在实际开发中,我们通常会遇到常驻线程的创建,比如说发送心跳包,这就可以在一个常驻线程来发送心跳包,而不干扰主线程的行为,再比如音频处理,这也可以在一个常驻线程中来处理。以前在Objective-C中使用的AFNetworking 1.0就使用了RunLoop来进行线程的保活。
var thread: Thread! func createLiveThread() { thread = Thread.init(block: { let port = NSMachPort.init() RunLoop.current.add(port, forMode: .default) RunLoop.current.run() }) thread.start() }
var thread: Thread? var isStopped: Bool = false func createLiveThread() { thread = Thread.init(block: { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } let port = NSMachPort.init() RunLoop.current.add(port, forMode: .default) while !self.isStopped { RunLoop.current.run(mode: .default, before: Date.distantFuture) } }) thread?.start() } func stop() { self.perform(#selector(self.stopThread), on: thread!, with: nil, waitUntilDone: false) } @objc func stopThread() { self.isStopped = true RunLoop.current.run(mode: .default, before: Date.init()) self.thread = nil }
**public func CFRunLoopRemoveSource(_ rl: CFRunLoop!, _ source: CFRunLoopSource!, _ mode: CFRunLoopMode!) public func CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(_ rl: CFRunLoop!, _ observer: CFRunLoopObserver!, _ mode: CFRunLoopMode!) public func CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(_ rl: CFRunLoop!, _ timer: CFRunLoopTimer!, _ mode: CFRunLoopMode!)**
所以很自然的联想到如果移除source/timer/observer, 那么这个方案可不可以停止RunLoop呢?
Although removing a run loop’s input sources and timers may also cause the run loop to exit, this is not a reliable way to stop a run loop. Some system routines add input sources to a run loop to handle needed events. Because your code might not be aware of these input sources, it would be unable to remove them, which would prevent the run loop from exiting.
func setupImageView() { self.performSelector(onMainThread: #selector(self.setupImage), with: nil, waitUntilDone: false, modes: [RunLoop.Mode.default.rawValue]) } @objc func setupImage() { imageView.setImage() }
YYFPSLabel 采用的就是这个方案,FPS(Frames Per Second)代表每秒渲染的帧数,一般来说,如果App的FPS保持50~60之间,用户的体验就是比较流畅的,但是Apple自从iPhone支持120HZ的高刷之后,它发明了一种ProMotion的动态屏幕刷新率的技术,这种方式基本就不能使用了,但是这里依旧提供已作参考。
// 抽象的超类,用来充当其它对象的一个替身 // Timer/CADisplayLink可以使用NSProxy做消息转发,可以避免循环引用 // swift中我们是没发使用NSInvocation的,所以我们直接使用NSobject来做消息转发 class WeakProxy: NSObject { private weak var target: NSObjectProtocol? init(target: NSObjectProtocol) { self.target = target super.init() } override func responds(to aSelector: Selector!) -> Bool { return (target?.responds(to: aSelector) ?? false) || super.responds(to: aSelector) } override func forwardingTarget(for aSelector: Selector!) -> Any? { return target } } class FPSLabel: UILabel { var link: CADisplayLink! var count: Int = 0 var lastTime: TimeInterval = 0.0 fileprivate let defaultSize = CGSize.init(width: 80, height: 20) override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) if frame.size.width == 0 || frame.size.height == 0 { self.frame.size = defaultSize } layer.cornerRadius = 5.0 clipsToBounds = true textAlignment = .center isUserInteractionEnabled = false backgroundColor = UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.7) link = CADisplayLink.init(target: WeakProxy.init(target: self), selector: #selector(FPSLabel.tick(link:))) link.add(to: RunLoop.main, forMode: .common) } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } deinit { link.invalidate() } @objc func tick(link: CADisplayLink) { guard lastTime != 0 else { lastTime = link.timestamp return } count += 1 let timeDuration = link.timestamp - lastTime // 1、设置刷新的时间: 这里是设置为1秒(即每秒刷新) guard timeDuration >= 1.0 else { return } // 2、计算当前的FPS let fps = Double(count)/timeDuration count = 0 lastTime = link.timestamp // 3、开始设置FPS了 let progress = fps/60.0 let color = UIColor(hue: CGFloat(0.27 * (progress - 0.2)), saturation: 1, brightness: 0.9, alpha: 1) self.text = "\(Int(round(fps))) FPS" self.textColor = color } }
class PingMonitor { static let timeoutInterval: TimeInterval = 0.2 static let queueIdentifier: String = "com.queue.PingMonitor" private var queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.init(label: queueIdentifier) private var isMonitor: Bool = false private var semphore: DispatchSemaphore = DispatchSemaphore.init(value: 0) func startMonitor() { guard isMonitor == false else { return } isMonitor = true queue.async { while self.isMonitor { var timeout = true DispatchQueue.main.async { timeout = false self.semphore.signal() } Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval:PingMonitor.timeoutInterval) // 说明等了timeoutInterval之后,主线程依然没有执行派发的任务,这里就认为它是处于卡顿的 if timeout == true { //TODO: 这里需要取出崩溃方法栈中的符号来判断为什么出现了卡顿 // 可以使用微软的框架:PLCrashReporter } self.semphore.wait() } } } }
class RunLoopMonitor { private init() {} static let shared: RunLoopMonitor = RunLoopMonitor.init() var timeoutCount = 0 var runloopObserver: CFRunLoopObserver? var runLoopActivity: CFRunLoopActivity? var dispatchSemaphore: DispatchSemaphore? // 原理:进入睡眠前方法的执行时间过长导致无法进入睡眠,或者线程唤醒之后,一直没进入下一步 func beginMonitor() { let uptr = Unmanaged.passRetained(self).toOpaque() let vptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(uptr) var context = CFRunLoopObserverContext.init(version: 0, info: vptr, retain: nil, release: nil, copyDescription: nil) runloopObserver = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFRunLoopActivity.allActivities.rawValue, true, 0, observerCallBack(), &context) CFRunLoopAddObserver(CFRunLoopGetMain(), runloopObserver, .commonModes) // 初始化的信号量为0 dispatchSemaphore = DispatchSemaphore.init(value: 0) DispatchQueue.global().async { while true { // 方案一:可以通过设置单次超时时间来判断 比如250毫秒 // 方案二:可以通过设置连续多次超时就是卡顿 戴铭在GCDFetchFeed中认为连续三次超时80秒就是卡顿 let st = self.dispatchSemaphore?.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.now() + .milliseconds(80)) if st == .timedOut { guard self.runloopObserver != nil else { self.dispatchSemaphore = nil self.runLoopActivity = nil self.timeoutCount = 0 return } if self.runLoopActivity == .afterWaiting || self.runLoopActivity == .beforeSources { self.timeoutCount += 1 if self.timeoutCount < 3 { continue } DispatchQueue.global().async { let config = PLCrashReporterConfig.init(signalHandlerType: .BSD, symbolicationStrategy: .all) guard let crashReporter = PLCrashReporter.init(configuration: config) else { return } let data = crashReporter.generateLiveReport() do { let reporter = try PLCrashReport.init(data: data) let report = PLCrashReportTextFormatter.stringValue(for: reporter, with: PLCrashReportTextFormatiOS) ?? "" NSLog("------------卡顿时方法栈:\n \(report)\n") } catch _ { NSLog("解析crash data错误") } } } } } } } func end() { guard let _ = runloopObserver else { return } CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(CFRunLoopGetMain(), runloopObserver, .commonModes) runloopObserver = nil } private func observerCallBack() -> CFRunLoopObserverCallBack { return { (observer, activity, context) in let weakself = Unmanaged<RunLoopMonitor>.fromOpaque(context!).takeUnretainedValue() weakself.runLoopActivity = activity weakself.dispatchSemaphore?.signal() } } }
let runloop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent() guard let allModes = CFRunLoopCopyAllModes(runloop) as? [CFRunLoopMode] else { return } while true { for mode in allModes { CFRunLoopRunInMode(mode, 0.001, false) } }
CFRunLoopRunInMode(mode, 0.001, false)
- (void)startDisplayLink:(NSString *)scene { FPSInfo(@"startDisplayLink"); m_displayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(onFrameCallback:)]; [m_displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes]; ... } - (void)onFrameCallback:(id)sender { // 当前时间: 单位为秒 double nowTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); // 将单位转化为毫秒 double diff = (nowTime - m_lastTime) * 1000; // 1、如果时间间隔超过最大的帧间隔:那么此次屏幕刷新方法超时 if (diff > self.pluginConfig.maxFrameInterval) { m_currRecorder.dumpTimeTotal += diff; m_dropTime += self.pluginConfig.maxFrameInterval * pow(diff / self.pluginConfig.maxFrameInterval, self.pluginConfig.powFactor); // 总超时时间超过阈值:展示超时信息 if (m_currRecorder.dumpTimeTotal > self.pluginConfig.dumpInterval * self.pluginConfig.dumpMaxCount) { FPSInfo(@"diff %lf exceed, begin: %lf, end: %lf, scene: %@, you can see more detail in record id: %d", m_currRecorder.dumpTimeTotal, m_currRecorder.dumpTimeBegin, m_currRecorder.dumpTimeBegin + m_currRecorder.dumpTimeTotal / 1000.0, m_scene, m_currRecorder.recordID); ...... } // 2、如果时间间隔没有最大的帧间隔:那么此次屏幕刷新方法不超时 } else { // 总超时时间超过阈值:展示超时信息 if (m_currRecorder.dumpTimeTotal > self.pluginConfig.maxDumpTimestamp) { FPSInfo(@"diff %lf exceed, begin: %lf, end: %lf, scene: %@, you can see more detail in record id: %d", m_currRecorder.dumpTimeTotal, m_currRecorder.dumpTimeBegin, m_currRecorder.dumpTimeBegin + m_currRecorder.dumpTimeTotal / 1000.0, m_scene, m_currRecorder.recordID); .... // 总超时时间不超过阈值:将时间归0 重新计数 } else { m_currRecorder.dumpTimeTotal = 0; m_currRecorder.dumpTimeBegin = nowTime + 0.0001; } } m_lastTime = nowTime; }
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