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ppi_network.r 蛋白互作网络分析
$ Rscript $scriptdir/ppi_network.r -h usage: /work/my_stad_immu/scripts/ppi_network.r [-h] -g gene.list [-s ann.db] [-t score_threshold] [-v version] [-p prefix] [-o outdir] [-H height] [-W width] GO enrich analysis optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -g gene.list, --gene.list gene.list diff expressed gene list file, required -s ann.db, --species ann.db NCBI taxonomy identifiers of the organism (e.g. 9606 for Human, 10090 for mouse). default 9606 -t score_threshold, --score_threshold score_threshold a threshold for the combined scores of the interactions, such that any interaction below that threshold is not loaded in the network (by default the score threshold is set to 700) -v version, --version version define the STRING version to be used [optional, default: 11 ] -p prefix, --prefix prefix the output file prefix [optional, default: PPI ] -o outdir, --outdir outdir output file directory [default cwd] -H height, --height height the height of pic inches [default 10] -W width, --width width the width of pic inches [default 10]
-g 指定基因列表文件为SYMBOL ID :读取文件的第一列为ID列表:STRING数据库获取网络;
Rscript $scriptdir/ppi_network.r -g ../04.deg/S1_vs_S2.DEG.final.tsv -p S1_vs_S2