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tsne_analysis.r 表达聚类分析
$ Rscript $scriptdir/tsne_analysis.r -h usage: /work/my_stad_immu/scripts/tsne_analysis.r [-h] -i filepath -m metadata [-d dims] [-p perplexity] [--theta theta] [-M initial_dims] [-T top] -g group [-s size] [-a alpha] [-e] [-L] [-X x.lab] [-Y y.lab] [-t title] [-o outdir] [-n prefix] [-H height] [-W width] t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding t-SNE analysis: https://www.亿速云.com/article/1498 optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i filepath, --input filepath input the dataset martix [required] -m metadata, --metadata metadata input metadata file path[required] -d dims, --dims dims set Output dimensionality [default=2] -p perplexity, --perplexity perplexity Perplexity parameter (should not be bigger than 3 * perplexity < nrow(X) - 1, see details for interpretation) [default 50] --theta theta Speed/accuracy trade-off (increase for less accuracy), set to 0.0 for exact TSNE [default 0.5] -M initial_dims, --initial_dims initial_dims the number of dimensions that should be retained in the initial PCA step [default 50] -T top, --top top select top gene to analysis [default NULL] -g group, --group group input group id in metadata file to fill color[required] -s size, --size size point size [optional, default: 3] -a alpha, --alpha alpha point transparency [0-1] [optional, default: 1] -e, --ellipse whether draw ellipse [optional, default: False] -L, --label whether show pionts sample name [optional, default: False] -X x.lab, --x.lab x.lab the label for x axis [optional, default: t-SNE1] -Y y.lab, --y.lab y.lab the label for y axis [optional, default: t-SNE2] -t title, --title title the label for main title [optional, default: t-SNE] -o outdir, --outdir outdir output file directory [default cwd] -n prefix, --name prefix out file name prefix [default demo] -H height, --height height the height of pic inches [default 5] -W width, --width width the width of pic inches [default 5]
dims | 参数设置降维之后的维度,默认是2 |
perplexity | 困惑度,参数须取值小于 (样本数量-1)/3 |
theta | 参数越大,结果的准确度越低,默认是0.5 |
max_iter | 最大迭代次数 |
pca | 表示是否对输入的原始数据进行PCA分析,然后用分析后的数据进行后续分析,默认TRUE |
#降维验证分组 #####t-SNE Rscript $scriptdir/tsne_analysis.r -i immu/ssgsea.res.tsv -m metadata.group.tsv \ -o tsne -g subtype.hclust -p 6 -n tsne
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