泛化模板 : 对各种不同版本的特殊化处理---->特化;
#ifndef _MEMORY_H_ #define _MEMORY_H_ #include"stl_alloc.h" #include"stl_iterator.h" #include"type_traits.h" #include"stl_construct.h" #include"stl_uninitialized.h" #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if 1 #include<iostream> #include<new> #include<malloc.h> using namespace std; //#define __THROW_BAD_ALLOC throw bad_alloc #define __THROW_BAD_ALLOC cerr<<"Throw bad alloc, Out Of Memory."<<endl; exit(1) #elif !defined (__THROW_BAD_ALLOC) #include<iostream.h> #define __THROW_BAD_ALLOC cerr<<"out of memory"<<endl; exit(1); #endif template<int inst> class __malloc_alloc_template{ private: static void* oom_malloc(size_t); static void* oom_realloc(void *, size_t); static void(* __malloc_alloc_oom_handler)(); public: static void* allocate(size_t n){ void *result = malloc(n); if(0 == result){ result = oom_malloc(n); } return result; } static void deallocate(void *p, size_t){ free(p); } static void* reallocate(void *p, size_t, size_t new_sz){ void *result = realloc(p, new_sz); if(0 == result){ oom_realloc(p,new_sz); } return result; } public: //set_new_handler(Out_Of_Memory); static void(*set_malloc_handler(void(*f)()))(){ void(*old)() = __malloc_alloc_oom_handler; __malloc_alloc_oom_handler = f; return old; } }; template<int inst> void (*__malloc_alloc_template<inst>::__malloc_alloc_oom_handler)() = 0; template<int inst> void* __malloc_alloc_template<inst>::oom_malloc(size_t n){ void *result; void(* my_malloc_handler)(); for(;;){ my_malloc_handler = __malloc_alloc_oom_handler; if(0 == my_malloc_handler){ __THROW_BAD_ALLOC; } (*my_malloc_handler)(); result = malloc(n); if(result){ return result; } } } template<int inst> void* __malloc_alloc_template<inst>::oom_realloc(void *p, size_t n){ void(*my_malloc_handler)(); void *result; for(;;){ my_malloc_handler = __malloc_alloc_oom_handler; if(0 == my_malloc_handler){ __THROW_BAD_ALLOC; } (*my_malloc_handler)(); result = realloc(p, n); if(result){ return result; } } } typedef __malloc_alloc_template<0> malloc_alloc; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum {__ALIGN = 8}; enum {__MAX_BYTES = 128}; enum {__NFREELISTS = __MAX_BYTES / __ALIGN}; template<bool threads, int inst> class __default_alloc_template{ public: static void* allocate(size_t n); static void deallocate(void *p, size_t n); static void* reallocate(void *p, size_t, size_t new_sz); private: static size_t ROUND_UP(size_t bytes){ return (((bytes) + __ALIGN-1) & ~(__ALIGN-1)); } private: union obj{ union obj * free_list_link; char client_data[1]; }; private: static obj* volatile free_list[__NFREELISTS]; static size_t FREELIST_INDEX(size_t bytes){ return ((bytes)+__ALIGN-1) / __ALIGN-1; } private: static char *start_free; static char *end_free; static size_t heap_size; static void *refill(size_t n); static char* chunk_alloc(size_t size, int &nobjs); }; template<bool threads, int inst> char* __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::start_free = 0; template<bool threads, int inst> char* __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::end_free = 0; template<bool threads, int inst> size_t __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::heap_size = 0; template<bool threads, int inst> typename __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::obj* volatile __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::free_list[__NFREELISTS] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; template<bool threads, int inst> void* __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::allocate(size_t n){ obj * volatile *my_free_list; obj *result; if(n > __MAX_BYTES){ return malloc_alloc::allocate(n); } my_free_list = free_list + FREELIST_INDEX(n); result = *my_free_list; if(result == 0){ void *r = refill(ROUND_UP(n)); return r; } *my_free_list = result->free_list_link; return result; } template<bool threads, int inst> void* __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::refill(size_t n){ int nobjs = 20; char *chunk = chunk_alloc(n, nobjs); obj * volatile *my_free_list; obj *result; obj *current_obj, *next_obj; int i; if(1 == nobjs){ return chunk; } my_free_list = free_list + FREELIST_INDEX(n); result = (obj*)chunk; *my_free_list = next_obj = (obj*)(chunk+n); for(i=1; ; ++i){ current_obj = next_obj; next_obj = (obj*)((char*)next_obj+n); if(nobjs - 1 == i){ current_obj->free_list_link = 0; break; }else{ current_obj->free_list_link = next_obj; } } return result; } template<bool threads, int inst> char* __default_alloc_template<threads, inst>::chunk_alloc(size_t size, int &nobjs){ char *result; size_t total_bytes = size * nobjs; size_t bytes_left = end_free - start_free; if(bytes_left >= total_bytes){ result = start_free; start_free += total_bytes; return result; } else if(bytes_left >= size){ nobjs = bytes_left / size; total_bytes = size * nobjs; result = start_free; start_free += total_bytes; return result; }else{ size_t bytes_to_get = 2 * total_bytes + ROUND_UP(heap_size >> 4); if(bytes_left > 0){ obj * volatile * my_free_list = free_list + FREELIST_INDEX(bytes_left); ((obj*)start_free)->free_list_link = *my_free_list; *my_free_list = (obj *)start_free; } start_free = (char *)malloc(bytes_to_get); if(0 == start_free){ int i; obj * volatile *my_free_list, *p; for(i=size; i<=__MAX_BYTES; i += __ALIGN){ my_free_list = free_list + FREELIST_INDEX(i); p = *my_free_list; if(0 != p){ *my_free_list = p->free_list_link; start_free = (char *)p; end_free = start_free + i; return chunk_alloc(size, nobjs); } } end_free = 0; start_free = (char *)malloc_alloc::allocate(bytes_to_get); } heap_size += bytes_to_get; end_free = start_free + bytes_to_get; return chunk_alloc(size, nobjs); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __USE_MALLOC typedef malloc_alloc alloc; #else typedef __default_alloc_template<0,0> alloc; #endif template<class T, class Alloc> class simple_alloc{ public: static T* allocate(size_t n){ return 0==n ? 0 : (T*)Alloc::allocate(n * sizeof(T)); } static T* allocate(void){ return (T*)Alloc::allocate(sizeof(T)); } static void deallocate(T *p, size_t n){ if(0!=n) Alloc::deallocate(p, n*sizeof(T)); } static void deallocate(T *p){ Alloc::deallocate(p,sizeof(T)); } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __STL_CONFIG_H #define __STL_CONFIG_H //#define __USE_MALLOC #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __STL_CONSTRUCT_H #define __STL_CONSTRUCT_H template <class T1, class T2> void construct(T1* p, const T2& value){ new (p) T1(value); } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __STL_ITERATOR_H #define __STL_ITERATOR_H template <class T> T* value_type(const T*){ return (T*)(0); } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __STL_UNINITIALIZED_H #define __STL_UNINITIALIZED_H template<class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T> ForwardIterator _uninitialized_fill_n_aux(ForwardIterator first, Size n, const T &x, _true_type){ cout<<"yyyyyyyyyyy"<<endl; return fill_n(first, n, x); } template<class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T> ForwardIterator _uninitialized_fill_n_aux(ForwardIterator first, Size n, const T &x, _false_type){ ForwardIterator cur = first; for(; n>0; --n, ++cur){ cout<<"xxxxxxxxxxxx"<<endl; construct( &*cur, x); //construct(cur, x); } return cur; } template<class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T, class T1> ForwardIterator _uninitialized_fill_n(ForwardIterator first, Size n, const T &x, T1*){ //typedef _false_type is_POD; typedef typename _type_traits<T1>::is_POD_type is_POD; //return _uninitialized_fill_n(first, n, x, _false_type()); return _uninitialized_fill_n_aux(first, n, x, is_POD()); } template<class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T> ForwardIterator uninitialized_fill_n(ForwardIterator first, Size n, const T &x){ return _uninitialized_fill_n(first, n, x, value_type(first)); } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __STL_VECTOR_H #define __STL_VECTOR_H template<class T, class Alloc=alloc> class vector{ public: typedef T value_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type* iterator; typedef value_type& reference; typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; public: vector() : start(0), finish(0), end_of_storage(0){} vector(size_type n){ fill_initialize(n, T()); } protected: void fill_initialize(size_type n, const T &value){ start = allocate_and_fill(n, value); finish = start + n; end_of_storage = finish; } iterator allocate_and_fill(size_type n, const T &x){ iterator result = data_allocator::allocate(n); uninitialized_fill_n(result, n, x); return result; } protected: typedef simple_alloc<value_type, Alloc> data_allocator; iterator start; iterator finish; iterator end_of_storage; }; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __TYPE_TRAITS_H #define __TYPE_TRAITS_H // struct _true_type {}; struct _false_type{}; template <class type> struct _type_traits { typedef _true_type this_dummy_member_must_be_first; typedef _false_type has_trivial_default_constructor; typedef _false_type has_trivial_copy_constructor; typedef _false_type has_trivial_assignment_operator; typedef _false_type has_trivial_destructor; typedef _false_type is_POD_type; }; template<> struct _type_traits<int> { typedef _true_type has_trivial_default_constructor; typedef _true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor; typedef _true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator; typedef _true_type has_trivial_destructor; typedef _true_type is_POD_type; }; #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _VECTOR_H_ #define _VECTOR_H_ #include"memory.h" #include"stl_vector.h" #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> #include"vector.h" using namespace std; class Test{}; int main(){ vector<Test> v(10); //开辟了10个元素的空间; return 0;
(3)、空构造了2个类型,针对不同萃取得到其_false_type或_true_type ; 就可以调用不同的函数,进行空间的分配,存在效率上的差异!!!
(4)、容器、算法单独好实现,关键是通用性,模板是一种很好的解决方案,真正关键之处还在 : 迭代器的实现;
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