从单个Tab A的中心根据X轴平移到Tab B的中心位置;
转变思路,我们需要在Tab渲染的不断把信息传给指示器,然后更新指示器,这种方式自然想到了CustomPainter。在Tab updateWidget的时候,不断把Rander的信息传给画笔Painter,然后更新绘制,理论上这样做是完全行得通的。
Widget build(BuildContext context) { // ...此处省略部分代码... final List<Widget> wrappedTabs = List<Widget>.generate(widget.tabs.length, (int index) { const double verticalAdjustment = (_kTextAndIconTabHeight - _kTabHeight)/2.0; EdgeInsetsGeometry? adjustedPadding; // 这里为tab加入Globalkey,以便后续获取Tab的渲染信息 if (widget.tabs[index] is PreferredSizeWidget) { final PreferredSizeWidget tab = widget.tabs[index] as PreferredSizeWidget; if (widget.tabHasTextAndIcon && tab.preferredSize.height == _kTabHeight) { if (widget.labelPadding != null || tabBarTheme.labelPadding != null) { adjustedPadding = (widget.labelPadding ?? tabBarTheme.labelPadding!).add(const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: verticalAdjustment)); } else { adjustedPadding = const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: verticalAdjustment, horizontal: 16.0); } } } // ...此处省略部分代码... // 可以看到指示器是CustomPaint对象 Widget tabBar = CustomPaint( painter: _indicatorPainter, child: _TabStyle( animation: kAlwaysDismissedAnimation, selected: false, labelColor: widget.labelColor, unselectedLabelColor: widget.unselectedLabelColor, labelStyle: widget.labelStyle, unselectedLabelStyle: widget.unselectedLabelStyle, child: _TabLabelBar( onPerformLayout: _saveTabOffsets, children: wrappedTabs, ), ), );
class _TabLabelBar extends Flex { _TabLabelBar({ Key? key, List<Widget> children = const <Widget>[], required this.onPerformLayout, }) : super( key: key, children: children, direction: Axis.horizontal, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center, verticalDirection: VerticalDirection.down, ); final _LayoutCallback onPerformLayout; @override RenderFlex createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { // 查看下_TabLabelBarRenderer return _TabLabelBarRenderer( direction: direction, mainAxisAlignment: mainAxisAlignment, mainAxisSize: mainAxisSize, crossAxisAlignment: crossAxisAlignment, textDirection: getEffectiveTextDirection(context)!, verticalDirection: verticalDirection, onPerformLayout: onPerformLayout, ); } @override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, _TabLabelBarRenderer renderObject) { super.updateRenderObject(context, renderObject); renderObject.onPerformLayout = onPerformLayout; } }
class _TabLabelBarRenderer extends RenderFlex { _TabLabelBarRenderer({ List<RenderBox>? children, required Axis direction, required MainAxisSize mainAxisSize, required MainAxisAlignment mainAxisAlignment, required CrossAxisAlignment crossAxisAlignment, required TextDirection textDirection, required VerticalDirection verticalDirection, required this.onPerformLayout, }) : assert(onPerformLayout != null), assert(textDirection != null), super( children: children, direction: direction, mainAxisSize: mainAxisSize, mainAxisAlignment: mainAxisAlignment, crossAxisAlignment: crossAxisAlignment, textDirection: textDirection, verticalDirection: verticalDirection, ); _LayoutCallback onPerformLayout; @override void performLayout() { super.performLayout(); // xOffsets will contain childCount+1 values, giving the offsets of the // leading edge of the first tab as the first value, of the leading edge of // the each subsequent tab as each subsequent value, and of the trailing // edge of the last tab as the last value. RenderBox? child = firstChild; final List<double> xOffsets = <double>[]; while (child != null) { final FlexParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as FlexParentData; xOffsets.add(childParentData.offset.dx); assert(child.parentData == childParentData); child = childParentData.nextSibling; } assert(textDirection != null); switch (textDirection!) { case TextDirection.rtl: xOffsets.insert(0, size.width); break; case TextDirection.ltr: xOffsets.add(size.width); break; } onPerformLayout(xOffsets, textDirection!, size.width); } }
@override void didChangeDependencies() { super.didChangeDependencies(); assert(debugCheckHasMaterial(context)); final TabBarTheme tabBarTheme = TabBarTheme.of(context); _updateTabController(); _initIndicatorPainter(adjustedPadding, tabBarTheme); } @override void didUpdateWidget(KuGouTabBar oldWidget) { super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); final TabBarTheme tabBarTheme = TabBarTheme.of(context); if (widget.controller != oldWidget.controller) { _updateTabController(); _initIndicatorPainter(adjustedPadding, tabBarTheme); } else if (widget.indicatorColor != oldWidget.indicatorColor || widget.indicatorWeight != oldWidget.indicatorWeight || widget.indicatorSize != oldWidget.indicatorSize || widget.indicator != oldWidget.indicator) { _initIndicatorPainter(adjustedPadding, tabBarTheme); } if (widget.tabs.length > oldWidget.tabs.length) { final int delta = widget.tabs.length - oldWidget.tabs.length; _tabKeys.addAll(List<GlobalKey>.generate(delta, (int n) => GlobalKey())); } else if (widget.tabs.length < oldWidget.tabs.length) { _tabKeys.removeRange(widget.tabs.length, oldWidget.tabs.length); } }
通过理解Flutter Tabbar的实现思路,大体跟我们预想的差不多。不过官方继承了Flex来计算Offset和size,实现起来很优雅。所以我也不班门弄斧了,直接改动官方的Tabbar就可以了。
2. 重点修改_IndicatorPainter,根据我们的需求来绘制指示器。在painter方法中,我们可以通过controller拿到当前tab的index以及animation!.value, 我们模拟下切换的过程,当tab从第0个移到第1个,动画的值从0变成1,然后动画走到0.5时,tab的index会从0突然变为1,指示器应该是先变长,然后在动画走到0.5时,再变短。因此动画0.5之前,我们用动画的value-index作为指示器缩放的倍数,指示器不断增大;动画0.5之后,用index-value作为缩放倍数,不断缩小。
final double index = controller.index.toDouble(); final double value = controller.animation!.value; /// 改动 ltr为false,表示索引还是0,动画执行未超过50%;ltr为true,表示索引变为1,动画执行超过50% final bool ltr = index > value; final int from = (ltr ? value.floor() : value.ceil()).clamp(0, maxTabIndex); final int to = (ltr ? from + 1 : from - 1).clamp(0, maxTabIndex); /// 改动 通过ltr来决定是放大还是缩小倍数,可以得出公式:ltr ? (index - value) : (value - index) final Rect fromRect = indicatorRect(size, from, ltr ? (index - value) : (value - index)); /// 改动 final Rect toRect = indicatorRect(size, to, ltr ? (index - value) : (value - index)); _currentRect = Rect.lerp(fromRect, toRect, (value - from).abs());
class _IndicatorPainter extends CustomPainter { ......此处省略部分代码...... void saveTabOffsets(List<double>? tabOffsets, TextDirection? textDirection) { _currentTabOffsets = tabOffsets; _currentTextDirection = textDirection; } // _currentTabOffsets[index] is the offset of the start edge of the tab at index, and // _currentTabOffsets[_currentTabOffsets.length] is the end edge of the last tab. int get maxTabIndex => _currentTabOffsets!.length - 2; double centerOf(int tabIndex) { assert(_currentTabOffsets != null); assert(_currentTabOffsets!.isNotEmpty); assert(tabIndex >= 0); assert(tabIndex <= maxTabIndex); return (_currentTabOffsets![tabIndex] + _currentTabOffsets![tabIndex + 1]) / 2.0; } /// 接收上面代码分析中传入的倍数 scale Rect indicatorRect(Size tabBarSize, int tabIndex, double scale) { assert(_currentTabOffsets != null); assert(_currentTextDirection != null); assert(_currentTabOffsets!.isNotEmpty); assert(tabIndex >= 0); assert(tabIndex <= maxTabIndex); double tabLeft, tabRight, tabWidth = 0; switch (_currentTextDirection!) { case TextDirection.rtl: tabLeft = _currentTabOffsets![tabIndex + 1]; tabRight = _currentTabOffsets![tabIndex]; break; case TextDirection.ltr: tabLeft = _currentTabOffsets![tabIndex]; tabRight = _currentTabOffsets![tabIndex + 1]; break; } /// 改动,通过GlobalKey计算出渲染的文本的宽度 tabWidth = tabKeys[tabIndex].currentContext!.size!.width; final double delta = ((tabRight - tabLeft) - tabWidth) / 2.0; tabLeft += delta; tabRight -= delta; final EdgeInsets insets = indicatorPadding.resolve(_currentTextDirection); /// 改动,算出指示器的最大宽度,记得*2 double maxLen = (tabRight - tabLeft + insets.horizontal) * 2; double res = scale == 0 ? minWidth : maxLen * (scale < 0.5 ? scale : 1 - scale); /// 改动 final Rect rect = Rect.fromLTWH(tabLeft + tabWidth / 2 - minWidth / 2, 0.0, res > minWidth ? res : minWidth, tabBarSize.height); if (!(rect.size >= insets.collapsedSize)) { throw FlutterError( 'indicatorPadding insets should be less than Tab Size\n' 'Rect Size : ${rect.size}, Insets: ${insets.toString()}', ); } return insets.deflateRect(rect); } }
/// 指示器的最小宽度 final double indicatorMinWidth;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class RRecTabIndicator extends Decoration { const RRecTabIndicator( {this.borderSide = const BorderSide(width: 2.0, color: Colors.white), this.insets = EdgeInsets.zero, this.radius = 0, this.color = Colors.white}); final double radius; final Color color; final BorderSide borderSide; final EdgeInsetsGeometry insets; @override Decoration? lerpFrom(Decoration? a, double t) { if (a is RRecTabIndicator) { return RRecTabIndicator( borderSide: BorderSide.lerp(a.borderSide, borderSide, t), insets: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(a.insets, insets, t)!, ); } return super.lerpFrom(a, t); } @override Decoration? lerpTo(Decoration? b, double t) { if (b is RRecTabIndicator) { return RRecTabIndicator( borderSide: BorderSide.lerp(borderSide, b.borderSide, t), insets: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(insets, b.insets, t)!, ); } return super.lerpTo(b, t); } @override _UnderlinePainter createBoxPainter([VoidCallback? onChanged]) { return _UnderlinePainter(this, onChanged); } Rect _indicatorRectFor(Rect rect, TextDirection textDirection) { final Rect indicator = insets.resolve(textDirection).deflateRect(rect); return Rect.fromLTWH( indicator.left, indicator.bottom - borderSide.width, indicator.width, borderSide.width, ); } @override Path getClipPath(Rect rect, TextDirection textDirection) { return Path()..addRect(_indicatorRectFor(rect, textDirection)); } } class _UnderlinePainter extends BoxPainter { _UnderlinePainter(this.decoration, VoidCallback? onChanged) : super(onChanged); final RRecTabIndicator decoration; @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Offset offset, ImageConfiguration configuration) { final Rect rect = offset & configuration.size!; final TextDirection textDirection = configuration.textDirection!; final Rect indicator = decoration._indicatorRectFor(rect, textDirection); final Paint paint = decoration.borderSide.toPaint() ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.square ..color = decoration.color; final RRect rRect = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(indicator, Radius.circular(decoration.radius)); canvas.drawRRect(rRect, paint); } }
Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( // Here we take the value from the MyHomePage object that was created by // the App.build method, and use it to set our appbar title. title: Text(widget.title), bottom: KuGouTabBar( tabs: const [Tab(text: "音乐"), Tab(text: "动态"), Tab(text: "语文")], // labelPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8), controller: _tabController, // indicatorSize: TabBarIndicatorSize.label, // isScrollable: true, padding: EdgeInsets.zero, indicator: const RRecTabIndicator( radius: 4, insets: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 5)), indicatorMinWidth: 6, ), ), );
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