<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>俄罗斯方块</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/> <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="teris.css"> <style type="text/css"> /*导入外部的字体文件*/ @font-face{ font-family:tmb;/*为字体命名为tmb*/ src:url("DS-DIGIB.TTF") format("TrueType");/*format为字体文件格式,TrueType为ttf*/ } div>span{ font-family:tmb; font-size:18pt; color:green; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="container" class="bg"> <!--ui--> <div class="ui_bg"> <div style="float:left;margin-right:4px;"> 速度:<span id="cur_speed">1</span> </div> <div style="float:left;"> 当前分数:<span id="cur_points">0</span> </div> <div style="float:right;"> 最高分数:<span id="max_points">0</span> </div> </div> <canvas id="text" width="500" height="100" style="position:absolute;"></canvas> <canvas id="stage" width="500" height="100" style="position:absolute;"></canvas> </div> <script src='EasePack.min.js'></script> <script src='TweenLite.min.js'></script> <script src='easeljs-0.7.1.min.js'></script> <script src='requestAnimationFrame.js'></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="teris.js"></script> </body> </html>
*{ margin:0; padding:0; } html, body{ width:100%; height:100%; } .bg{ font-size:13pt; background-color:rgb(239, 239, 227); /*好看的渐变色*/ background-image:radial-gradient(rgb(239, 239, 227), rgb(230, 220, 212)); /*阴影*/ box-shadow:#cdc8c1 -1px -1px 7px 0px; padding-bottom:4px; } .ui_bg{ border-bottom:1px #a69e9ea3 solid; padding-bottom:2px; overflow:hidden;/*没有这句的话因为子div都设置了float,所以是浮在网页上的,所以父div就没有高度,这句清除了浮动,让父div有了子div的高度*/ }
//游戏设定 var TETRIS_ROWS = 20; var TETRIS_COLS = 14; var CELL_SIZE = 24; var NO_BLOCK=0; var HAVE_BLOCK=1; // 定义几种可能出现的方块组合 var blockArr = [ // Z [ {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 - 1 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:1}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 + 1 , y:1} ], // 反Z [ {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 + 1 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:1}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 - 1 , y:1} ], // 田 [ {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 - 1 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 - 1 , y:1}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:1} ], // L [ {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 - 1 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 - 1, y:1}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 - 1 , y:2}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:2} ], // J [ {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:1}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:2}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 - 1, y:2} ], // □□□□ [ {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:1}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:2}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:3} ], // ┴ [ {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:0}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 - 1 , y:1}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 , y:1}, {x: TETRIS_COLS / 2 + 1, y:1} ] ]; // 记录当前积分 var curScore=0; // 记录曾经的最高积分 var maxScore=1; var curSpeed=1; //ui元素 var curSpeedEle=document.getElementById("cur_speed"); var curScoreEle=document.getElementById("cur_points"); var maxScoreEle=document.getElementById("max_points"); var timer;//方块下落控制 var myCanvas; var canvasCtx; var tetris_status;//地图数据 var currentFall;//当前下落的block
//create canvas function createCanvas(){ myCanvas=document.createElement("canvas"); myCanvas.width=TETRIS_COLS*CELL_SIZE; myCanvas.height=TETRIS_ROWS*CELL_SIZE; //绘制背景 canvasCtx=myCanvas.getContext("2d"); canvasCtx.beginPath(); //TETRIS_COS for(let i=1; i<TETRIS_COLS; i++){ canvasCtx.moveTo(i*CELL_SIZE, 0); canvasCtx.lineTo(i*CELL_SIZE, myCanvas.height); } for(let i=1; i<TETRIS_ROWS; i++){ canvasCtx.moveTo(0, i*CELL_SIZE); canvasCtx.lineTo(myCanvas.width, i*CELL_SIZE); } canvasCtx.closePath(); canvasCtx.strokeStyle="#b4a79d"; canvasCtx.lineWidth=0.6; canvasCtx.stroke(); //第一行,最后一行,第一列,最后一列粗一点。 canvasCtx.beginPath(); canvasCtx.moveTo(0, 0); canvasCtx.lineTo(myCanvas.width, 0); canvasCtx.moveTo(0, myCanvas.height); canvasCtx.lineTo(myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); canvasCtx.moveTo(0, 0); canvasCtx.lineTo(0, myCanvas.height); canvasCtx.moveTo(myCanvas.width, 0); canvasCtx.lineTo(myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); canvasCtx.closePath(); canvasCtx.strokeStyle="#b4a79d"; canvasCtx.lineWidth=4; canvasCtx.stroke(); //设置绘制block时的style canvasCtx.fillStyle="#201a14"; } draw canvas
function changeWidthAndHeight(w, h){ //通过jquery设置css h+=$("ui_bg").css("height")+$("ui_bg").css("margin-rop")+$("ui_bg").css("margin-bottom")+$("ui_bg").css("padding-top")+$("ui_bg").css("padding-bottom"); $(".bg").css({ "width":w, "height":h, "top":0, "bottom":0, "right":0, "left":0, "margin":"auto" }); } change width and height
//draw blocks function drawBlocks(){ //清空地图 for(let i=0; i<TETRIS_ROWS;i++){ for(let j=0;j<TETRIS_COLS;j++) canvasCtx.clearRect(j*CELL_SIZE+1, i*CELL_SIZE+1, CELL_SIZE-2, CELL_SIZE-2); } //绘制地图 for(let i=0; i<TETRIS_ROWS;i++){ for(let j=0;j<TETRIS_COLS;j++){ if(tetris_status[i][j]!=NO_BLOCK) canvasCtx.fillRect(j*CELL_SIZE+1, i*CELL_SIZE+1, CELL_SIZE-2, CELL_SIZE-2);//中间留点缝隙 } } //绘制currentFall for(let i=0;i<currentFall.length;i++) canvasCtx.fillRect(currentFall[i].x*CELL_SIZE+1, currentFall[i].y*CELL_SIZE+1, CELL_SIZE-2,CELL_SIZE-2); } draw block
function rotate(){ // 定义记录能否旋转的旗标 var canRotate = true; for (var i = 0 ; i < currentFall.length ; i++) { var preX = currentFall[i].x; var preY = currentFall[i].y; // 始终以第三个方块作为旋转的中心, // i == 2时,说明是旋转的中心 if(i != 2) { // 计算方块旋转后的x、y坐标 var afterRotateX = currentFall[2].x + preY - currentFall[2].y; var afterRotateY = currentFall[2].y + currentFall[2].x - preX; // 如果旋转后所在位置已有方块,表明不能旋转 if(tetris_status[afterRotateY][afterRotateX + 1] != NO_BLOCK) { canRotate = false; break; } // 如果旋转后的坐标已经超出了最左边边界 if(afterRotateX < 0 || tetris_status[afterRotateY - 1][afterRotateX] != NO_BLOCK) { moveRight(); afterRotateX = currentFall[2].x + preY - currentFall[2].y; afterRotateY = currentFall[2].y + currentFall[2].x - preX; break; } if(afterRotateX < 0 || tetris_status[afterRotateY-1][afterRotateX] != NO_BLOCK) { moveRight(); break; } // 如果旋转后的坐标已经超出了最右边边界 if(afterRotateX >= TETRIS_COLS - 1 || tetris_status[afterRotateY][afterRotateX+1] != NO_BLOCK) { moveLeft(); afterRotateX = currentFall[2].x + preY - currentFall[2].y; afterRotateY = currentFall[2].y + currentFall[2].x - preX; break; } if(afterRotateX >= TETRIS_COLS - 1 || tetris_status[afterRotateY][afterRotateX+1] != NO_BLOCK) { moveLeft(); break; } } } if(canRotate){ for (var i = 0 ; i < currentFall.length ; i++){ var preX = currentFall[i].x; var preY = currentFall[i].y; if(i != 2){ currentFall[i].x = currentFall[2].x + preY - currentFall[2].y; currentFall[i].y = currentFall[2].y + currentFall[2].x - preX; } } localStorage.setItem("currentFall", JSON.stringify(currentFall)); } } 旋转
//按下 下 或 interval到了 function next(){ if(moveDown()){ //记录block for(let i=0;i<currentFall.length;i++) tetris_status[currentFall[i].y][currentFall[i].x]=HAVE_BLOCK; //判断有没有满行的 for(let j=0;j<currentFall.length;j++){ for(let i=0;i<TETRIS_COLS; i++){ if(tetris_status[currentFall[j].y][i]==NO_BLOCK) break; //最后一行满了 if(i==TETRIS_COLS-1){ //消除最后一行 for(let i=currentFall[j].y; i>0;i--){ for(let j=0;j<TETRIS_COLS;j++) tetris_status[i][j]=tetris_status[i-1][j]; } //分数增加 curScore+=5; localStorage.setItem("curScore", curScore); if(curScore>maxScore){ //超越最高分 maxScore=curScore; localStorage.setItem("maxScore", maxScore); } //加速 curSpeed+=0.1; localStorage.setItem("curSpeed", curSpeed); //ui输出 curScoreEle.innerHTML=""+curScore; maxScoreEle.innerHTML=""+maxScore; curSpeedEle.innerHTML=curSpeed.toFixed(1);//保留两位小数 clearInterval(timer); timer=setInterval(function(){ next(); }, 500/curSpeed); } } } //判断是否触顶 for(let i=0;i<currentFall.length;i++){ if(currentFall[i].y==0){ gameEnd(); return; } } localStorage.setItem("tetris_status", JSON.stringify(tetris_status)); //新的block createBlock(); localStorage.setItem("currentFall", JSON.stringify(currentFall)); } drawBlocks(); } //右移 function moveRight(){ for(let i=0;i<currentFall.length;i++){ if(currentFall[i].x+1>=TETRIS_ROWS || tetris_status[currentFall[i].y][currentFall[i].x+1]!=NO_BLOCK) return; } for(let i=0;i<currentFall.length;i++) currentFall[i].x++; localStorage.setItem("currentFall", JSON.stringify(currentFall)); return; } //左移 function moveLeft(){ for(let i=0;i<currentFall.length;i++){ if(currentFall[i].x-1<0 || tetris_status[currentFall[i].y][currentFall[i].x-1]!=NO_BLOCK) return; } for(let i=0;i<currentFall.length;i++) currentFall[i].x--; localStorage.setItem("currentFall", JSON.stringify(currentFall)); return; } //judge can move down and if arrive at end return 1, if touch other blocks return 2, else, return 0 function moveDown(){ for(let i=0;i<currentFall.length;i++){ if(currentFall[i].y>=TETRIS_ROWS-1 || tetris_status[currentFall[i].y+1][currentFall[i].x]!=NO_BLOCK) return true; } for(let i=0;i<currentFall.length;i++) currentFall[i].y+=1; return false; } 上下左右移动
function gameKeyEvent(evt){ switch(evt.keyCode){ //向下 case 40://↓ case 83://S next(); drawBlocks(); break; //向左 case 37://← case 65://A moveLeft(); drawBlocks(); break; //向右 case 39://→ case 68://D moveRight(); drawBlocks(); break; //旋转 case 38://↑ case 87://W rotate(); drawBlocks(); break; } } keydown事件监听
//game end function gameEnd(){ clearInterval(timer); //键盘输入监听结束 window.onkeydown=function(){ //按任意键重新开始游戏 window.onkeydown=gameKeyEvent; //初始化游戏数据 initData(); createBlock(); localStorage.setItem("currentFall", JSON.stringify(currentFall)); localStorage.setItem("tetris_status", JSON.stringify(tetris_status)); localStorage.setItem("curScore", curScore); localStorage.setItem("curSpeed", curSpeed); //绘制 curScoreEle.innerHTML=""+curScore; curSpeedEle.innerHTML=curSpeed.toFixed(1);//保留两位小数 drawBlocks(); timer=setInterval(function(){ next(); }, 500/curSpeed); //清除特效 this.stage.removeAllChildren(); this.textStage.removeAllChildren(); }; //特效,游戏结束 setTimeout(function(){ initAnim(); //擦除黑色方块 for(let i=0; i<TETRIS_ROWS;i++){ for(let j=0;j<TETRIS_COLS;j++) canvasCtx.clearRect(j*CELL_SIZE+1, i*CELL_SIZE+1, CELL_SIZE-2, CELL_SIZE-2); } }, 200); //推迟显示Failed setTimeout(function(){ if(textFormed) { explode(); setTimeout(function() { createText("FAILED"); }, 810); } else { createText("FAILED"); } }, 800); }
easeljs-0.7.1.min.js,EasePacj.min.js,requestAnimationFrame.js和TweenLite.min.js 游戏重新开始就要清除特效。我看api里我第一眼望过去最明显的就是removeAllChildren(),所以就选了这个。其他的改进日后再说。
//清除特效 this.stage.removeAllChildren(); this.textStage.removeAllChildren();
function initAnim() { initStages(); initText(); initCircles(); //在stage下方添加文字——按任意键重新开始游戏. tmp = new createjs.Text("t", "12px 'Source Sans Pro'", "#54555C"); tmp.textAlign = 'center'; tmp.x = 180; tmp.y=350; tmp.text = "按任意键重新开始游戏"; stage.addChild(tmp); animate(); } initAnim
function initCircles() { circles = []; var p=[]; var count=0; for(let i=0; i<TETRIS_ROWS;i++) for(let j=0;j<TETRIS_COLS;j++) if(tetris_status[i][j]!=NO_BLOCK) p.push({'x':j*CELL_SIZE+2, 'y':i*CELL_SIZE+2, 'w':CELL_SIZE-3, 'h':CELL_SIZE-4}); for(var i=0; i<250; i++) { var circle = new createjs.Shape(); var r = 7; //x和y范围限定在黑色block内 var x = p[count]['x']+p[count]['w']*Math.random(); var y = p[count]['y']+p[count]['h']*Math.random(); count++; if(count>=p.length) count=0; var color = colors[Math.floor(i%colors.length)]; var alpha = 0.2 + Math.random()*0.5; circle.alpha = alpha; circle.radius = r; circle.graphics.beginFill(color).drawCircle(0, 0, r); circle.x = x; circle.y = y; circles.push(circle); stage.addChild(circle); circle.movement = 'float'; tweenCircle(circle); } } initCircles
function createText(t) { curText=t; var fontSize = 500/(t.length); if (fontSize > 80) fontSize = 80; text.text = t; text.font = "900 "+fontSize+"px 'Source Sans Pro'"; text.textAlign = 'center'; text.x = TETRIS_COLS*CELL_SIZE/2; text.y = 0; textStage.addChild(text); textStage.update(); var ctx = document.getElementById('text').getContext('2d'); var pix = ctx.getImageData(0,0,600,200).data; textPixels = []; for (var i = pix.length; i >= 0; i -= 4) { if (pix[i] != 0) { var x = (i / 4) % 600; var y = Math.floor(Math.floor(i/600)/4); if((x && x%8 == 0) && (y && y%8 == 0)) textPixels.push({x: x, y: y}); } } formText(); textStage.clear();//清楚text的显示 } CreateText
function formText() { for(var i= 0, l=textPixels.length; i<l; i++) { circles[i].originX = offsetX + textPixels[i].x; circles[i].originY = offsetY + textPixels[i].y; tweenCircle(circles[i], 'in'); } textFormed = true; if(textPixels.length < circles.length) { for(var j = textPixels.length; j<circles.length; j++) { circles[j].tween = TweenLite.to(circles[j], 0.4, {alpha: 0.1}); } } } formtext
function tweenCircle(c, dir) { if(c.tween) c.tween.kill(); if(dir == 'in') { /*TweenLite.to 改变c实例的x坐标,y坐标,使用easeInOut弹性函数,透明度提到1,改变大小,radius,总用时0.4s*/ c.tween = TweenLite.to(c, 0.4, {x: c.originX, y: c.originY, ease:Quad.easeInOut, alpha: 1, radius: 5, scaleX: 0.4, scaleY: 0.4, onComplete: function() { c.movement = 'jiggle';/*轻摇*/ tweenCircle(c); }}); } else if(dir == 'out') { c.tween = TweenLite.to(c, 0.8, {x: window.innerWidth*Math.random(), y: window.innerHeight*Math.random(), ease:Quad.easeInOut, alpha: 0.2 + Math.random()*0.5, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, onComplete: function() { c.movement = 'float'; tweenCircle(c); }}); } else { if(c.movement == 'float') { c.tween = TweenLite.to(c, 5 + Math.random()*3.5, {x: c.x + -100+Math.random()*200, y: c.y + -100+Math.random()*200, ease:Quad.easeInOut, alpha: 0.2 + Math.random()*0.5, onComplete: function() { tweenCircle(c); }}); } else { c.tween = TweenLite.to(c, 0.05, {x: c.originX + Math.random()*3, y: c.originY + Math.random()*3, ease:Quad.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { tweenCircle(c); }}); } } }
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