INS-20802 PRVF-9802 PRVF-5184 PRVF-5186 After Successful Upgradeto 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure

发布时间:2020-06-19 10:06:50 作者:jason_125
来源:网络 阅读:1044

INS-20802 PRVF-9802 PRVF-5184 PRVF-5186 After Successful Upgradeto 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure (文档 ID 974481.1)


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Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition -Version and later

Generic Linux

***Checked for relevance on 11-Mar-2013***


After successful upgrade to 11gR2 GridInfrastructure clusterware, INS-20802 reported while running Oracle ClusterVerification Utility post check, installation logs located in$ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/logs/installActions{$TIMESTAMP}.log shows similar entrieslike following:

INFO: PRVF-9802 : Attempt to get udev infofrom node "node1" failed

INFO: Checking udev settings for device"/dev/raw/raw1"

INFO: PRVF-5184 : Check of following Udevattributes of "node2:/dev/raw/raw1" failed: "[Group:Found='root' Expected='oinstall', Permissions: Found='0660'Expected='0640']"

INFO: PRVF-5186 : Check for Udevpermissions failed on node "node1"



INFO: Checking udev settings for device"/dev/raw/raw1"

INFO: PRVF-5184 : Check of following Udevattributes of "node1:/dev/raw/raw1" failed: "[Group:Found='root' Expected='oinstall', Permissions: Found='0600'Expected='0640']"

INFO: PRVF-5184 : Check of following Udevattributes of "node2:/dev/raw/raw1" failed: "[Group:Found='root' Expected='oinstall', Permissions: Found='0600'Expected='0640']"


There's multiple likely causes:


Cause 1. OCR and Voting Disk devices arenot managed by UDEV, thus UDEV rules doesn't have proper configuration for OCRand Voting disk devices


Cause 2. Due to unpublished bug 8726128,even UDEV is configured properly, the error still showed up on local node onRHEL4/OEL4


1. To keep OCR and Voting Disk device namepersistent across node reboot with proper ownership and permission, they needto be managed by UDEV; if you have other tool for the same purpose, you cansafely ignore the warning.


2. Unpublished bug 8726128 will be fixed in11.2.0.2, if "ls -l name_of_ocr" command shows expected result, theerror can be ignored



Note: its recommended to migrate OCR andVoting Disk to ASM once upgrade is finished; if Voting Disk is migrated to ASM,it will inherit underlying diskgroup redundance:


  Tomigrate OCR to ASM:

   $GRID_HOME/bin/ocrconfig -add DiskGroupName

   $GRID_HOME/bin/ocrconfig -delete Current_OCR_NAME



   $GRID_HOME/bin/ocrconfig -add +DGOCW

   $GRID_HOME/bin/ocrconfig -delete /dev/raw/raw1



  Tomigrate Voting Disk to ASM:

   $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl replace votedisk +DiskGroupName




   $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl replace votedisk +DGOCW


NOTE:414897.1 - How To Setup UDEV Rules ForRAC OCR And Voting Devices On SLES10, RHEL5, OEL5, OL5




  1. [INS-13001] Environment Does not Meet Minimum Req
  2. 安装grid的时候遇到的错误INS-20802


ins prvf gr





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