
发布时间:2021-10-11 10:22:06 作者:柒染
来源:亿速云 阅读:118



1、管理权限(Administrative Privileges)

Privilege Name                    Operation Enabled by Privilege
CREATE USER                    Use high-level account-management statements
FILE                                      Read and write files on the server host
GRANT OPTION                  Grant the account’s privileges to other accounts
PROCESS                            View information about the threads executing within the server
RELOAD                               Reload the grant tables or flush the logs or caches
REPLICATION CLIENT         Ask about master and slave server locations
REPLICATION SLAVE          Act as a replication slave server
SHOW DATABASES            See all database names with SHOW DATABASES
SHUTDOWN                        Shut down the server
SUPER                                 Kill threads and perform other supervisory operations

2、对象权限(Object Privileges)

Privilege Name                     Operation Enabled by Privilege
ALTER                                  Alter tables and indexes
ALTER ROUTINE                 Alter or drop stored functions and procedures
CREATE                               Create databases and tables
CREATE ROUTINE              Create stored functions and procedures

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES            Create temporary tables using the TEMPORARY keyword
CREATE VIEW                     Create views
DELETE                               Delete rows from tables
DROP                                   Remove databases, tables, and other objects
EVENT                                 Create, drop, or alter events for the event scheduler
EXECUTE                            Execute stored functions and procedures
INDEX                                  Create or drop indexes
INSERT                                Insert new rows into tables
LOCK TABLES                     Explicitly lock tables with LOCK TABLES statements
REFERENCES                    Unused (reserved for future use)
SELECT                               Retrieve rows from tables
SHOW VIEW                       See view definitions with SHOW CREATE VIEW
TRIGGER                            Create or drop triggers
UPDATE                              Modify table rows

3、其他权限(Miscellaneous Privileges)

Privilege Name                   Operation Enabled by Privilege
ALL [PRIVILEGES]             All operations (except GRANT)
USAGE                               A special “no privileges” privilege

4、权限级别说明符(Privilege-Level Specifiers)

Privilege Specifier               Level at Which Privileges Apply
ON *.*                                 Global privileges:all databases, all objects in databases
ON *                                   Global privileges if no default database has been selected; database
                                           privileges for the default database otherwise
ON db_name.*                   Database privileges: all objects in the named database
ON db_name.tbl_name      Table privileges: all columns in the named table
ON tbl_name                      Table privileges: all columns in the named table in the default database
db_name.routine_name      Privileges for the named routine in the named database


  1. 个人理解网络中OSI分层参考模型
  2. MySQL 5.6 参考手册







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