假设在对线程应用有较高的要求时能够考虑使用Stackless Python来完毕。Stackless Python是Python的一个改动版本号,对多线程编程有更好的支持,提供了对微线程的支持。微线程是轻量级的线程,在多个线程间切换所需的时间很多其它,占用资源也更少。
通过threading模块创建新的线程有两种方法:一种是通过threading.Thread(Target=executable Method)-即传递给Thread对象一个可运行方法(或对象);另外一种是继承threading.Thread定义子类并重写run()方法。另外一种方法中,唯一必须重写的方法是run(),可依据需要决定是否重写__init__()。值得注意的是,若要重写__init__(),父类的__init__()必需要在函数第一行调用,否则会触发错误“AssertionError: Thread.__init__() not called”
Python threading模块不同于其它语言之处在于它没有提供线程的终止方法,通过Python threading.Thread()启动的线程彼此是独立的。若在线程A中启动了线程B,那么A、B是彼此独立执行的线程。若想终止线程A的同一时候强力终止线程B。一个简单的方法是通过在线程A中调用B.setDaemon(True)实现。
import threading import time class mythread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,stopevt = None,File=None,name = 'subthread',Type ='event'): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.stopevt = stopevt self.name = name self.File = File self.Type = Type def Eventrun(self): while not self.stopevt.isSet(): print self.name +' alive\n' time.sleep(2) if self.File: print 'close opened file in '+self.name+'\n' self.File.close() print self.name +' stoped\n' def Daemonrun(self): D = mythreadDaemon(self.File) D.setDaemon(True) while not self.stopevt.isSet(): print self.name +' alive\n' time.sleep(2) print self.name +' stoped\n' def run(self): if self.Type == 'event': self.Eventrun() else: self.Daemonrun() class mythreadDaemon(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,File=None,name = 'Daemonthread'): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.name = name self.File = File def run(self): while True: print self.name +' alive\n' time.sleep(2) if self.File: print 'close opened file in '+self.name+'\n' self.File.close() print self.name +' stoped\n' def evtstop(): stopevt = threading.Event() FileA = open('testA.txt','w') FileB = open('testB.txt','w') A = mythread(stopevt,FileA,'subthreadA') B = mythread(stopevt,FileB,'subthreadB') print repr(threading.currentThread())+'alive\n' print FileA.name + ' closed? '+repr(FileA.closed)+'\n' print FileB.name + ' closed? '+repr(FileB.closed)+'\n' A.start() B.start() time.sleep(1) print repr(threading.currentThread())+'send stop signal\n' stopevt.set() A.join() B.join() print repr(threading.currentThread())+'stoped\n' print 'after A stoped, '+FileA.name + ' closed? '+repr(FileA.closed)+'\n' print 'after A stoped, '+FileB.name + ' closed? '+repr(FileB.closed)+'\n' def daemonstop(): stopevt = threading.Event() FileA = open('testA.txt','r') A = mythread(stopevt,FileA,'subthreadA',Type = 'Daemon') print repr(threading.currentThread())+'alive\n' print FileA.name + ' closed? '+repr(FileA.closed)+'\n' A.start() time.sleep(1) stopevt.set() A.join() print repr(threading.currentThread())+'stoped\n' print 'after A stoped, '+FileA.name + ' closed? '+repr(FileA.closed)+'\n' if not FileA.closed: print 'You see the differents, the resource in subthread may not released with setDaemon()' FileA.close() if __name__ =='__main__': print '-------stop subthread example with Event:----------\n' evtstop() print '-------Daemon stop subthread example :----------\n' daemonstop()
-------stop subthread example with Event:---------- <_MainThread(MainThread, started 2436)>alive testA.txt closed? False testB.txt closed? False subthreadA alive subthreadB alive <_MainThread(MainThread, started 2436)>send stop signal close opened file in subthreadA close opened file in subthreadB subthreadA stoped subthreadB stoped <_MainThread(MainThread, started 2436)>stoped after A stoped, testA.txt closed? True after A stoped, testB.txt closed? True -------Daemon stop subthread example :---------- <_MainThread(MainThread, started 2436)>alive testA.txt closed? False subthreadA alive subthreadA stoped <_MainThread(MainThread, started 2436)>stoped after A stoped, testA.txt closed? False You see the differents, the resource in subthread may not released with setDaemon()