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这篇文章给大家分享的是有关ceph admin socket怎么用的内容。小编觉得挺实用的,因此分享给大家做个参考,一起跟随小编过来看看吧。
利用ceph admin socket可以获得ceph的在线参数,对于验证与调试很有帮助。
$ ceph --admin-daemon /path/to/your/ceph/socket [root@osd2 ~]# ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.4.asok help { "config diff": "dump diff of current config and default config", "config get": "config get <field>: get the config value", "config set": "config set <field> <val> [<val> ...]: set a config variable", "config show": "dump current config settings", "dump_blacklist": "dump blacklisted clients and times", "dump_historic_ops": "show slowest recent ops", "dump_op_pq_state": "dump op priority queue state", "dump_ops_in_flight": "show the ops currently in flight", "dump_reservations": "show recovery reservations", "dump_watchers": "show clients which have active watches, and on which objects", "flush_journal": "flush the journal to permanent store", "get_command_descriptions": "list available commands", "getomap": "output entire object map", "git_version": "get git sha1", "help": "list available commands", "injectdataerr": "inject data error into omap", "injectmdataerr": "inject metadata error", "log dump": "dump recent log entries to log file", "log flush": "flush log entries to log file", "log reopen": "reopen log file", "objecter_requests": "show in-progress osd requests", "perf dump": "dump perfcounters value", "perf schema": "dump perfcounters schema", "rmomapkey": "remove omap key", "setomapheader": "set omap header", "setomapval": "set omap key", "status": "high-level status of OSD", "truncobj": "truncate object to length", "version": "get ceph version"}
[root@osd2 ~]# ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.osd2.asok config show | grep journal "debug_journaler": "0\/5", "debug_journal": "1\/3", "journaler_allow_split_entries": "true", "journaler_write_head_interval": "15", "journaler_prefetch_periods": "10", "journaler_prezero_periods": "5", "journaler_batch_interval": "0.001", "journaler_batch_max": "0", "mds_kill_journal_at": "0", "mds_kill_journal_expire_at": "0", "mds_kill_journal_replay_at": "0", "mds_journal_format": "1", "osd_journal": "\/var\/lib\/ceph\/osd\/ceph-osd2\/journal", "osd_journal_size": "5120", "filestore_fsync_flushes_journal_data": "false", "filestore_journal_parallel": "false", "filestore_journal_writeahead": "false", "filestore_journal_trailing": "false", "journal_dio": "true", "journal_aio": "true", "journal_force_aio": "false", "journal_max_corrupt_search": "10485760", "journal_block_align": "true", "journal_write_header_frequency": "0", "journal_max_write_bytes": "10485760", "journal_max_write_entries": "100", "journal_queue_max_ops": "300", "journal_queue_max_bytes": "33554432", "journal_align_min_size": "65536", "journal_replay_from": "0", "journal_zero_on_create": "false", "journal_ignore_corruption": "false",
感谢各位的阅读!关于“ceph admin socket怎么用”这篇文章就分享到这里了,希望以上内容可以对大家有一定的帮助,让大家可以学到更多知识,如果觉得文章不错,可以把它分享出去让更多的人看到吧!