你就可以在 PHP RPC 框架中实现调用链跟踪了。请注意,这个示例仅作为参考,你可能需要根据你的具体需求和 RPC 框架进行调整。