$Rscript $scriptdir/GOChord_plot.r -h usage: /share/nas1/fangs/test/Ferroptosis-Related/TCGA-ESCC/scripts/GOChord_plot.r [-h] -g GO_DATA -d DEG_DATA [--no_logFC] [--gene GENE] [--GO GO] [-z GENE_SIZE] [-S GENE_SPACE] [-s GO_SPACE] [-t TITLE] [-o OUTDIR] [-p PREFIX] [-H HEIGHT] [-W WIDTH] GOChord plot:https://www.亿速云.com/article/1532 optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -g GO_DATA, --GO_data GO_DATA input a GO enrichment analysis data,the data with columns for 'category','ID','term',adjusted p-value('adj_pval') and 'genes'[required] -d DEG_DATA, --deg_data DEG_DATA input the result of differential expression analysis corresponding to GO enrichment analysis,the data with columns for 'ID', 'logFC'[required] --no_logFC There is no logFC value[optional,default False] --gene GENE The number of GOterms associated with a gene[optional,default 3] --GO GO The number of genes associated with a GOterms[optional,default 5] -z GENE_SIZE, --gene_size GENE_SIZE The size of the gene name[optional,default 5] -S GENE_SPACE, --gene_space GENE_SPACE The spacing between genes[optional,default 0.25] -s GO_SPACE, --GO_space GO_SPACE The spacing between GOterms[optional,default 0.02] -t TITLE, --title TITLE the title of the String figure[optional,default GOChord_plot] -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR output file directory[optional,default cwd] -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX out file name prefix[optional,default GOChord_plot] -H HEIGHT, --height HEIGHT the height of the String figure[optional,default 18] -W WIDTH, --width WIDTH the width of the String figure[optional,default 20]
-g 输入GO富集分析结果文件,文件的列中必须含有"category"(BP/CC/MF)、''ID"(GO ID)、"term"(功能描述)、"adj_pval"(校正后的p值)和"genes"(每个GO term中含有的gene ID):
category | ID | term | GeneRatio | BgRatio | pvalue | adj_pval | qvalue | genes | Count |
BP | GO:0006979 | response to oxidative stress | 10/37 | 458/18866 | 1.25E-08 | 1.79E-05 | 1.27E-05 | TXNIP/FANCD2/ANGPTL7/NOX4/NCF2/HSPB1/PRKAA2/G6PD/TNFAIP3/HBA1 | 10 |
BP | GO:0062197 | cellular response to chemical stress | 8/37 | 360/18866 | 3.87E-07 | 0.000277 | 0.000198 | FANCD2/SLC2A1/NOX4/NCF2/HSPB1/PRKAA2/G6PD/TNFAIP3 | 8 |
BP | GO:0001894 | tissue homeostasis | 7/37 | 261/18866 | 6.46E-07 | 0.000308 | 0.000220 | TFRC/ALB/SLC2A1/NOX4/HSPB1/TF/TNFAIP3 | 7 |
-d 输入用于GO富集分析的基因文件,文件列中必须含有""ID"(gene ID)和"logFC"(差异倍数),若没有差异倍数,会添加"logFC"列并将差异倍数设置为0:
ID | FDR | PValue | logFC | Regulate |
MT1G | 2.24E-12 | 8.09E-15 | -4.156082 | Down |
PLIN4 | 6.05E-12 | 2.55E-14 | -3.419216 | Down |
RRM2 | 6.55E-09 | 6.50E-11 | 2.694453 | Up |
--gene 5 --GO 4
--gene是设置每个gene至少对应的GO term数,如基因对应的GO term数没有达到设置的值,那么该gene将不会在图中显示
--GO是设置每个GO term至少含有的gene数,如GO term含有的gene数没有达到设置的值,那么该GO term也将不会在图中显示
-z 5 -S 0.25 -s 0.02
-z是设置图中gene ID的字体大小,-S是设置图中gene间的间隔大小,-s是设置图中GO term间的间隔大小
$Rscript $scriptdir/GOChord_plot.r -g GO/TP_vs_NT_GO_enrichment_stat.tsv \ -d ../03.deg/fer_deg_gene.tsv --gene 5 --GO 4
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