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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2017/5/10 12:47 # @Author : zhaowen.zhu # @Site : # @File : MultiThread.py # @Software: Python Idle import threading,time,sys,multiprocessing from multiprocessing import Pool class MyTMultithread(threading.Thread): ''''' 自定义的线程函数, 功能:使用多线程运行函数,函数的参数只有一个file,并且未实现结果值的返回 args: filelist 函数的参数为列表格式, funname 函数的名字为字符串,函数仅有一个参数为file delay 每个线程之间的延迟, max_threads 线程的最大值 ''' def __init__(self,filelist,delay,funname,max_threads = 50): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.funname = funname self.filelist = filelist[:] self.delay = delay self.max_threads = max_threads def startrun(self): def runs(): time.sleep(self.delay) while True: try: file = self.filelist.pop() except IndexError as e: break else: self.funname(file) threads = [] while threads or self.filelist: for thread in threads: if not thread.is_alive(): threads.remove(thread) while len(threads) < self.max_threads and self.filelist: thread = threading.Thread(target = runs) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() threads.append(thread) class Mymultiprocessing (MyTMultithread): ''''' 多进程运行函数,多进程多线程运行函数 args: filelist 函数的参数为列表格式, funname 函数的名字为字符串,函数仅有一个参数为file delay 每个线程\进程之间的延迟, max_threads 最大的线程数 max_multiprocess 最大的进程数 ''' def __init__(self,filelist,delay,funname,max_multiprocess = 1,max_threads = 1): self.funname = funname self.filelist = filelist[:] self.delay = delay self.max_threads = max_threads self.max_multiprocess = max_multiprocess self.num_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def multiprocessingOnly(self): ''''' 只使用多进程 ''' num_process = min(self.num_cpus,self.max_multiprocess) processes = [] while processes or self.filelist: for p in processes: if not p.is_alive(): # print(p.pid,p.name,len(self.filelist)) processes.remove(p) while len(processes) < num_process and self.filelist: try: file = self.filelist.pop() except IndexError as e: break else: p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.funname,args=(file,)) p.start() processes.append(p) def multiprocessingThreads(self): num_process = min(self.num_cpus,self.max_multiprocess) p = Pool(num_process) DATALISTS = [] tempmod = len(self.filelist) % (num_process) CD = int((len(self.filelist) + 1 + tempmod)/ (num_process)) for i in range(num_process): if i == num_process: DATALISTS.append(self.filelist[i*CD:-1]) DATALISTS.append(self.filelist[(i*CD):((i+1)*CD)]) try: processes = [] for i in range(num_process): #print('wait add process:',i+1,time.clock()) #print(eval(self.funname),DATALISTS[i]) MultThread = MyTMultithread(DATALISTS[i],self.delay,self.funname,self.max_threads) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=MultThread.startrun()) #print('pid & name:',p.pid,p.name) processes.append(p) for p in processes: print('wait join ') p.start() print('waite over') except Exception as e: print('error :',e) print ('end process') def func1(file): print(file) if __name__ == '__main__': a = list(range(0,97)) ''''' 测试使用5线程 ''' st = time.clock() asc = MyTMultithread(a,0,'func1',5) asc.startrun() end = time.clock() print('*'*50) print('多线程使用时间:',end-st) #测试使用5个进程 st = time.clock() asd = Mymultiprocessing(a,0,'func1',5) asd.multiprocessingOnly() end = time.clock() print('*'*50) print('多进程使用时间:',end-st) #测试使用5进程10线程 st = time.clock() multiPT = Mymultiprocessing(a,0,'func1',5,10) multiPT.multiprocessingThreads() end = time.clock() print('*'*50) print('多进程多线程使用时间:',end-st)
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