点击 登录注册 即表示同意《亿速云用户服务条款》
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* { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: "Microsoft Yahei"; } html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; font-family: "Microsoft Yahei"; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body { background: linear-gradient(-135deg, #51D15B, #42A855); background: -moz-linear-gradient(-135deg, #51D15B, #42A855); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-135deg, #51D15B, #42A855); background: -o-linear-gradient(-135deg, #51D15B, #42A855); } .flex-box { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .box-width { width: 80%; } /*最外层*/ .login-box { width: 20%; min-width: 304px; max-width: 404px; height: 50%; min-height: 368px; max-height: 468px; flex-direction: column; box-shadow: 1px 1px 15px #7B8C99; background: #fff; } /*LOGIN标题*/ .sign-title { color: #42A855; border: 2px solid #42A855; border-top: transparent; border-left: transparent; border-right: transparent; } /*图片切换*/ .picture-carousel { position: relative; display: flex; margin: 10%; } /*图片切换箭头*/ .arrow { z-index: 3; position: absolute; font-size: 60px; height: 100%; width: 30%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; color: #ffffff; } .arrow:hover { cursor: pointer; } .left-arrow { left: 0; } .before-arrow { width: 0px; height: 0px; border-width: 30px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent #51D15B transparent transparent; } .right-arrow { right: 0; } .after-arrow{ width: 0px; height: 0px; border-width: 30px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent transparent transparent #51D15B; } .picture-carousel img { width: 80px; height: 80px; transition: all 0.2s linear; -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; -o-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; } .img-setting { margin: 0px -15px; } .p1 { transform: scale(0.6); z-index: 1; } .p1:hover { transform: scale(0.8); } .p2 { transform: scale(0.8); z-index: 2; } .p2:hover { transform: scale(1); } .p3 { transform: scale(1); z-index: 3; } .p3:hover { transform: scale(1.2); } /*用户名*/ .name-box { display: flex; justify-content: center; border: 1px solid #51D15B; } .name-box .user-name { width: 100%; text-align: center; padding: 10px; outline-color: #42A855; border: none; font-size: 16px; } /* 登录按钮 */ .button-box{ display: flex; justify-content: center; margin: 10px 0 20px; } .button-box .login-button{ width: 100%; padding: 10px 20px; outline:none; border: none; background: #42A855; color: white; font-size: 16px; } /* 错误信息 */ .error-box{ color: #42A855; border: 2px solid #42A855; border-top: transparent; border-left: transparent; border-right: transparent; } .error-box span{ visibility: hidden; color: #d43f3a; font-size: 14px; }
// 用于存储图片顺序 var imgArray = ["1","2","3","4","5"]; // 获取箭头 var leftArrow = document.getElementsByClassName("left-arrow")[0]; var rightArrow = document.getElementsByClassName("right-arrow")[0]; // 获取用户名 var userName = document.getElementsByClassName("user-name")[0]; // 获取登录按钮 var loginButton = document.getElementsByClassName("login-button")[0]; // 获取错误信息栏 var errorMessage = document.getElementsByClassName("error-message")[0]; // 添加左箭头监听事件 leftArrow.addEventListener("click",function(){ imgArray.unshift(imgArray[imgArray.length - 1]); // 向数组的开头添加一个元素 // imgArray.pop(); // 删除并返回数组的最后一个元素 carouselImg(); // 切换图片 }); // 添加右箭头监听事件 rightArrow.addEventListener("click",function(){ imgArray.push(imgArray[0]); // 把第一个元素放在最后 imgArray.shift(); // 删除并返回数组的第一个元素 carouselImg(); // 切换图片 }); // 切换图片 function carouselImg(){ for(var count = 0;count < imgArray.length;count++){ document.getElementsByTagName("img")[count].src = "./img/" + imgArray[count] + ".jpg"; document.getElementsByTagName("img")[count].alt=imgArray[count] + ".jpg"; } } // 添加登录按钮监听事件 loginButton.addEventListener("click",function(){ if(userName.value === ""){ errorMessage.innerHTML = "Please Type You Name"; errorMessage.style.visibility = "visible"; }else if(userName.value.length > 8){ errorMessage.innerHTML = "Your Name Cannot Over 8 Words"; errorMessage.style.visibility = "visible"; }else{ window.location.href=encodeURI("index.html?selectpicture=" + document.getElementsByClassName("p3")[0].alt + "&username=" + userName.value); } }); // Enter按键绑定登录事件 document.onkeydown = function (event) { var e = event || window.event; if(e && e.keyCode === 13){ loginButton.click(); } };
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>chat-room</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/index.css" /> </head> <body> <div> <!-- 聊天框头部 --> <div> <div> <input type="button" value="LOGOUT" /> </div> </div> <!-- 聊天框主体 --> <div> <!-- 聊天框左侧 --> <div> <!-- 聊天框左侧聊天内容 --> <div></div> <!-- 聊天框左侧聊天输入框 --> <div> <input type="text" placeholder="Please Type You Message" maxlength="15"/> <input type="button" value="SEND" /> </div> </div> <!-- 聊天框右侧 --> <div> <!-- 聊天框右侧统计人数 --> <div>Online:0</div> <!-- 聊天框右侧用户名 --> <div>user-name</div> <!-- 聊天框右侧头像 --> <img /> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <script src="./js/socket.io.js"></script> <script src="./js/index.js"></script>
*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "Microsoft Yahei" } html,body{ width: 100%; height: 100%; } /* 背景色 */ body{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background: linear-gradient(-135deg,#51D15B,#42A855); background: -moz-linear-gradient(-135deg,#51D15B,#42A855); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-135deg,#51D15B,#42A855); background: -o-linear-gradient(-135deg,#51D15B,#42A855); } /* 最外层 */ .chat-box{ width: 50%; max-width: 720px; min-width: 400px; height: 80%; min-height: 530px; max-height: 530px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; background: #fff; box-shadow: 1px 1px 15px #333; } /* 头部 */ .chat-header{ margin: 5px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 15px #7B8C99; } .button-box{ display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; } .log-out{ height: 100%; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 15px; color: #79C2EA; background: #fff; outline: none; border: none; border-radius: 15px; cursor: pointer; } /* 主体 */ .chat-body{ height: 90%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-around; align-items: center; margin: 5px; padding: 5px; } /* 主体左侧 */ .chat-body-left{ height: 100%; width: 70%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around; margin: 5px; } /* 左侧内容 */ .chat-content{ box-shadow: 1px 1px 15px #7B8C99; height: 100%; margin-bottom: 5px; overflow: scroll; } /*聊天气泡*/ .my-message-box { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; align-content: center; margin: 5px; } .other-message-box { display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; align-content: center; margin: 5px; } .message-content { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-content: center; background-color: #51D15B; padding:5px 10px; border-radius: 15px; color: #fff; } .other-message-content{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-content: center; background-color: #79C2EA; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 15px; color: #fff; } .message-content span{ padding:20px 0px; } .user-chat-img { width: 50px; height: 50px; } .other-message-content span{ padding: 20px 0px; } .message-arrow{ width: 0; height: 0; border-width:8px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent transparent transparent #51D15B; align-self: center; } .other-message-arrow{ width: 0; height: 0; border-width: 8px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent #79C2EA transparent transparent; align-self: center; } .user-information{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-content: flex-end; } .other-user-information{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-content: flex-end; } .user-chat-name{ color: #333; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; } /* 聊天输入框 */ .chat-edit{ margin-top: 5px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; box-shadow: 1px 1px 15px #7B8C99; overflow: hidden; } /* 聊天输入框输入区域 */ .edit-box{ width: 80%; height: 100%; margin: 5px; border: none; outline: none; } /* 聊天输入框按钮 */ .edit-button{ height: 100%; padding: 5px 15px; background: #fff; color: #79C2EA; outline: none; border: none; border-radius: 15px; cursor: pointer; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; } /* 主体右侧 */ .chat-body-right{ height: 100%; width: 30%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin: 5px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 15px #7B8C99; } .user-name{ margin: 15px; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #79C2EA; } .user-img{ width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 5px; } .online-count{ font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #79C2EA; } /* 兼容小屏幕 */ @media screen and (max-width:420px){ .chat-box{ width: 50%; max-width: 720px; min-width: 300px; height: 80%; min-height: 530px; max-height: 530px; } .chat-body-left{ height: 100%; width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around; margin: 5px; } .chat-body-right{ display: none; } }
// 获取url里面的内容 var url = decodeURI(location.href).split("?")[1].split("&"); //..数组第一个元素为图片路径,第二个元素为用户名 console.log(url); // 获取聊天内容框 var chatContent = document.getElementsByClassName("chat-content")[0]; // 获取聊天输入框 var editBox = document.getElementsByClassName("edit-box")[0]; // 获取聊天输入框发送按钮 var editButton = document.getElementsByClassName("edit-button")[0]; // 获取用户名栏 var userName = document.getElementsByClassName("user-name")[0]; // 获取在线人数栏 var onlineCount = document.getElementsByClassName("online-count")[0]; // 登录页面的名称放在右侧 userName.innerHTML = url[1].split("=")[1]; var userImg = document.getElementsByClassName("user-img")[0]; // 把登录页面的头像放在右侧 userImg.src = `./img/${url[0].split("=")[1]}`; var logOut = document.getElementsByClassName("log-out")[0]; // 发送按钮绑定点击事件 editButton.addEventListener("click",sendMessage); // 登出按钮绑定点击事件 logOut.addEventListener("click",closePage); // 绑定Enter键和发送事件 document.onkeydown = function(event){ var e = event || window.event; if(e && e.keyCode === 13){ if(editBox.value !== ""){ editButton.click(); } } }; // 关闭页面 function closePage(){ var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; console.log(`userAgent=${userAgent}`); if(userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1 || userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1){ //..如果是火狐或者谷歌 window.location.href = "about:blank"; }else{ window.opener = null; window.open("","_self"); window.close(); } } // socket部分 var socket = io(); // 当接收到消息并且不是本机时生成聊天气泡 socket.on("message",function(information){ console.log("收到消息",information); if(information.name !== userName.textContent){ // 不是本机时 createOtherMessage(information); // 生成聊天气泡 } }); // 当接收到有人连接进来 socket.on("connected",function(onlinecount){ console.log(`有人登录,在线人数为:${onlinecount}`); onlineCount.innerHTML = "Online:" + onlinecount; }); // 当接收到有人断开后 socket.on("disconnected",function(onlinecount){ console.log(`有人断开啦:当前人数为:${onlinecount}`); onlineCount.innerHTML = "Online:" +onlinecount; }); // 发送本机的消息 function sendMessage(){ if(editBox.value != ""){ //..如果发送内容不为空 var myInformation = { name :userName.textContent, chatContent : editBox.value, img : userImg.src }; socket.emit("message",myInformation); createMyMessage(); // 创建本机聊天气泡 editBox.value = ""; //..清空文本框 } } // 生成本机的聊天气泡 function createMyMessage(){ var myMessageBox = document.createElement("div"); myMessageBox.className = "my-message-box"; var messageContent = document.createElement("div"); messageContent.className = "message-content"; var text = document.createElement("span"); text.innerHTML = editBox.value; messageContent.appendChild(text); myMessageBox.appendChild(messageContent); var arrow = document.createElement("div"); arrow.className = "message-arrow"; myMessageBox.appendChild(arrow); var userInformation = document.createElement("div"); userInformation.className = "user-information"; var userChatImg = document.createElement("img"); userChatImg.className = "user-chat-img"; userChatImg.src = userImg.src; var userChatName = document.createElement("div"); userChatName.className = "user-chat-name"; userChatName.innerHTML= userName.textContent; userInformation.appendChild(userChatImg); userInformation.appendChild(userChatName); myMessageBox.appendChild(userInformation); chatContent.appendChild(myMessageBox); chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; // 滚动到最新聊天内容 } // 生成其他用户的聊天气泡 function createOtherMessage(information) { var otherMessageBox = document.createElement("div"); otherMessageBox.className = "other-message-box"; var otherUserInformation = document.createElement("div"); otherUserInformation.className = "other-user-information"; var userChatImg = document.createElement("img"); userChatImg.className = "user-chat-img"; userChatImg.src = information.img; var userChatName = document.createElement("span"); userChatName.className = "user-chat-name"; userChatName.innerHTML = information.name; otherUserInformation.appendChild(userChatImg); otherUserInformation.appendChild(userChatName); otherMessageBox.appendChild(otherUserInformation); var otherMessageArrow = document.createElement("div"); otherMessageArrow.className = "other-message-arrow"; otherMessageBox.appendChild(otherMessageArrow); var otherMessageContent = document.createElement("div"); otherMessageContent.className = "other-message-content"; var text = document.createElement("span"); text.innerHTML = information.chatContent; otherMessageContent.appendChild(text); otherMessageBox.appendChild(otherMessageContent); chatContent.appendChild(otherMessageBox); chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; }
// 引入必须模棱 var express = require("express"); var app = express(); var http = require("http").Server(app); var io = require("socket.io")(http); var path = require("path"); // 在线人数统计 var onlineCount = 0; app.use(express.static(__dirname)); // 路径映射 app.get("/login.html",function(request,response){ response.sendFile("login.html"); }); // 当有用户连接进来时 io.on("connection",function(socket){ console.log("a user connected"); // 发送给客户端在线人数 io.emit("connected",++onlineCount); // 当有用户断开 socket.on("disconnect",function(){ console.log("user disconnected"); // 发送给客户端人数 io.emit("disconnected",--onlineCount); console.log(onlineCount); }); // 收到了客户端发来的消息 socket.on("message",function(message){ // 给客户端发送消息 console.log("服务器收到的消息为:",message); io.emit("message",message); }); }); var server = http.listen(4000,function(){ console.log("Server is running"); });
node server.js
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