Rscript network.r -h usage: network.r [-h] -e filepath -v filepath -f from -t to -w weight -g group [--isolated] [-l style] [--label.node] [--sub_label.node] [-o path] [-n prefix] [-H number] [-W number] network plot:https://www.亿速云.com/article/1531 optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e filepath, --edge filepath input the edge information of network,[required] -v filepath, --vertex filepath input the vertex information of network,[required] -f from, --from from the name of the start gene column [required] -t to, --to to the name of the end gene column[required] -w weight, --combined_score weight the name of the edge weight column[required] -g group, --group group input group id in vertex file, can set multi groups[required] --isolated delete isolated vertex [optional, default: False] -l style, --layout style set Network display style,c('star', 'circle', 'gem', 'dh', 'graphopt', 'grid', 'mds', 'randomly', 'fr', 'kk', 'drl', 'lgl'),[default fr] --label.node show node name [optional, default: TRUE] --sub_label.node show node name of sub-network [optional, default: TRUE] -o path, --outdir path output file directory [default cwd] -n prefix, --name prefix out file name prefix [default demo] -H number, --height number the height of pic inches [default 12] -W number, --width number the width of pic inches [default 12]
-e 网络图的边信息文件路径,文件中包含边的起始节点,结尾节点,以及边的权重信息
from | to | combined_score | fromGeneName | toGeneName |
9606.ENSP00000011653 | 9606.ENSP00000046794 | 959 | CD4 | LCP2 |
9606.ENSP00000061240 | 9606.ENSP00000204604 | 952 | TLL1 | CHRD |
9606.ENSP00000172229 | 9606.ENSP00000228945 | 945 | NGFR | ARHGDIB |
-v 网络中节点信息文件路径,文件中包含节点(节点名与边信息文件中起始节点名,结尾节点名相对应)和节点类别信息
gene | regulate |
CD4 | Up |
TLL1 | Up |
-f 边信息文件中起始节点列名
-t 边信息文件中结尾节点列名
-w 边信息文件中边权重列名
-g 节点信息文件中节点类别列名
-i 网络图中是否隐藏孤立节点,默认不隐藏
-L 是否标注完整网络的节点名,默认标注
-S 是否标注最大子图中节点名,默认标注
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