import pyautogui from ctypes import * # 获取屏幕上某个坐标的颜色 from time import sleep import time start = time.time() def get_color(x, y): gdi32 = windll.gdi32 user32 = windll.user32 hdc = user32.GetDC(None) # 获取颜色值 pixel = gdi32.GetPixel(hdc, x, y) # 提取RGB值 r = pixel & 0x0000ff g = (pixel & 0x00ff00) >> 8 b = pixel >> 16 return [r, g, b] print(get_color(297,454)) while True: if get_color(240 , 255) == [60,211,180] or get_color(247,255) == [60,211,180] or get_color(253,255) == [60,211,180] or get_color(260,255) == [60,211,180] or get_color(270,255) == [60,211,180] or get_color(280,255) == [60,211,180] or get_color(290 ,255) == [60,211,180] or get_color(300 ,255) == [60,211,180] or get_color(310,255) == [60,211,180] or get_color(320, 255) == [60,211,180]: pyautogui.click(310,255)#点进去抢 sleep(0.5) pyautogui.click(467,262)#选择预约时间 while True: if get_color(297,454) == [0,142,255]: break else: sleep(0.3) sleep(0.5) pyautogui.click(498,454)#点击下午 sleep(0.5) pyautogui.click(467,520)#选择时间 sleep(0.5) pyautogui.click(470,899)#点选好了 sleep(0.5) pyautogui.click(470, 899)#点立即预约 #sleep() break else: pyautogui.click(123,60) sleep(0.8)#刷新 print('总耗时:'.format(time.time()-start)) print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())) while 1: import pyttsx3 engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say('我抢到了!快来看一下') engine.runAndWait() sleep(1)
import pyautogui def get_xy(): x, y = pyautogui.position() return [x,y]
step=[] while True: choose = input('请输入你需要使用的功能:') if choose == '点击': click = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click.append('点击') click.append(click_weizhi) step.append(click) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”')
for i in step1: if i[0] == '点击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) print(f'{x},{y}') pyautogui.click(x,y)
if choose =='延时': while 1: timerr = [] try: timex = int(input('请输入延时时间:')) timerr.append('延时') timerr.append(timex) step.append(timerr) break except: print('延时失败/n请输入正确的延时时间') continue
def timer(timex): time.sleep(timex) if i[0] == '延时': t = int(i[1]) timer(t)
if choose == '连点': click_liandian = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click_liandian.append('连点') click_liandian.append(click_weizhi) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') click_pinlv = float(input('请输入连点频率:')) while 1: click_stop_choose = input('“连点次数”or“连点时长”') if click_stop_choose =='连点次数': click_cishu = int(input('请输入连点次数:')) click_liandian.append('连点次数') click_liandian.append(click_cishu) click_liandian.append(click_pinlv) step.append(click_liandian) print(click_liandian) print(step) break if click_stop_choose == '连点时长': click_shichang = int(input('请输入连点时长(秒):')) click_liandian.append('连点时长') click_liandian.append(click_shichang) step.append(click_liandian) click_liandian.append(click_pinlv) print(click_liandian) print(step) break else: continue
if choose == '连点': click_liandian = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click_liandian.append('连点') click_liandian.append(click_weizhi) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') click_pinlv = float(input('请输入连点频率:')) while 1: click_stop_choose = input('“连点次数”or“连点时长”') if click_stop_choose =='连点次数': click_cishu = int(input('请输入连点次数:')) click_liandian.append('连点次数') click_liandian.append(click_cishu) click_liandian.append(click_pinlv) step.append(click_liandian) print(click_liandian) print(step) break if click_stop_choose == '连点时长': click_shichang = int(input('请输入连点时长(秒):')) click_liandian.append('连点时长') click_liandian.append(click_shichang) step.append(click_liandian) click_liandian.append(click_pinlv) print(click_liandian) print(step) break else: continue
if choose =='存储': if len(step) == 0: print('还未记录你任何操作,请添加操作再使用存储功能') else: do_name = input('请为以上操作命名吧:') path = r"{}.txt".format(do_name) with open(path, "w",encoding = 'utf8') as f: f.write(str(step))
def writeList2txt(file,data): ''' 将list写入txt :param data: :return: ''' file.write(str(data)) def readListFromStr(str): ''' str -> List 除去冗余的方法调用 :param str: :return: ''' res,pos = help(str,1) res1=[] a ='1' for ii in res: iii=[] for i in ii: if type(i)==type(a): i = i.replace("'", "") iii.append(i) else: iii.append(i) res1.append(iii) return res1 def help(str,startIndex): ''' 单行字符串的读取,形成list :param str: :return: ''' str = str.replace(" ","") # 将所有空格删去 res = [] i = startIndex pre = startIndex while i <len(str): if str[i] == '[': # 将pre-i-2的字符都切片,切split if i-2>=pre: slice = str[pre:i-1].split(',') for element in slice: res.append(element) # 递归调用 加入子list child,pos = help(str,i+1) res.append(child) i = pos # i移动到pos位置,也就是递归的最后一个右括号 pre = pos + 2 # 右括号之后是, [ 有三个字符,所以要+2至少 elif str[i] == ']': # 将前面的全部放入列表 if i-1>=pre: slice = str[pre:i].split(',') for element in slice: res.append(element) return res,i i = i + 1 return res,i def get_caozuo(caozuopath): with open(caozuopath , 'r' , encoding='utf8') as f: data = f.read() return data def get_caozuo_name(): files1 = [] file_dir = r"C:\Users\ge\Desktop\test1\我的作品\自定义连点器" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_dir, topdown=False): files = files[:-1] for i in files: files1.append(i[:-4]) return files1 print(get_caozuo_name()) if choose == '循环执行': caozuojiyi = get_caozuo_name() while True: xunhuan_choose = input('已存储的操作有:{}\n请输入循环操作的操作名:'.format(caozuojiyi)) if xunhuan_choose in caozuojiyi: break else: print('存储库中并无你想要的操作,请重新输入:')
def txttolist(path): import json b = open(path, "r", encoding='UTF-8') out = b.read() out = json.loads(out) return out
if choose == '导入': if len(step) == 0: step = daoru()[0] else: baocun_choose = input('此次操作若未保存请先,导入别的操作会覆盖原来的操作,你确定要导入吗?\n请输入“yes”or“no”:\n') while 1: if baocun_choose == 'no': break if baocun_choose == 'yes': print('你已取消保存') step = daoru()[0] break else: yorn = input("请输入'yes'or'no':\n")
def cunchu(): yorn = input("执行完毕,是否保存?\n输入'yes'or'no'\n") while 1: if yorn == 'yes': if len(step) == 0: print('还未记录你任何操作,请添加操作再使用存储功能') else: do_name = input('请为以上操作命名吧:') path = r"{}.txt".format(do_name) listtotxt(list=step, path=path) break if yorn == 'no': print('你已取消存储') break else: yorn = input("请输入'yes'or'no':\n") def listtotxt(list, path): import json c_list = list c_list = json.dumps(c_list) '''将c_list存入文件 ''' a = open(path, "w", encoding='UTF-8') a.write(c_list) a.close() print('已存入txt')
if choose == '存储': if len(step) == 0: print('还未记录你任何操作,请添加操作再使用存储功能') else: do_name = input('请为以上操作命名吧:') path = r"{}.txt".format(do_name) listtotxt(list=step, path=path)
pyautogui.moveTo(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) pyautogui.dragTo(int(i[2][0]), int(i[2][1]), 1, button='left') print(f'已执行拖拽动作,拖拽起始位置是X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])},拖拽后的位置是X:{int(i[2][0])},Y:{int(i[2][1])}')
if choose == '拖拽': tuozhuai = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成移动前的位置输入,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() tuozhuai.append('拖拽') tuozhuai.append(click_weizhi) while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成移动后的位置输入,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() tuozhuai.append(click_weizhi) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') step.append(tuozhuai)
if choose == '输入': shuru = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到你要输入的位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() txt_in = input('请输入你要在该位置输入的文字:\n') shuru.append('输入') shuru.append(click_weizhi) shuru.append(txt_in) step.append(shuru) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”')
if i[0] == '输入': pyautogui.click(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) pyperclip.copy(i[2]) time.sleep(0.1) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v')
if i[0] == '双击': pyautogui.click(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) pyautogui.click(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) print(f'已执行完点击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])} ') if i[0] == '右击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) pyautogui.rightClick(x, y) print(f'已执行完右击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ') if i[0] == '中击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) pyautogui.middleClick(x, y) print(f'已执行完中击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ')
if choose == '右击': click_r = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click_r.append('右击') click_r.append(click_weizhi) step.append(click_r) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') if choose == '中击': click_m = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click_m.append('中击') click_m.append(click_weizhi) step.append(click_m) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') click_double = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click_double.append('双击') click_double.append(click_weizhi) step.append(click_double) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”')
if i[0] == '按键': pyautogui.hotkey(*i[1])
if choose == '按键': while 1: anjian = input('这是模拟操作键盘的操作(例如复制,输入'ctrl‘ + 'c‘):\n') if anjian != 'q': anjian = anjian.split('+') anjians = [] a = [] for an in anjian: an = an.replace("‘", "").replace("'", "").strip() if an in pyautogui.KEYBOARD_KEYS: anjians.append(an) nihaofan = 0 else: print('你的输入不合法') nihaofan = 1 break if nihaofan == 0: a.append('按键') a.append(anjians) step.append(a) print('录入成功') break if anjian == 'q': break
if i[0] == '滚动': import pywinauto.mouse x, y = pyautogui.position() pywinauto.mouse.scroll((x, y), i[1]) # (1100,300)是初始坐标,1000是滑动距离(可负)
if choose == '滚动': while 1: gundong = [] try: gundong1 = int(input('这里是模拟鼠标滚动,请输入你要滚动距离(正数为向上移动,负数为向下移动):\n')) gundong.append('滚动') gundong.append(gundong1) step.append(gundong) break except: print('你的输入有误,请重新输入')
def chakan(): if len(step) == 0: print('暂未录入操作,请先录入操作再查看') zizeng = 1 for i in step: if i[0] == '点击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行点击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ') if i[0] == '延时': t = int(i[1]) print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行延时动作,延时时长:{t}秒') if i[0] == '连点': if i[2] == '连点次数': print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行连点操作,你选择的是{i[2]},连点次数是{i[4]}') if i[2] == '连点时长': print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行连点操作,你选择的是{i[2]},连点时长是{i[4]}秒') if i[0] == '拖拽': print( f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行拖拽动作,拖拽起始位置是X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])},拖拽后的位置是X:{int(i[2][0])},Y:{int(i[2][1])}') if i[0] == '双击': print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行点击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])} ') if i[0] == '按键': print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行按键动作,将同时按下”{i[1]}“键') zizeng += 1
def zhixing(step): for i in step: if i[0] == '点击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) pyautogui.click(x, y) print(f'已执行完点击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ') if i[0] == '延时': t = int(i[1]) timer(t) print(f'已执行完延时动作,延时时长:{t}秒') if i[0] == '连点': if i[2] == '连点次数': clicker_cishu(int(i[3]), int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1]), int(i[4])) print(f'已执行完连点操作,你选择的是{i[2]},连点次数是{i[4]}') if i[2] == '连点时长': clicker_time(int(i[3]), int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1]), int(i[4])) print(f'已执行完连点操作,你选择的是{i[2]},连点时长是{i[4]}秒') if i[0] == '拖拽': pyautogui.moveTo(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) pyautogui.dragTo(int(i[2][0]), int(i[2][1]), 1, button='left') print(f'已执行拖拽动作,拖拽起始位置是X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])},拖拽后的位置是X:{int(i[2][0])},Y:{int(i[2][1])}') if i[0] == '双击': pyautogui.click(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) pyautogui.click(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) print(f'已执行完点击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])} ') if i[0] == '输入': pyautogui.click(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) pyperclip.copy(i[2]) time.sleep(0.1) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v') if i[0] == '按键': pyautogui.hotkey(*i[1]) if i[0] == '右击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) pyautogui.rightClick(x, y) print(f'已执行完右击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ') if i[0] == '中击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) pyautogui.middleClick(x, y) print(f'已执行完中击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ') if i[0] == '滚动': import pywinauto.mouse x, y = pyautogui.position() pywinauto.mouse.scroll((x, y), i[1]) # (1100,300)是初始坐标,1000是滑动距离(可负)
if choose == '执行': if len(step) == 0: print('你还未记录任何操作,请至少记录了一个操作再执行') else: zhixing(step) cunchu()
if choose == '判断': if len(panduans) == 0: tuichu = 0 panduan = input('此功能的实现是基于颜色的RBG值来判断程序所要要执行的步骤块。\n现在,请选择你的‘先执行步骤块等待条件触发'或是‘直接等待条件触发'的操作:(输入"步骤块"或"等待")\n') if panduan == '如果': panduan_if = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上吸取颜色,输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': xy = get_xy() click_color = GetColor(xy) panduan_yn = input(f'这个位置的RGB为:{click_color},是否确定为下一步骤块的判断根据?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if panduan_yn == 'yes': get_caozuo_name() print(f'请选择满足当颜色为{click_color}时要执行的步骤包:') steps, steps_name = daoru() xunhuan_yn = input('这个步骤块是否循环执行至下一条件触发?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if xunhuan_yn == 'yes': panduan_if.append('如果') panduan_if.append(xy) panduan_if.append(click_color) panduan_if.append(steps_name) panduan_if.append('循环') panduan_if.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_if) print('添加成功,该步骤包将会循环') break elif xunhuan_yn == 'no': panduan_if.append('如果') panduan_if.append(xy) panduan_if.append(click_color) panduan_if.append(steps_name) panduan_if.append('不循环') panduan_if.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_if) print('添加成功,该步骤包将只执行一次') break else: xunhuan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no":') tuichu = 1 break if panduan_yn == 'no': print('请重新选择') break else: panduan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no"') if tuichu == 1: break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”)') if panduan == '步骤块': panduan_step = [] steps, steps_name = daoru() xunhuan_yn = input('这个步骤块是否循环执行直至条件触发?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if xunhuan_yn == 'yes': panduan_step.append('步骤块') panduan_step.append('循环') panduan_step.append(steps_name) panduan_step.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_step) break elif xunhuan_yn == 'no': panduan_step.append('步骤块') panduan_step.append('不循环') panduan_step.append(steps_name) panduan_step.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_step) break else: xunhuan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no":') if panduan == '等待': panduan_if = [] print('你选择了等待,程序将时刻检测目标位置的颜色以执行接下来的步骤块') panduan_if.append('等待') panduans.append(panduan_if) if panduan != '步骤块' and panduan != '如果' and panduan != '等待': print('你的输入有误') if len(panduans) > 0: print('你一录入了至少一个逻辑判断,请选择继续选择目标位置的颜色来触发接下来你选择的步骤块') panduan_if = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上吸取颜色,输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': xy = get_xy() click_color = GetColor(xy) panduan_yn = input(f'这个位置的RGB为:{click_color},是否确定为下一步骤块的判断根据?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if panduan_yn == 'yes': get_caozuo_name() print(f'请选择满足当颜色为{click_color}时要执行的步骤包:') steps, steps_name = daoru() xunhuan_yn = input('这个步骤块是否循环执行直至条件触发?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if xunhuan_yn == 'yes': panduan_if.append('如果') panduan_if.append(xy) panduan_if.append(click_color) panduan_if.append(steps_name) panduan_if.append('循环') panduan_if.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_if) print('添加成功,该步骤包将会循环') break elif xunhuan_yn == 'no': panduan_if.append('如果') panduan_if.append(xy) panduan_if.append(click_color) panduan_if.append(steps_name) panduan_if.append('不循环') panduan_if.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_if) print('添加成功,该步骤包将只执行一次') break else: xunhuan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no":') tuichu = 1 break if panduan_yn == 'no': print('请重新选择') break else: panduan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no"') if tuichu == 1: break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”)')
if choose == '逻辑执行': print('这里是逻辑执行库,所有的逻辑判断都会存储到这里') print(panduans) xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=('等待', '1', '循环')) xiancheng.setDaemon(True) xiancheng.start() for pan in panduans: state = '未触发' if pan[0] == '如果': print(pan[5]) print(len(pan[5])) bu = str(pan[5]) print(bu) bu = readListFromStr(bu) zhixing(bu) print(bu) if state == '未触发': if pan[4] == '循环': rgb = pan[2] rgb_xy = pan[1] _thread.start_new_thread(jianshi, ()) while 1: if state == '触发': xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=(pan[3], pan[5], '循环')) xiancheng.start() state = '未触发' break if pan[4] == '不循环': rgb = pan[2] rgb_xy = pan[1] _thread.start_new_thread(jianshi, ()) while 1: if state == '触发': xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=(pan[3], pan[5], '不循环')) xiancheng.start() state = '未触发' break if pan[0] == '步骤块': stop_thread(xiancheng) if pan[1] == '循环': xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=(pan[2], pan[3], '循环')) xiancheng.start() if pan[1] == '不循环': xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=(pan[2], pan[3], '不循环')) xiancheng.start() if pan[0] == '等待': print('程序正在监测目标位置RGB值') print('逻辑执行已全部执行完毕') break
def listtotxt(list, path): import json c_list = list c_list = json.dumps(c_list) '''将c_list存入文件 ''' a = open(path, "w", encoding='UTF-8') a.write(c_list) a.close() print('已存入txt')
if choose == '逻辑块存储': yorn = input("确定保存?\n输入'yes'or'no'\n") while 1: if yorn == 'yes': if len(panduans) == 0: print('还未记录你任何操作,请添加操作再使用逻辑块存储功能') else: do_name = input('请为以上操作命名吧:') if '逻辑块存储' in do_name: do_name = input('抱歉,你的命名里不允许包含”逻辑块存储“,请重新命名') else: path = r"{}逻辑块存储.txt".format(do_name) listtotxt(list=panduans, path=path) break if yorn == 'no': print('你已取消存储') break else: yorn = input("请输入'yes'or'no':\n")
def txttolist(path): import json b = open(path, "r", encoding='UTF-8') out = b.read() out = json.loads(out) return out
if choose == '逻辑块导入': caozuojiyi = get_caozuokuai_name() while True: xunhuan_choose = input('已存储的操作有:{}\n请输入导入操作的操作名:'.format(caozuojiyi)) if xunhuan_choose in caozuojiyi: break else: print('逻辑块存储库中并无你想要的操作,请重新输入:') caozuopath = r"{}逻辑块存储.txt".format(xunhuan_choose) panduans = txttolist(path=caozuopath)
import threading import pyautogui from ctypes import * import time import os, sys import pyperclip import inspect import ctypes import _thread def _async_raise(tid, exctype): """raises the exception, performs cleanup if needed""" tid = ctypes.c_long(tid) if not inspect.isclass(exctype): exctype = type(exctype) res = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, ctypes.py_object(exctype)) if res == 0: raise ValueError("invalid thread id") elif res != 1: # """if it returns a number greater than one, you're in trouble, # and you should call it again with exc=NULL to revert the effect""" ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, None) raise SystemError("PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc failed") def stop_thread(threa): _async_raise(threa.ident, SystemExit) def get_caozuo_name(): dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) files1 = [] file_dir = r"{}".format(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])[:-13]) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_dir, topdown=False): files = files[:-1] for i in files: if '.txt' in i: files1.append(i[:-4]) return files1 def get_caozuokuai_name(): dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) files1 = [] file_dir = r"{}".format(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])[:-13]) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_dir, topdown=False): files = files[:-1] for i in files: if '逻辑块存储.txt' in i: files1.append(i[:-9]) return files1 def writeList2txt(file, data): ''' 将list写入txt :param data: :return: ''' file.write(str(data), encoding='uft8') def readListFromStr(str): ''' str -> List 除去冗余的方法调用 :param str: :return: ''' res, pos = help(str, 1) res1 = [] a = '1' for ii in res: iii = [] for i in ii: if type(i) == type(a): i = i.replace("'", "") iii.append(i) else: iii.append(i) res1.append(iii) return res1 def help(str, startIndex): ''' 单行字符串的读取,形成list :param str: :return: ''' str = str.replace(" ", "") # 将所有空格删去 res = [] i = startIndex pre = startIndex while i < len(str): if str[i] == '[': # 将pre-i-2的字符都切片,切split if i - 2 >= pre: slice = str[pre:i - 1].split(',') for element in slice: res.append(element) # 递归调用 加入子list child, pos = help(str, i + 1) res.append(child) i = pos # i移动到pos位置,也就是递归的最后一个右括号 pre = pos + 2 # 右括号之后是, [ 有三个字符,所以要+2至少 elif str[i] == ']': # 将前面的全部放入列表 if i - 1 >= pre: slice = str[pre:i].split(',') for element in slice: res.append(element) return res, i i = i + 1 return res, i def get_caozuo(caozuopath): with open(caozuopath, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: data = f.read() return data def get_xy(): x, y = pyautogui.position() return [x, y] def GetColor(xy): x = xy[0] y = xy[1] r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 try: gdi32 = windll.gdi32 user32 = windll.user32 hdc = user32.GetDC(None) # 获取颜色值 pixel = gdi32.GetPixel(hdc, x, y) # 提取RGB值 r = pixel & 0x0000ff g = (pixel & 0x00ff00) >> 8 b = pixel >> 16 except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n') return [r, g, b] def timer(timex): time.sleep(timex) def clicker_cishu(cishu, x, y, pinlv): for a in range(cishu): pyautogui.click(x, y) time.sleep(pinlv) def clicker_time(shijian, x, y, pinlv): start = time.time() while True: pyautogui.click(x, y) time.sleep(pinlv) end = time.time() shijian1 = end - start if shijian1 >= shijian: break def zhixing(step): for i in step: if i[0] == '点击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) pyautogui.click(x, y) print(f'已执行完点击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ') if i[0] == '延时': t = int(i[1]) timer(t) print(f'已执行完延时动作,延时时长:{t}秒') if i[0] == '连点': if i[2] == '连点次数': clicker_cishu(int(i[3]), int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1]), int(i[4])) print(f'已执行完连点操作,你选择的是{i[2]},连点次数是{i[4]}') if i[2] == '连点时长': clicker_time(int(i[3]), int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1]), int(i[4])) print(f'已执行完连点操作,你选择的是{i[2]},连点时长是{i[4]}秒') if i[0] == '拖拽': pyautogui.moveTo(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) pyautogui.dragTo(int(i[2][0]), int(i[2][1]), 1, button='left') print(f'已执行拖拽动作,拖拽起始位置是X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])},拖拽后的位置是X:{int(i[2][0])},Y:{int(i[2][1])}') if i[0] == '双击': pyautogui.click(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) pyautogui.click(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) print(f'已执行完点击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])} ') if i[0] == '输入': pyautogui.click(int(i[1][0]), int(i[1][1])) pyperclip.copy(i[2]) time.sleep(0.1) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v') if i[0] == '按键': pyautogui.hotkey(*i[1]) if i[0] == '右击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) pyautogui.rightClick(x, y) print(f'已执行完右击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ') if i[0] == '中击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) pyautogui.middleClick(x, y) print(f'已执行完中击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ') if i[0] == '滚动': import pywinauto.mouse x, y = pyautogui.position() pywinauto.mouse.scroll((x, y), i[1]) # (1100,300)是初始坐标,1000是滑动距离(可负) def cunchu(): yorn = input("执行完毕,是否保存?\n输入'yes'or'no'\n") while 1: if yorn == 'yes': if len(step) == 0: print('还未记录你任何操作,请添加操作再使用存储功能') else: do_name = input('请为以上操作命名吧:') path = r"{}.txt".format(do_name) listtotxt(list=step, path=path) break if yorn == 'no': print('你已取消存储') break else: yorn = input("请输入'yes'or'no':\n") def chakan(): if len(step) == 0: print('暂未录入操作,请先录入操作再查看') zizeng = 1 for i in step: if i[0] == '点击': x = int(i[1][0]) y = int(i[1][1]) print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行点击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{x},Y:{y} ') if i[0] == '延时': t = int(i[1]) print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行延时动作,延时时长:{t}秒') if i[0] == '连点': if i[2] == '连点次数': print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行连点操作,你选择的是{i[2]},连点次数是{i[4]}') if i[2] == '连点时长': print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行连点操作,你选择的是{i[2]},连点时长是{i[4]}秒') if i[0] == '拖拽': print( f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行拖拽动作,拖拽起始位置是X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])},拖拽后的位置是X:{int(i[2][0])},Y:{int(i[2][1])}') if i[0] == '双击': print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行点击动作,点击坐标位置:X:{int(i[1][0])},Y:{int(i[1][1])} ') if i[0] == '按键': print(f'第{zizeng}步:\n执行按键动作,将同时按下”{i[1]}“键') zizeng += 1 def daoru(): caozuojiyi = get_caozuo_name() while True: xunhuan_choose = input('已存储的操作有:{}\n请输入导入操作的操作名:'.format(caozuojiyi)) if xunhuan_choose in caozuojiyi: break else: print('存储库中并无你想要的操作,请重新输入:') caozuopath = r'{}.txt'.format(xunhuan_choose) step1 = txttolist(caozuopath) print(step1) return [step1, xunhuan_choose] def jianshi(): global state, rgb, rgb_xy, xiancheng while 1: aa = GetColor(rgb_xy) if aa == rgb: try: stop_thread(xiancheng) finally: state = '触发' print(f'检测到{rgb_xy}位置的RGB值变为{aa}') break def zhixingbuzhoukuai(buzhou, bu, xunhuanyn): global state print(f'正在执行"{buzhou}"代码块的操作') state = '未触发' if bu == '1': while 1: if state == '触发': break if state == '未触发': timer(0.1) elif xunhuanyn == '循环': while 1: if state == '触发': break if state == '未触发': zhixing(bu) elif xunhuanyn == '不循环': zhixing(bu) def listtotxt(list, path): import json c_list = list c_list = json.dumps(c_list) '''将c_list存入文件 ''' a = open(path, "w", encoding='UTF-8') a.write(c_list) a.close() print('已存入txt') def txttolist(path): import json b = open(path, "r", encoding='UTF-8') out = b.read() out = json.loads(out) return out rgb_xy = [] rgb = [] state = '未触发' panduans = [] step = [] while True: choose = input('请输入你需要使用的功能:') if choose == '点击': click = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click.append('点击') click.append(click_weizhi) step.append(click) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') if choose == '延时': while 1: timerr = [] try: timex = int(input('请输入延时时间:')) timerr.append('延时') timerr.append(timex) step.append(timerr) break except: print('延时失败/n请输入正确的延时时间') continue if choose == '连点': click_liandian = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click_liandian.append('连点') click_liandian.append(click_weizhi) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') click_pinlv = float(input('请输入连点频率:')) while 1: click_stop_choose = input('“连点次数”or“连点时长”') if click_stop_choose == '连点次数': click_cishu = int(input('请输入连点次数:')) click_liandian.append('连点次数') click_liandian.append(click_cishu) click_liandian.append(click_pinlv) step.append(click_liandian) print(click_liandian) print(step) break if click_stop_choose == '连点时长': click_shichang = int(input('请输入连点时长(秒):')) click_liandian.append('连点时长') click_liandian.append(click_shichang) step.append(click_liandian) click_liandian.append(click_pinlv) print(click_liandian) print(step) break else: continue if choose == '存储': if len(step) == 0: print('还未记录你任何操作,请添加操作再使用存储功能') else: do_name = input('请为以上操作命名吧:') path = r"{}.txt".format(do_name) listtotxt(list=step, path=path) if choose == '拖拽': tuozhuai = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成移动前的位置输入,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() tuozhuai.append('拖拽') tuozhuai.append(click_weizhi) while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成移动后的位置输入,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() tuozhuai.append(click_weizhi) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') step.append(tuozhuai) if choose == '循环执行': while 1: xunhuan_cishu_zhixing = 0 xunhuan_cishu = input('请输入循环次数(如要无限循环请输入"无限"):') if xunhuan_cishu == '无限': while True: zhixing(step) if xunhuan_cishu.isdigit(): for i in range(int(xunhuan_cishu)): xunhuan_cishu_zhixing += 1 zhixing(step) print(f'已完成{xunhuan_cishu_zhixing}次循环') break else: print('你的输入有误,请重新输入:') if choose == '导入': if len(step) == 0: step = daoru()[0] else: baocun_choose = input('此次操作若未保存请先,导入别的操作会覆盖原来的操作,你确定要导入吗?\n请输入“yes”or“no”:\n') while 1: if baocun_choose == 'no': break if baocun_choose == 'yes': print('你已取消保存') step = daoru()[0] break else: yorn = input("请输入'yes'or'no':\n") if choose == '输入': shuru = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到你要输入的位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() txt_in = input('请输入你要在该位置输入的文字:\n') shuru.append('输入') shuru.append(click_weizhi) shuru.append(txt_in) step.append(shuru) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') if choose == '按键': while 1: anjian = input('这是模拟操作键盘的操作(例如复制,输入'ctrl‘ + 'c‘):\n') if anjian != 'q': anjian = anjian.split('+') anjians = [] a = [] for an in anjian: an = an.replace("‘", "").replace("'", "").strip() if an in pyautogui.KEYBOARD_KEYS: anjians.append(an) nihaofan = 0 else: print('你的输入不合法') nihaofan = 1 break if nihaofan == 0: a.append('按键') a.append(anjians) step.append(a) print('录入成功') break if anjian == 'q': break if choose == '双击': click_double = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click_double.append('双击') click_double.append(click_weizhi) step.append(click_double) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') if choose == '滚动': while 1: gundong = [] try: gundong1 = int(input('这里是模拟鼠标滚动,请输入你要滚动距离(正数为向上移动,负数为向下移动):\n')) gundong.append('滚动') gundong.append(gundong1) step.append(gundong) break except: print('你的输入有误,请重新输入') if choose == '查看': chakan() if choose == '右击': click_r = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click_r.append('右击') click_r.append(click_weizhi) step.append(click_r) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') if choose == '中击': click_m = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': click_weizhi = get_xy() click_m.append('中击') click_m.append(click_weizhi) step.append(click_m) break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”') if choose == '执行': if len(step) == 0: print('你还未记录任何操作,请至少记录了一个操作再执行') else: zhixing(step) cunchu() if choose == '判断': if len(panduans) == 0: tuichu = 0 panduan = input('此功能的实现是基于颜色的RBG值来判断程序所要要执行的步骤块。\n现在,请选择你的‘先执行步骤块等待条件触发'或是‘直接等待条件触发'的操作:(输入"步骤块"或"等待")\n') if panduan == '如果': panduan_if = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上吸取颜色,输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': xy = get_xy() click_color = GetColor(xy) panduan_yn = input(f'这个位置的RGB为:{click_color},是否确定为下一步骤块的判断根据?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if panduan_yn == 'yes': get_caozuo_name() print(f'请选择满足当颜色为{click_color}时要执行的步骤包:') steps, steps_name = daoru() xunhuan_yn = input('这个步骤块是否循环执行至下一条件触发?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if xunhuan_yn == 'yes': panduan_if.append('如果') panduan_if.append(xy) panduan_if.append(click_color) panduan_if.append(steps_name) panduan_if.append('循环') panduan_if.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_if) print('添加成功,该步骤包将会循环') break elif xunhuan_yn == 'no': panduan_if.append('如果') panduan_if.append(xy) panduan_if.append(click_color) panduan_if.append(steps_name) panduan_if.append('不循环') panduan_if.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_if) print('添加成功,该步骤包将只执行一次') break else: xunhuan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no":') tuichu = 1 break if panduan_yn == 'no': print('请重新选择') break else: panduan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no"') if tuichu == 1: break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”)') if panduan == '步骤块': panduan_step = [] steps, steps_name = daoru() xunhuan_yn = input('这个步骤块是否循环执行直至条件触发?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if xunhuan_yn == 'yes': panduan_step.append('步骤块') panduan_step.append('循环') panduan_step.append(steps_name) panduan_step.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_step) break elif xunhuan_yn == 'no': panduan_step.append('步骤块') panduan_step.append('不循环') panduan_step.append(steps_name) panduan_step.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_step) break else: xunhuan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no":') if panduan == '等待': panduan_if = [] print('你选择了等待,程序将时刻检测目标位置的颜色以执行接下来的步骤块') panduan_if.append('等待') panduans.append(panduan_if) if panduan != '步骤块' and panduan != '如果' and panduan != '等待': print('你的输入有误') if len(panduans) > 0: print('你一录入了至少一个逻辑判断,请选择继续选择目标位置的颜色来触发接下来你选择的步骤块') panduan_if = [] while 1: click_dongzuo = input('请移动鼠标到目标位置上吸取颜色,输入“1”完成动作,输入“0”取消动作') if click_dongzuo == '1': xy = get_xy() click_color = GetColor(xy) panduan_yn = input(f'这个位置的RGB为:{click_color},是否确定为下一步骤块的判断根据?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if panduan_yn == 'yes': get_caozuo_name() print(f'请选择满足当颜色为{click_color}时要执行的步骤包:') steps, steps_name = daoru() xunhuan_yn = input('这个步骤块是否循环执行直至条件触发?(输入"yes"or"no")\n') while 1: if xunhuan_yn == 'yes': panduan_if.append('如果') panduan_if.append(xy) panduan_if.append(click_color) panduan_if.append(steps_name) panduan_if.append('循环') panduan_if.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_if) print('添加成功,该步骤包将会循环') break elif xunhuan_yn == 'no': panduan_if.append('如果') panduan_if.append(xy) panduan_if.append(click_color) panduan_if.append(steps_name) panduan_if.append('不循环') panduan_if.append(steps) panduans.append(panduan_if) print('添加成功,该步骤包将只执行一次') break else: xunhuan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no":') tuichu = 1 break if panduan_yn == 'no': print('请重新选择') break else: panduan_yn = input('你的输入有误,请输入"yes"or"no"') if tuichu == 1: break elif click_dongzuo == '0': print('操作已取消') break else: print('请输入正确的操作(输入“0”或“1”)') if choose == '逻辑执行': print('这里是逻辑执行库,所有的逻辑判断都会存储到这里') print(panduans) xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=('等待', '1', '循环')) xiancheng.setDaemon(True) xiancheng.start() for pan in panduans: state = '未触发' if pan[0] == '如果': print(pan[5]) print(len(pan[5])) bu = str(pan[5]) print(bu) bu = readListFromStr(bu) zhixing(bu) print(bu) if state == '未触发': if pan[4] == '循环': rgb = pan[2] rgb_xy = pan[1] _thread.start_new_thread(jianshi, ()) while 1: if state == '触发': xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=(pan[3], pan[5], '循环')) xiancheng.start() state = '未触发' break if pan[4] == '不循环': rgb = pan[2] rgb_xy = pan[1] _thread.start_new_thread(jianshi, ()) while 1: if state == '触发': xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=(pan[3], pan[5], '不循环')) xiancheng.start() state = '未触发' break if pan[0] == '步骤块': stop_thread(xiancheng) if pan[1] == '循环': xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=(pan[2], pan[3], '循环')) xiancheng.start() if pan[1] == '不循环': xiancheng = threading.Thread(target=zhixingbuzhoukuai, args=(pan[2], pan[3], '不循环')) xiancheng.start() if pan[0] == '等待': print('程序正在监测目标位置RGB值') print('逻辑执行已全部执行完毕') break if choose == '逻辑块存储': yorn = input("确定保存?\n输入'yes'or'no'\n") while 1: if yorn == 'yes': if len(panduans) == 0: print('还未记录你任何操作,请添加操作再使用逻辑块存储功能') else: do_name = input('请为以上操作命名吧:') if '逻辑块存储' in do_name: do_name = input('抱歉,你的命名里不允许包含”逻辑块存储“,请重新命名') else: path = r"{}逻辑块存储.txt".format(do_name) listtotxt(list=panduans, path=path) break if yorn == 'no': print('你已取消存储') break else: yorn = input("请输入'yes'or'no':\n") if choose == '逻辑块导入': caozuojiyi = get_caozuokuai_name() while True: xunhuan_choose = input('已存储的操作有:{}\n请输入导入操作的操作名:'.format(caozuojiyi)) if xunhuan_choose in caozuojiyi: break else: print('逻辑块存储库中并无你想要的操作,请重新输入:') caozuopath = r"{}逻辑块存储.txt".format(xunhuan_choose) panduans = txttolist(path=caozuopath) if choose == 'q' or choose == 'quit' or choose == '退出' or choose == 'close': break if choose == 'tips' or choose == '提示' or choose == 'help' or choose == '帮助': print( '''你可以输入'点击', '右击', '中击', '逻辑执行', '判断', '滚动', '延时', '存储', '执行', '循环执行', '拖拽', '连点', '输入', '双击', '查看', '导入', 'q', 'quit','退出', 'close', 'tips', '提示', 'help', '帮助', '按键'来帮助你完成你的自动化操作''') if not choose in ['点击', '右击', '中击', '逻辑执行', '判断', '滚动', '延时', '存储', '执行', '循环执行', '拖拽', '连点', '输入', '双击', '查看', '导入', 'q', 'quit','退出', 'close', 'tips', '提示', 'help', '帮助', '按键']: print('你的输入有误或暂未开发此功能,请重新输入(输入”help“获得提示)') print('代码已全部执行完毕,程序已退出')
import pyttsx3 engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say('我抢到了!快来看一下') engine.runAndWait()
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