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<template> <div class="dial" v-wechat-title="$route.meta.title"> <div class="times">抽奖次数{{LuckyClick}}</div> <!-- 转盘包裹 --> <div class="rotate"> <!-- 绘制圆点 --> <div :class="'circle circle_'+index" v-for="(item,index) in circleList" :key="index" : ></div> <!-- 转盘图片 --> <img class="dish" src="../../assets/dial.png" : /> <!-- 指针图片 --> <img class="pointer" src="../../assets/click.png" @click="start" /> </div> </div> </template> <script> var light_timer; //灯光定时器 export default { name: "dial", data() { return { LuckyClick: 3, circleList: [], //原点设置 colorCircleFirst: "#FE4D32", //圆点颜色 colorCircleSecond: "#fff", //圆点颜色 cat: 45, //总共8个扇形区域,每个区域约45度 isAllowClick: true, //是否能够点击 rotate_deg: 0, //指针旋转的角度 rotate_transition: "transform 3s ease-in-out" //初始化选中的过度属性控制 }; }, components: { // Calendar: Calendar }, created() { this.showcircleList(); }, watch: {}, mounted() {}, methods: { //绘制圆点设置 showcircleList() { let circleList = []; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { circleList.push(i); } this.circleList = circleList; this.light(); }, //闪动效果 light: function() { var that = this; clearInterval(light_timer); light_timer = setInterval(function() { if (that.colorCircleFirst == "#FE4D32") { that.colorCircleFirst = "#fff"; that.colorCircleSecond = "#FE4D32"; } else { that.colorCircleFirst = "#FE4D32"; that.colorCircleSecond = "#fff"; } }, 300); //设置圆点闪烁的效果 }, start() { if (this.LuckyClick == 0) { alert("机会已经用完了"); return; } this.rotating(); }, rotating() { if (!this.isAllowClick) return; this.isAllowClick = false; this.rotate_transition = "transform 3s ease-in-out"; this.LuckyClick--; var rand_circle = 5; //默认多旋转5圈 // var winningIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8); //获奖的下标 0-7 没有概率每个平均 var winningIndex = this.set(); //设置了概率的 console.log(winningIndex); var randomDeg = 360 - winningIndex * 45; //当前下标对应的角度 45是总共8个扇形区域,每个区域约45度 var deg = rand_circle * 360 + randomDeg; //将要旋转的度数 由于是顺时针的转动方向需要用360度来减 this.rotate_deg = "rotate(" + deg + "deg)"; var that = this; setTimeout(function() { that.isAllowClick = true; that.rotate_deg = "rotate(" + 0 + "deg)"; //定时器关闭的时候重置角度 that.rotate_transition = ""; if (winningIndex == 0) { alert("恭喜您,IphoneX"); } else if (winningIndex == 1) { alert("恭喜您,获得10元现金"); } else if (winningIndex == 2) { alert("很遗憾,重在参与"); } else if (winningIndex == 3) { alert("恭喜您,获得30元现金"); } else if (winningIndex == 4) { alert("恭喜您,获得20元现金"); } else if (winningIndex == 5) { alert("恭喜您,获得50元现金"); } else if (winningIndex == 6) { alert("恭喜您,获得5元现金"); } else if (winningIndex == 7) { alert("恭喜您,获得100元现金"); } }, 3500); }, //设置概率 set() { var winIndex; //方法1 // if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) < 30) { // console.log("30%的概率,重在参与"); // winIndex = 2; // } else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) < 55) { // console.log("25%的概率,5元"); // winIndex = 6; // } else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) < 75) { // console.log("20%的概率,10元"); // winIndex = 1; // } else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) < 85) { // console.log("10%的概率,20元"); // winIndex = 4; // } else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) < 92) { // console.log("7%的概率,30元"); // winIndex = 3; // } else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) < 97) { // console.log("5%的概率,50元"); // winIndex = 5; // } else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) < 99) { // console.log("2%的概率,100元"); // winIndex = 7; // } else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) == 99) { // console.log("1%的概率,IphoneX"); // winIndex = 0; // } //方法2 var __rand__ = Math.random(); if (__rand__ < 0.3) winIndex = 2; else if (__rand__ < 0.55) winIndex = 6; else if (__rand__ < 0.75) winIndex = 1; else if (__rand__ < 0.85) winIndex = 4; else if (__rand__ < 0.92) winIndex = 3; else if (__rand__ < 0.97) winIndex = 5; else if (__rand__ < 0.99) winIndex = 7; else if (__rand__ = 0.99) winIndex = 0; return winIndex; } }, computed: {} }; </script> <style scoped lang="scss"> @import "../../common/common"; .times { text-align: center; line-height: 0.8rem; background: #fff; } .rotate { width: 6.1rem; height: 6.1rem; background: #ffbe04; border-radius: 50%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; position: absolute; top: 48%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } .rotate .dish { width: 5.5rem; height: 5.5rem; } .pointer { width: 1.39rem; height: 2.03rem; position: absolute; top: 46%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } /* 圆点 */ .rotate .circle { position: absolute; display: block; border-radius: 50%; height: 0.16rem; width: 0.16rem; background: black; } .rotate .circle_0 { top: 0.08rem; left: 2.92rem; } .rotate .circle_1 { top: 0.28rem; left: 4.05rem; } .rotate .circle_2 { top: 0.86rem; left: 4.95rem; } .rotate .circle_3 { top: 1.85rem; left: 5.65rem; } .rotate .circle_4 { top: 2.85rem; right: 0.1rem; } .rotate .circle_5 { bottom: 1.89rem; right: 0.29rem; } .rotate .circle_6 { bottom: 0.96rem; right: 0.88rem; } .rotate .circle_7 { bottom: 0.34rem; right: 1.76rem; } .rotate .circle_8 { bottom: 0.06rem; right: 3.06rem; } .rotate .circle_9 { bottom: 0.28rem; left: 1.9rem; } .rotate .circle_10 { bottom: 0.96rem; left: 0.88rem; } .rotate .circle_11 { bottom: 1.82rem; left: 0.28rem; } .rotate .circle_12 { top: 2.9rem; left: 0.1rem; } .rotate .circle_13 { top: 1.9rem; left: 0.28rem; } .rotate .circle_14 { top: 1rem; left: 0.86rem; } .rotate .circle_15 { top: 0.32rem; left: 1.76rem; } </style>
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