public class SentinelGatewayFilter implements GatewayFilter, GlobalFilter { private final GatewayParamParser<ServerWebExchange> paramParser = new GatewayParamParser<>( new ServerWebExchangeItemParser()); @Override public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) { Route route = exchange.getAttribute(ServerWebExchangeUtils.GATEWAY_ROUTE_ATTR); Mono<Void> asyncResult = chain.filter(exchange); if (route != null) { String routeId = route.getId(); Object[] params = paramParser.parseParameterFor(routeId, exchange, r -> r.getResourceMode() == SentinelGatewayConstants.RESOURCE_MODE_ROUTE_ID); String origin = Optional.ofNullable(GatewayCallbackManager.getRequestOriginParser()) .map(f -> f.apply(exchange)) .orElse(""); asyncResult = asyncResult.transform( new SentinelReactorTransformer<>(new EntryConfig(routeId, EntryType.IN, 1, params, new ContextConfig(contextName(routeId), origin))) ); } Set<String> matchingApis = pickMatchingApiDefinitions(exchange); for (String apiName : matchingApis) { Object[] params = paramParser.parseParameterFor(apiName, exchange, r -> r.getResourceMode() == SentinelGatewayConstants.RESOURCE_MODE_CUSTOM_API_NAME); asyncResult = asyncResult.transform( new SentinelReactorTransformer<>(new EntryConfig(apiName, EntryType.IN, 1, params)) ); } return asyncResult; } private String contextName(String route) { return SentinelGatewayConstants.GATEWAY_CONTEXT_ROUTE_PREFIX + route; } Set<String> pickMatchingApiDefinitions(ServerWebExchange exchange) { return GatewayApiMatcherManager.getApiMatcherMap().values() .stream() .filter(m -> m.test(exchange)) .map(WebExchangeApiMatcher::getApiName) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } }
public class SentinelReactorTransformer<T> implements Function<Publisher<T>, Publisher<T>> { private final EntryConfig entryConfig; public SentinelReactorTransformer(String resourceName) { this(new EntryConfig(resourceName)); } public SentinelReactorTransformer(EntryConfig entryConfig) { AssertUtil.notNull(entryConfig, "entryConfig cannot be null"); this.entryConfig = entryConfig; } @Override public Publisher<T> apply(Publisher<T> publisher) { if (publisher instanceof Mono) { return new MonoSentinelOperator<>((Mono<T>) publisher, entryConfig); } if (publisher instanceof Flux) { return new FluxSentinelOperator<>((Flux<T>) publisher, entryConfig); } throw new IllegalStateException("Publisher type is not supported: " + publisher.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } }
public class MonoSentinelOperator<T> extends MonoOperator<T, T> { private final EntryConfig entryConfig; public MonoSentinelOperator(Mono<? extends T> source, EntryConfig entryConfig) { super(source); AssertUtil.notNull(entryConfig, "entryConfig cannot be null"); this.entryConfig = entryConfig; } @Override public void subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual) { source.subscribe(new SentinelReactorSubscriber<>(entryConfig, actual, true)); } }
public class FluxSentinelOperator<T> extends FluxOperator<T, T> { private final EntryConfig entryConfig; public FluxSentinelOperator(Flux<? extends T> source, EntryConfig entryConfig) { super(source); AssertUtil.notNull(entryConfig, "entryConfig cannot be null"); this.entryConfig = entryConfig; } @Override public void subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual) { source.subscribe(new SentinelReactorSubscriber<>(entryConfig, actual, false)); } }
public class SentinelReactorSubscriber<T> extends InheritableBaseSubscriber<T> { private final EntryConfig entryConfig; private final CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual; private final boolean unary; private volatile AsyncEntry currentEntry; private final AtomicBoolean entryExited = new AtomicBoolean(false); public SentinelReactorSubscriber(EntryConfig entryConfig, CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual, boolean unary) { checkEntryConfig(entryConfig); this.entryConfig = entryConfig; this.actual = actual; this.unary = unary; } private void checkEntryConfig(EntryConfig config) { AssertUtil.notNull(config, "entryConfig cannot be null"); } @Override public Context currentContext() { if (currentEntry == null || entryExited.get()) { return actual.currentContext(); } com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.context.Context sentinelContext = currentEntry.getAsyncContext(); if (sentinelContext == null) { return actual.currentContext(); } return actual.currentContext() .put(SentinelReactorConstants.SENTINEL_CONTEXT_KEY, currentEntry.getAsyncContext()); } private void doWithContextOrCurrent(Supplier<Optional<com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.context.Context>> contextSupplier, Runnable f) { Optional<com.alibaba.csp.sentinel.context.Context> contextOpt = contextSupplier.get(); if (!contextOpt.isPresent()) { // Provided context is absent, use current context. f.run(); } else { // Run on provided context. ContextUtil.runOnContext(contextOpt.get(), f); } } private void entryWhenSubscribed() { ContextConfig sentinelContextConfig = entryConfig.getContextConfig(); if (sentinelContextConfig != null) { // If current we're already in a context, the context config won't work. ContextUtil.enter(sentinelContextConfig.getContextName(), sentinelContextConfig.getOrigin()); } try { AsyncEntry entry = SphU.asyncEntry(entryConfig.getResourceName(), entryConfig.getEntryType(), entryConfig.getAcquireCount(), entryConfig.getArgs()); this.currentEntry = entry; actual.onSubscribe(this); } catch (BlockException ex) { // Mark as completed (exited) explicitly. entryExited.set(true); // Signal cancel and propagate the {@code BlockException}. cancel(); actual.onSubscribe(this); actual.onError(ex); } finally { if (sentinelContextConfig != null) { ContextUtil.exit(); } } } @Override protected void hookOnSubscribe(Subscription subscription) { doWithContextOrCurrent(() -> currentContext().getOrEmpty(SentinelReactorConstants.SENTINEL_CONTEXT_KEY), this::entryWhenSubscribed); } @Override protected void hookOnNext(T value) { if (isDisposed()) { tryCompleteEntry(); return; } doWithContextOrCurrent(() -> Optional.ofNullable(currentEntry).map(AsyncEntry::getAsyncContext), () -> actual.onNext(value)); if (unary) { // For some cases of unary operator (Mono), we have to do this during onNext hook. // e.g. this kind of order: onSubscribe() -> onNext() -> cancel() -> onComplete() // the onComplete hook will not be executed so we'll need to complete the entry in advance. tryCompleteEntry(); } } @Override protected void hookOnComplete() { tryCompleteEntry(); actual.onComplete(); } @Override protected boolean shouldCallErrorDropHook() { // When flow control triggered or stream terminated, the incoming // deprecated exceptions should be dropped implicitly, so we'll not call the `onErrorDropped` hook. return !entryExited.get(); } @Override protected void hookOnError(Throwable t) { if (currentEntry != null && currentEntry.getAsyncContext() != null) { // Normal requests with non-BlockException will go through here. Tracer.traceContext(t, 1, currentEntry.getAsyncContext()); } tryCompleteEntry(); actual.onError(t); } @Override protected void hookOnCancel() { } private boolean tryCompleteEntry() { if (currentEntry != null && entryExited.compareAndSet(false, true)) { currentEntry.exit(1, entryConfig.getArgs()); return true; } return false; } }
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