ORA-07445 [kslgetl()+80] ORA-00108主机名配置不一致引起的报错

发布时间:2020-08-08 00:18:16 作者:guocun09
来源:ITPUB博客 阅读:134
Oracle, Red Hat Linux4.5 32bit

3.8妇女节这天,一台DB server因硬件故障挂掉。固通过备份恢复后的DB到新server上,恢复的DB开启没用多久硬盘就满了,检查DB bdump目录写了大量trc文件,且open后alert.log不断的报错
Fri Mar  9 04:19:59 2018
dispatcher 'D000' encountered error getting listening address
Fri Mar  9 04:19:59 2018
Errors in file /u01/product/admin/umlaut/bdump/umlaut_ora_20942.trc:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kslgetl()+80] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x130] [] []
ORA-00108: failed to set up dispatcher to accept connection asynchronously
Fri Mar  9 04:20:02 2018
found dead dispatcher 'D000', pid = (13, 219)
Fri Mar  9 04:20:02 2018
dispatcher 'D000' encountered error getting listening address
Fri Mar  9 04:20:02 2018
Errors in file /u01/product/admin/umlaut/bdump/umlaut_ora_20944.trc:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kslgetl()+80] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x130] [] []
ORA-00108: failed to set up dispatcher to accept connection asynchronously

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/product/oracle
System name:    Linux
Node name:      dthistory02
Release:        2.6.9-55.ELsmp
Version:        #1 SMP Fri Apr 20 17:03:35 EDT 2007
Machine:        i686
Instance name: umlaut
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 13
Unix process pid: 18998, image: oracle@dthistory02 (D000)
Warning: keltnfy call to ldmInit failed with error 46
*** 2018-03-09 03:42:51.581
network error encountered getting listening address:
  NS Primary Error: TNS-12533: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
  NS Secondary Error: TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
  NT Generic Error: TNS-00503: Illegal ADDRESS parameters
OPIRIP: Uncaught error 108. Error stack:
ORA-00108: failed to set up dispatcher to accept connection asynchronously
Exception signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code: 1 (Address not mapped to object), addr: 0x130, PC: [0x831f388, kslgetl()+80]
%eax: 0x00000000 %ebx: 0x00000007 %ecx: 0x00001768
%edx: 0x00003980 %edi: 0x20098a44 %esi: 0x00000000
%esp: 0xbffff188 %ebp: 0xbffff194 %eip: 0x0831f388
%efl: 0x00010246
  kslgetl()+57 (0x831f371) jnz 0x831f5a2
  kslgetl()+63 (0x831f377) mov 0xce77488,%esi
  kslgetl()+69 (0x831f37d) mov 0xc(%edi),%ebx
  kslgetl()+72 (0x831f380) movzw 0xc1e0d20(,%ebx,2),%edx
> kslgetl()+80 (0x831f388) test %edx,0x130(%esi)
  kslgetl()+86 (0x831f38e) lea 0x9c(%esi),%eax
  kslgetl()+92 (0x831f394) jnz 0x831f58c
  kslgetl()+98 (0x831f39a) test %ebx,%ebx
  kslgetl()+100 (0x831f39c) jl 0x831f4e7
*** 2018-03-09 03:42:51.583
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kslgetl()+80] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x130] [] []
ORA-00108: failed to set up dispatcher to accept connection asynchronously
Current SQL information unavailable - no session.

查到MOS文章ORA-07445: [kslgetl()+80] Followed by ORA-108: failed to set up dispatcher to accept connection asynchronously(ID 1298804.1)和报错基本一致,发现此问题主要和hostname及hosts设置相关

# hostname 
# cat /etc/hosts   dt     history02  localhost
果然 hostname和hosts中不一致,修改/etc/hosts后再无报错(不需要重启DB),至此问题解决。

附:文档 ID 1298804.1
ORA-07445: [kslgetl()+80] Followed by ORA-108: failed to set up dispatcher to accept connection asynchronously


Oracle Net Services - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The following errors are seen in the trace file written by an ORA-7445 [kslgetl]:

network error encountered getting listening address:
NS Primary Error: TNS-12533: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
NS Secondary Error: TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
NT Generic Error: TNS-00503: Illegal ADDRESS parameters
OPIRIP: Uncaught error 108. Error stack:
ORA-00108: failed to set up dispatcher to accept connection asynchronously
Exception signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code: 1 (Address not mapped to object), addr: 0x130, PC: [0x82f09dc, kslgetl()+80]

The trace file indicates that there is no session:

Current SQL information unavailable - no session.

The Call Stack Trace in the ORA-7445 trace file contains a function list similar to:

 kslgetl <- PGOSF57_ksfglt
<- kghfre <- kmnsbf <- nsbfr <- nsiofrrg <- nsiocancel
<- nsopen_shutitdown <- nsclose <- nsgblclose <- nsgblTRMHelper <- nsgblRealTerm
<- nlstdstp <- npinlt <- ksuabt <- opidrv <- sou2o
<- opimai_real <- main <- libc_start_main




The trace file first reports: Warning: keltnfy call to ldmInit failed with error 46 

The ORA-7445 is not the starting point here. This exception is just a spin-off from ORA-108 and it is possible that different internal errors may be seen, such as ORA-600 [504], depending on what is happening when the ORA-108 is encountered.

The cause for the ORA-108 is related to the inital message at the beginning of the trace file: "keltnfy call to ldmInit failed with error 46" and this is followed by: "network error encountered getting listening address:" 

The error code (here: 46) is the key for solving the issue.
This warning says that ldmInit() returned error 46 which is LDMERR_HOST_NOT_FOUND (host not found).

This error is returned if the OS call gethostbyname() fails with an error. So these appears to be a network specific issue.


1) Check permission on /etc/hosts

$ ls -l /etc/hosts -rw-r--r-- 2 root root 194 Oct 17 2006 /etc/hosts

Check if /etc/hosts file is correctly configured

( all of this on one line ).

2) Check the hostname:

$ hostname
$ ping `hostname`

Make sure you are able to ping the hostname

3) Check if /etc/nodename is correctly configured
If you have DNS setup, ping is not a tool to diagnose DNS problem. A better tool to use is nslookup, dnsquery, or dig.

$ nslookup $ nslookup $ nslookup

The forward and reverse lookup should succeed and return consistent address/info.

4) Check nsswitch.conf

$ more nsswitch.confhosts: files dnsMake sure host lookup is also done through the /etc/hosts file and not just dns. It is recommended that FILES come first before DNS.

Also, check the resolv.conf. This makes sure that the DNS is working properly.

  1. 性能测试,负载测试,压力测试一些区别和应用
  2. 虚拟云主机和服务器有什么不同


ora-00108 ora-07445 kslgetl

上一篇:ORACLE exp/imp导入报错IMP-00009&IMP-00028&IMP-00015




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